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Jungkook's POV

2 days later~

She keep her distance with me.

She's not talking to me.

She's avoiding any contact with me.

In short,

She's ignoring me.

It's been two days since the rooftop incident happened.She really hate me because I told him that she's just my PA.

How stupid Jungkook!

Because of that she's not my PA anymore.Me and Jimin hyung change a PA.She laugh and smile often when she is with Jimin hyung.I don't know but I'm jealous because  before I'm the one who make her smile and laugh.

I tried saying sorry to her.I put some sorry note on the rooftop where she always promenade,but I just saw it crumpled on the ground.I also put on her desk but I just saw it on the trashcan.That's how she hate me right now.

Now,I'm going to put some sorry note for the third time.

She's busy talking to her friends so I will take this opportunity.I walked towards them and put a sorry note in her sling bag.She didn't even notice me when I put some sticky note on her bag.

Afterwards she bid her goodbye to her friends,she look at her sling bag and she notice the sticky notes.

My heart shattered when she just crumpled it and leave it on the hallway.

I lost my sweetest PA.

I lost my friend.

I lost the most concerned person in my life.

I lost Minji.


Minji's POV

Jungkook keep trying to say sorry to me but he's a coward that he can say it personally he just keep on giving me a sorry note in the rooftop,in my desk and even on my bag.

Even how many sorry note he will give,he can't erase the the bruise in my heart.Saying that I'm just his PA so stop interfering on his problem.

It's hurt a lot because all this time I'm just his PA for him.Why he didn't tell me when he still in the good condition so it's not more painful.But he tell me when he is heart broken so it's so painful because I think I'm just his friend when he is in the good mode and not anymore when he is in bad mode.


"Hot ramen is so delicious!"I said trying to be happy but still my sadness is prevailing.

Ah! Jungkook you made me feel like this.

I feel so helpless because I really thought that our relationship is that deep and because of that I fall in love with him like the hell I've been like this.

My tears fell on my both cheeks that's how painful I am right now.

"I love you too."A familiar voice interrupted me.

I looked at the voice direction and a couple greet me.They looks so cute, the boy pinching the girls cheek and the girls giggles.

But my heart stop beating when the person I'm scared at is here in my side.

The boy is Jinwoo.


"Jinwoo! Stop!Ple.........Please..."I said between the sobs.

"Baby, don't stop me to what I'm doing to you!I know you like it so it's not the last time.I'll be back."He and his hot breath on my neck send shivers on my spine.

"Wtf!"The words echoed on the lane.

End of the flashback

I quickly grabbed my sling bag and went out of the convenient store.

I thought I get his attention.The door of the convenient store opened,I look at the door and it was Jinwoo.I tried my best to hide my self on the tree.

I feel some relief when he's no where to be seen.

"Thanks God."I said and sighed.

"Thank God later on because we will have some quality time first."

That voice made my knees shake and the hair on my body stands.

"I never thought I found you again."He said and his hot breath on my neck send shivers down in my spine.

I turned to face him and push him with all my force.

"Ouch!"I yelp in my when he pulled my hair.
He grabbed my both shoulders and pinned to tree.

"It's been a while since I taste those."He said while tracing my lips with his index finger.

Someone save me.

"Fuck off."A familiar voice said then Jinwoo look at his back and leave me behind.

"Oh!Jeon fucking Jungkook."He said and I saw Jungkook gritted his teeth.

I wonder how did he know his name?

My mind bring back to reality when the both of them are retrieving punch.

"Hey stop it!"I said while trying to separate the two but they just push me away.

Jungkook punch him and that's make Jinwoo fell on the ground.Jungkook attempting to beat Jinwoo again but I grabbed his arm.

"Jungkook stop!"I said and he just clench his fist.

"It's not the last Jungkook! You must prepared for it!"Jinwoo said while wiping some blood on his lips.

"Leave now because I'm still giving you a chance."Jungkook said while clenching his fist.

"Like I'm scared to you.Jeon fucking Jungkook."He said and leave with a smirk.

Now,me and Jungkook are left in the scene.

"Are you okay."Jungkook asked while checking me.

"Just leave."I said and looked away.

"How can you even say that if you know that your life is on dange-"I cut him off.

"Like what you did to me when I just want to help you."I said holding back my tears so I just looked down to hide it.

He pulled me and that makes me bump to his chest then finally my tears fell.

"Minji.....I'm sorry......your not just my PA........... That's why I keep on trying to say sorry to you........I'm really really sorry.....Please comeback......"




~cute savage~

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