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Minji's POV

This park seems like the place where I exert all my emotions.Where I laugh,I smiled and cried.Thanks to human being who build this park,you such a good creator.

"Minji..."Minzy's voice echoed on my head.She hugged me very tight and rub my back in circles.

"Tell me what happened?"She asked after we broke the hug.

"He didn't love me as Minji instead he love me as Hyerin.For the second time I fall in love with him,but it's a mistake."I said while holding back my tears.

"He always show me a motive that he likes me too,but in the end it's not really."

"You know we are the same.I've fall in love with Jimin because he always care for me,but in the end I'm not the one he likes."She said while I'm carefully listening to her words.

She look at me."....Because he likes you."She said and smiled at the end.How can she even smile this time.She's brave unlike me.

"...You must be kidding."I said and chuckled awkwardly.

"I like him so much since he is still trainee but I can't force him to love me back."She said with unpainted face.

Where should I stay?To Jimin who loves me as Minji or to Jungkook who loves me as Hyerin?


Every steps heading to their room is heavier than before.I don't know if they can still remember what happened last night.Especially,Jungkook who broke my heart.

I hold the door knob and still having a double thoughts if I'm going to enter or just going home and pretend to have a head ache.

It's lame.

I opened the door and the first person I saw is Jungkook, who is staring to a blank space.

"Good morning Minji!"Jimin said snapping my thoughts.

Why my heart beats like this?It's not like this before, until Minzy told me that Jimin likes me.

The butterflies on my stomach is killing me.I don't know if it is because of Jungkook or Jimin.

Ahhhh,I'm confused.


There's a awkward silence flying in the dressing room since Jungkook entered the room.So I just look at my phone and waiting for Mr.Delight to start a battle,but I wonder he is not active these past few days.

I think he remembered what he say last night,and I'm embarrassed because I said 'I love you too'.I hope that he only remembered that he says 'I love you,Hyerin.'

"Minji.Are you okay?"He asked snapping my thoughts and I realized that I'm touching my phone while it is shut off.

"Yeah.Just don't mind me and continue searching information about Hyerin."I said and cracked a smile on my last word.I push my chair backward and made my way outside the room.

Don't care a lot for me Jungkook.You just making my feelings grow.


It is late night but I'm still here in the park exerting some tears that I've holding back at Bighit.I know that my uncle will scold me for going out this late night,but I don't care I'd rather choose to cry here and not in the house because he might bombard me a lot of questions.

Sitting in the bench with my both hands covering my face.I don't care at the wierd stares that people giving me,they don't how painful I am right now.

"Minji..."The voice echoed in my inner thoughts.

I looked away and secretly wipe my tears with my hands.

He sit beside me but there's a lil bit gap between us.

"You've been ignoring me the whole day.Do we have a problem?"Nice acting,but it won't going to past in my expectations.

"Nothing.."I shortly answered.

"Then why you ignoring me?"He asked.Is the alcohol you drink make you have an amnesia?

"I just want you to spend more time looking for Hyerin, that's all."I lied.

"*smirk*Wait are you jealous?"Why should I get jealous to myself?

I choose not to answered and stand up from the bench and started to walk.It's just two steps when he talk again.

"Your jealous right? Don't worry we are still friends if I find her."He said and cracked to a chuckeled.

I'm done,I turned to face him and he is still smiling.

"I'm not jealo-"He cut me off."Oh come on,ju-"I cut him off.

"Get lost!"I said loud enough to make him stood in frozen and the smile on his lips fade.

"Just leave me alone.Don't talk to me anymore."I said and I want to disappear in the scene because I don't want to see him painful.

He smile at me but his eyes has an opposite reaction to his smiles."If that's what you want."He said and leave me.I'm just watching his back until he is not in my sight anymore.

Finally,the tears rolled in my cheeks.My knees become weaker and my butt touch the grass while my both hands is on my face.

I don't want to hurt you,but it's the only way so that you keep your distance from me.I don't want you to love me as Hyerin,because I want you to love me as Minji.


I opened our gate and before I could enter our house,I fix myself and trying to curved my lips.

I clicked the door and my uncle welcome me with his legs are crossed.

"...where have you been?"Here we go!



~cute savage~

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