25.I Love You

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Minji's POV

"...Aish it's so cold."I mumbled while rubbing my two hands.In the corner of my eyes I saw Jungkook staring at me, but I just don't mind it.

He grabbed my one hand and hold it tighter,then he put our hands on the pocket of his jacket.

"Are you still feeling cold?"He asked and I just send a reassuring smile.

"No I'm fine."Good act.

Then he stop and go in front of me.He grabbed my both hands and massage it.

"You pabo.How can you see that you are fine even your hands are cold."He said very concerned.

I'm speechless.....

He grabbed my hands and we both sit under the tree with our shoulders are touching.

"I feel sleepy."He said and put his head on my lap.

"Hey Jungkook.."I said while shaking my lap.

"Don't move."He said and hold my lap with his hands then the next thing I found him dozing off on my lap.

How can he even sleep in this situation.Then reality snapped when Jungkook hand hit my cheeks.

"Ouch..."I yelp in pain.

"Why?"He asked after he sit properly.

I glare at him."You hit my cheek."I said while pointing the red mark on my cheek.

"Here?"He asked while touching my cheek gently.

Then I froze when he planted a soft and gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Better right?"He asked and I just stare at him.

This not our first kiss,but my heart is pounding.

He stand up and look down to me."Wait for me here I'm just going to buy something."He said and without my answer he left.He left me confused.


"Here.."He said and hand me a strawberry ice cream.Love it!

"Thanks.."I said and start licking the ice cream.

"You know Hyerin really like strawberry ice cream."He said while licking his ice cream.My heart suddenly beats faster.

"W-who is she?"I asked awkwardly and I can't even look at him.

"Well she is my childhood friend back to America and my first love."He said and in his last word he smile widely.

"Ahh...Okay..First love?so cheesy!"I said and awkwardly chuckled.

"They said that first love never dies...Do you believe in that?"I asked out of curiosity.
Do you still love me?

"Yes..I believe to it, because until now I still love her.I'm dying to see her."Well I'm here but not as Hyerin instead Minji.

"Well..Okay? let's go! It's kinda night my uncle might scold me."I said and I quickly stand up because the conversation might go far.


"I'm tired."I mumbled to myself.

"Come."He said and bent down for a piggy back.Am I that loud when I say that I'm tired.

Whatever..I ride to his back and he continue to walk.

Hyerin,I totally forget you,but the person you love still looking for you.He still loves you.Jungkook love Hyerin and not me.What if he found out that I am Hyerin,is he going to love as Hyerin and not Minji?

"You know, Hyerin is so lucky because all this time you still love her."I said out of no where.

"Hmm..I don't know why but after all this time,I still love her.I see my life together with her and my 12 children."He said and we both chuckled.

"Your pervert.I ho..."I realized my words.

Go make an excuse.

"I hope that you will take me as your wedding coordinator."I said and chuckled.

"No because,your going to be our maid."He said and chuckled then I lightly smacked her head.

"Put me down."I said and he did.

"Already pissed?"He asked while chasing me.

"No..Just get lost."


It's Sunday, no work and no Jungkook.
I don't why but I didn't miss him that much,because I know that he is not going to miss me, since he always saying that he miss Hyerin.So no more expectations.Tsk.

Then my phone suddenly vibrated.

"Who dare to call me this late night."I said as I answer the phone call coming from Jimin.

Jimin:Minji...Can..you ca..came hir?
Why does he sound like sottish?
Me:Where?wait,are you drunk?
Jimin:Yi..Come hir on r durm.Jungkook nids someone bicoz his rilly drunk.

Before I could say something he ended the phone call.

I quickly grabbed my coat and made my way downstairs.


I open their dorm and a forest welcome me.It's really dirty, tissue anywhere,broken pieces of bottle,left over chips and Bangtan lying on the different part of the room.Jimin and V cuddling,Rapmonster below the table,Jin lying on J-hope's foot while hugging it,Suga is on way on his bed but he didn't averted so he ended lying on the floor and Jungkook is on his bed.

I approach him and sit on the edge of his bed.

"You're so stink."I said and walked towards his closet.

I unbuttoned his sleevess and throw it on the laundry basket.

Should I remove his sleeveless shirt?

Just think that it's part of your job as his PA.

I removed his sleeveless shirt and change him to a plain white t-shirt.

I put his blanket up and on the aircon.I grabbed my sling bag and ready to leave the place when he grabbed my hand.

"....I love you..."He said while holding my hand.

What kind of confession is this?

"I love you t-."

"Hyeirn....I love you Hyerin."He said as he unloosee my hand and my heart shattered into pieces.

I'm right that he still loves Hyerin and not me.For the second,you made think that you fall in love with me but it's not.It just your simple act,and I'm this stupid to fall in love with you.Why are you like this Jungkook? Showing me a motive that shows that you like me,but in the end it's not really.

You love me as Hyerin and not as Minji.

Reality slapped me.



~cute savage~

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