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Jungkook's POV

"Aish...You're heavy."I complained half sleep half awake.

"V hyung."I said while removing his legs between my legs.

Then I realize who is with me last night.And it's Minji and not V hyung.

I quickly opened my eyes and Minji's pretty face welcome me.

Gosh,she's so beautiful why I didn't notice that before.Her pointed nose,her rosy cheeks,her long eyelashes,and her kissable lips are all perfect.I didn't really don't understand why that guy waste a girl like her.She's perfect.

She opened her eyes and I quickly looked away since I'm staring at her a very long time.

"Oww.."She said as she remove her legs on mine making the two of us get embarrassed.

"I'm just going to take a bath.You too take a bath it's your fan signing day."She said while standing up awkwardly.


Minji's POV

We are here at Bighit but my mind is still in Jungkook's house.I woke up with my one legs is between his two legs and I caught him staring at me like the hell.

"Hey you're spacing out.Look what you done to my face."He said looking his face on the mirror in front of us.His foundation on his face is not balance,one lighter while the other side is darker.

"Oh....I.....I'm sorry."I said as I turned my chair on the other side,back facing him,to get the powder.I got it and face him again but I regret it soon because our nose touch and we almost kiss.My heart beats fast and my world stop for a moment.I can't move even I want to move,then the powder on my hand dropped on the floor.

The sounds of it make the both of us bring to reality.

"Oh my!"I said as push my chair backward and picked the powder on the floor.I put it on the make up table and headed to the closet to pick some clothes for Jungkook.

Minji, that was so embarrassing!

"Hey! what's wrong with you!"His voice startled me.

"What the hell!"I said as I turned around.I lost my balance and I thought I will kiss the floor but I ended on Jungkook's chest.Now the both of us are lying on the couch with our faces are few inches away.His heart beats really fast and my stupid heart did too.We stare to each other and no one of us are willing to broke the staring challenge.

Until the door suddenly open and Bangtan entered the room.

But my body can't to move.Jungkook push me!

"I might sa-"

"Oh my god!Hahaha!You two!hahaha!Guys!This is not the place fo-"Jimin elbowed him and I quickly stand up and run outside the room.I slammed the door and lean my back on the wall.

My heart!really beats faster this time.What's wrong with you,heart,whenever Jungkook is beside me you're like that crazy heart.



Do you like him?

Of course not!

Jungkook's POV

"Oh my god!Hahaha!You two!hahaha!Guys!This is not the place fo-"Jimin hyung elbowed him and Minji quickly stand up and run outside the room.And next thing I heard is a loud slammed of the door

"Hmmmmmmmm."Suga hyung cleared his throat bringing to reality.

"We didn't know that you're that fast to find someone after your br-"Suga hyung elbowed J-hope hyung for the second time.

Minji's POV

"Aghhhhhh!Minji!Fix yourself!"I yelled but it's okay no one can hear me because I'm here on the rooftop.

"Aghhhhhh!Minji!Fix yourself!"Someone imitate in girlier tone.

I turned around to see Jimin gigling.He approached me and stand beside me.

"Tell me do I look in love?"I asked like he is a person who really close with me.Then he made a 'let me think'face.

"How should I know.Are we friends?"He asked in a playful tone as he laugh.


"Okay."I said and walked past by him.

"Yah!Of course we are friend's.Why should I came here and waste my time if I didn't really care for you."He said and smiled and I almost melt on his smiles.

That's the kindest words that I heard so far.My poor heart again!

Jungkook's POV

"Guys! Proceed to the table!"Manager said and I  stand up from being sit.

"Wait!Your.....Your collar...."She mumbled in her last word.

"What?"I asked awkwardly since she's ignoring me from Bighit until here at the venue.She approach me and fix my collar.

And now,you made me feel like this again,Minji.You made my heart beats fast like going to popped later on.

"Come on guys!"Manager said and that makes me bring to reality.

"Thank you."I said and she just smiled awkwardly.

We are here now at fan signing venue.As usual many Army's and V hyung childishness activated.

But my mind is still on Minji.

I want to ask her.


Why are you shaking up my heart?




~cute savage~

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