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3rd Person's POV

"...Oh!Finally the two pabo are dating!"J-hope exclaimed when they saw Minji and Jungkook approaching them while holding each hands.

Bts wanted to hangout since it's their free day.

"...Wow!I never see a handsome face like this before.."Jin said while looking at the screen of his phone.

"What is it,hyung?"V asked really curious.

"This..."He said and show the screen of his phone.

"Ow,"That's the only word came out on Minji's mouth when she saw the Jin's own face on the screen.

"Not again,hyung."Suga said boringly.

"Aish,by the way where should we go for the long vacation next week."Jungkook said changing the topic and letting Jin laugh by his own stupidity.

"Japan.."V suggested.

"Not again."The three Japanese girl said.

"We've been there for two consecutive year."Momo said rolling her eyes.

"But Kumamon..."Suga mumbled.

"And Pokémon.."V added.

"I think we should stay here in Korea..Like Jeju."Namjoon suggested and everyone hummed as response.

"Ahh..I can't wait to eat there."Jin said.

"I can't wait to sleep there."Suga said as he put his chin on his palm.

"I can't wait to play War of Legends until the day end."Minji said and happiness is noticeable on her voice.

"What?Why are you still playing that?Even you always place second to me."Jungkook asked grabbing everyone's attention.

"Yah!lemme tell you Jeon Jungkook that I place first on the battle you plan."Minji said crossing her arms on her chest.

"You just did it once."

"I still did it anyway!"

"But I still win a lot battle compared to you."

"But at least I place first once."

"I'm the one who win the patch."

"I didn't even join the tournament."

The two are bickering and the rest just watching the two.

"Are you sure that they are dating."Namjoon mumbled to Jimin.

"I don't know?"Jimin answered unsured.

""Did you smell that?"Everyone look at Jin who is inhaling a lot of air making the holes of his nose wider.

"What again?"Everyone asked.

"The smell of our long vacation."He said making everyone annoyed.

"Let's go..."We all said grabbing our things and left him dumbfounded on the table.


1 week later...

Minji's POV

I'm resting peacefully when my phone ring.

My sight is still blurry so I can't read the callers ID.My eyes become bigger when I saw 5 missed call from Jungkook and he's calling me again.

Jungkook:Fix your stuff I'm going to fetch you.
Me:I can go by myself.
Jungkook:So bad.I'm already  here outside.

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