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Minji's POV

".... Here's your water."I said handing to him a bottle of water and a piece of towel.He just stare at it and walked past by me leaving my both hands on the air.

"Thanks....I'm thirsty."Jimin said and drink the water.I just look down to hide any tears that might fall on my cheeks.

He throw the bottle on the trash can and pulled my hand.


"Just cry..."He said and my tears fall.I put my both hands on my face and cried.

"Something really happened between the two of you."

"I know that you are Lee Hyerin, Jungkook's childhood friend and first love."He said my tears flinch.

"How did you know?"I asked.

"I'm the one who took the info on the investigator."I gulped.He even take an investigator?

"Now you have nothing to hide from me.Then tell me what happened between the two of you."He said straightly looking to my eyes.

"....Uhmmmm.Jungkook confessed to me,but I think he just love me he because already know that I'm Lee Hyerin.So that's why I rejected him,but in the end it's just gave me tears."I said and put my chin on my palm.

"I don't know if I'm going to say this but...."He said and let a deep sigh to calm him.

"Even before that he still didn't know that you are Lee Hyerin,he confessed to me that he likes you."He said and his eyes get watery.


"Yes."He answered as he smiles and his smiles covered his watery eyes.

"Then what should I do?"I said frustrated.

"Confessed to him."


The working hours is ended! Finally I can lie on my soft bed.

"Confessed to him."I remembered it.

Gosh,he sounds so easy!I don't have the courage to tell him my feelings.

Nevermind I need to tell  my feelings to Jungkook.I quickly grabbed my sling bag and rush to the parking lot to ride at my car.

3rd Person's POV

"What the hell..."Jungkook said after looking at his side mirror for a several times.

Jungkook notice a car that following him since he left Bighit building.

"No way it's Minji."He notice a familiar car.

He drive so fast!Minji mentally said.

Jungkook is now on the empty  road and keep on driving but the car still following him.He stopped at the sidewalk and as an expectation,the another car also stop.

Jungkook quickly went out on his car and go to the another car that following him.

".... You!...."Jungkook stood in frozen when he saw Minji coming out from the car.

"What do you want?"Jungkook asked and there's a noticeable irritation on his voice.

Minji take a deep breathe and face Jungkook."I want to talk to you."

"You told me to stay away from you."He said then Minji took out his phone and show the screen on Jungkook,which is the ranklist of War of Legends.

"I place first."She said and shove her phone on her pocket.

"So now,may I go."Jungkook hates the feeling that his heart beats crazy just only staring at her.

"No you supposed to grant me a wish."She said.

"What is it?Make it quick."He asked with an irritation.

"I wish for your time."She said."Can we talk somewhere?"

*Are you playing with me Minji?*Jungkook mentally asked.

"My time?"The boy asked and the girl quickly nodded.

"*smirk*Are you playing with me?"The boy asked really pissed.

"You said to leave you alone and you don't feel any feeling towards me.Then your asking for my time?"Jungkook is really pissed this time.

"Tha-"Minji was cut off

"If you want to play with my feelings,well you just ask me another wish, because your making me stupid to your stupid wish."

The girl become speechless.

"Minji, there's nothing to talk between us."Jungkook said and looked away.

Minji is having a a heart attack,because her heart beats really fast.

"So I am begging you.Don't talk to me again.It's the best for us."He said as he walked towards his car and drive again.

Minji just froze in her posotion.She won't going to enter her car if the rain didn't make her wet.

I made up my mind.I won't give up on you,Jungkook.

She drive again and followed Jungkook's car again.

"Wth!"Jungkook said when Minji's car appeared again in his side mirror.Jungkook drive faster and Minji did too.

Jungkook stopped his car in the park and quickly go out even it's rain very hard.

Minji go out of her car and followed Jungkook.

"Minji what do you want?!"Jungkook yelled that makes Minji flinch.

"You didn't grant me a wish.So,I wish for your time."Minji said and Jungkook is really really pissed this time.

"Am I look that easy to you?!That you're going to play with me.Your just messing up my feelings.You said you don't feel any feelings towards me and leave you alone then your here asking for my time?!Are you stupid?!"Jungkook yelled and Minji just look down.

Minji's heart didn't go back to normal beat since she face Jungkook.

"So I'm going to tell you this for the last time."Jungkook stare at Minji with a hollow eyes.
"Don't ever ta-"





~cute savage~

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