36.Little Liar

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Warning!This chapter is lil bit SPG if you're not comfortable just proceed to next chapter.

3rd Person's POV

Minji is walking alone in the hall,still thinking about what a stupidity he did last day.She is really disappointed to herself,because he brought her boyfriend on his ex.

She turned right still looking down and uninterested to talk to anyone.

"Hey! Minji!"J-hope's voice echoed on her thoughts.She lift her head to see Bangtan,then her eyes landed on Jungkook.She quickly turned around and in a split of seconds he made her way turning back to her direction lately.

"Ughh..She feels really bad."J-hope said making Jungkook felt a sudden worries towards his girlfriend.

I must talk to her.


Minji's POV

*You're stupid!why did you bring him on his ex girlfriend?*I mentally said that's not only bothering me.I remembered how Jungkook cried so hard when Hanuel left him,we even had a fight for that thing.The thoughts of Jungkook maybe feel a spark of love when he met again his ex,is bothering me so bad.

I'm here in the park exerting a lot of tears,that I've been fighting back since then.It's midnight but I'm still here sitting on the bench alone,waiting for myself to calm down.

I put my both hands on my face to cover my messy face.My eyes is so painful for crying 2 hours straight.I stand and decided to walk home, it's only two steps when I heard someone calling my name.

It's Jungkook's voice,maybe it's just my hallucinations,because we didn't talk this day.

I sighed and started again to walk."Minji."Jungkook called.It must not a hallucinations this time.

I turned around and I saw Jungkook with his both hands are in his pocket.

I don't know what to do?I don't know what to say?

So,I hang my head lower and bitting my lips to hold back the tears."I-I'm so-sorry."I said stuttering,I still suffering how to manage my tears.I didn't endure my emotions,a several tears keep on falling on the ground,then a paired of shoes appeared on my blurry sight.

He lifted my chin and wiped my tears away with his thumb."It's okay..."He said and kissed my forehead then he pulled me to a tight hug.I hug back and cried on his chest,making his clothes wet.He is attempting to broke the hug but I pulled him again."No..Stay like this."I said and he chuckled.


"Look what have you done?"He said pointing the wet part of his clothes,because of my tears.

"*chuckled*I'm sorry."I said and he took a sit beside me on his couch.He then put his head on my lap.

"I miss you."He said out of nowhere making my cheeks burn up.I just stayed quiet waiting for him to talk again.He then sit properly and quickly crashed his lips on mine.He pulled me closer to him making the kiss deepened and hotter.Afterwards we tilt to an opposite direction,he slowly bite my lower lip, and his hands travel on my back unhooking my bra,I bite his lower lip,"Ouch."He said and I saw some blood on it,he quickly run to the bathroom.

I feel a sudden embarrassment,to what I've done.Did I bite his lips that hard?

"You're so violent,huh."He said and I just stay quiet because of embarrassment.

"Let's go."He said pulling my hands and following his footstep without making any comments.

"We are here!"He said snapping my thoughts.I looked around to realize that we are here in his rooftop.

"Let's go."He said pulling me to a room made of curtain.He parted the curtain and I saw a Christmas lights surrounded the area and our pictures together are hang everywhere.There's a bed and in front of the bed is a TV.Making everything romantic and lovely.

Jungkook pulled my hand on bed,we both lie down on the bed with my head is on his chest.He switch on the TV and my favorite drama is playing.

"Jungkook."I called and he just hum.

"Did you feel any spark of love when you saw Hanuel?"I asked making me think that I must not talk.

"What if I say yes?"He asked playfully."Then we should break right now."I sending some deadly glares at him.

"I'm just kidding,she existed in my past which is can't no longer recovered.With you here by my side is enough than anything else."He said making me have a mini heart attack,because of his charming words.

"You're jealous again right?"He asked and just nodded,I admit it.

"Aww! Your really love me!"He said pinching my nose.

"Excuse me, you're the first who confess to me."I retort."I don't need your word to say how you much you love me."He replies looking deeply in my eyes."Then I'll make you confessed again but now your body will do it."He said and place his lips on my neck and kissed the area.

I totally lied down on the bed with him on my top,still kissing the my neck.

"We still have the long night..."He said as his hands travel on my back and unhook my bra."But I-I'm on period.."I said and his lustful expression soon change,with his mouth is open and his eyes almost ready to fall out of their socket.

"Look *laughs* at your face."I said pointing his face."You little liar."He said when he realize that I'm joking around.

"Well,you like playing huh.Then let's play,you need to keep those lips glued and don't even make a sound, because if you don't that I'll make scream nightlong."He said as I gulped  and feel a sudden scared.

He continue putting some sexual kiss on my neck.I'm nearly to moan but I manage to not do it.

"Hmm.Trying not make any sound,I see."He said and let a devilish smile.He then put some sensual kisses on my collarbone.

God! he's so shameless!

The wet sounds made my his lips as soon as they came I'm contact with my skin which making me to have a butterflies on my stomach.

"Ahhhh..."a moaned escaped on my mouth as soon his hands travel on my thigh and his finger running up and down caressing my thigh while his lips continue to leave a hickeys on my neck.

"Seems like someone already lose..*smirk*you remembered the punishment right?"He said and I just gulped.




~cute savage~

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