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Jungkook's POV

I opened the door with my  hand and the other one is holding a bucket of fried chicken.I opened the door to see a blood stain on the floor.The bucket of fried chicken on my hand fell on the floor.

"Minji!!!!"I yelled but nothing respond me.I run upstairs to see a dark room.I quickly dialled her number but he didn't pick it up.

Random thoughts entered my mind.

Should I tell her parents? No!her father has a heart attack he might admit to the hospital,when he found out that Minji is nowhere to be seen.

I sit on the bed and messing my hair.What if something happened to her.

No Jungkook calm down,but the blood stain on the floor making me think something happened to her.

Then my phone buzz,I quickly look on the caller ID hoping that Minji is calling me,but it was Jimin hyung.

Jimin:Jungkook where are you?!!!
Me:At house.
Jimin:Come here at here at the hospital two blocks away from the Bonjour cafe!!!
Jimin:Minji is.....*sobs*
Me:What?!!!!!Minji is wha-
Jimin:Minji is dying.

His words make my mind blank.My phone fell on the floor as soon my body become numb.


I run to the hallway of the hospital so fast."Don't run on the hospital."The nurse said but I ignored her and continue running towards the room where she is.

When I arrived I see my friends my mother and Minji's parents crying on the hallway, waiting for the doctor to come out.We almost occupied the space on the hallway since we are all here.

My tears started to come out my eyes and my mother pulled me to her embrace.

"I'm sorry we didn't save here,we did our best but her body gave up."


It's been 5 years when she left us.It's been five years when the tragedy happened.She's gone,we all miss her.I miss her laugh,her giggles her smile her voice,her scent and her presence when we are in the dance room.I miss every piece of her but she left us.

Tears roll in my cheeks while looking at the grave and remembering all the moments with her.

"I'm sorry guys!My car broken so that's why I need to commute."She said and I quickly wiped my tears.

"We didn't expect a lot from you."J-hope retort and I can imagine her rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Afterwards a pair of arm is wrapped around my waist.I look at her and a sweet my smile pasted on my lips when I saw her smiling.

Then she looks at the grave,"Hey!How are you?Are you floating on the clouds? Don't enjoy it okay? It's better if you're here."She said and she mumbled on her last word as soon her tears rolled in her cheeks.I pulled her and hugged her then I rub her back in circles.

"I thought I'm going to lost this precious girl."I said and her sobs replace by a cute giggles.

"You should not beat the guy who have a mental disorder wearing a doctor's gown and told you that I'm died "She said chuckling.

"He said that you died,I almost ruined his face."I said and we both chuckling between the hug.

"Ahhhhhhh!We broke the hug when my daughter scream,then Momo and J-hope hyung lift my twins and put them I'm their arms.

"Why baby?"Momo asked as she wiped the tears on my daughter's cheek.

"Jihoon said that she saw Aunt Minzy on my back."She said pointing her brother while pouting so hard.

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