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Minji's POV

Aish!I don't know why I'm being like this,if I'm not with Jungkook?We didn't get some closure these past days because he always busy to something.

I miss him.

I'm walking alone with my head is down here in the hallway,it is so quiet and only my foostep can be heard.Afterwards a hand pulled me and I bumped to someone's chest.

Then,I found myself is being wrapped with two arms.

His scent and his presence,I really know who is it.

It's Jungkook hugging me so tight.

"I miss you."He said still hugging me so tight.

Is it true? That you miss me?

I also want to answer that I miss him too but there is something on my inner toughts that hold me to stay like this in his chest.


2 days past

"Where are we going?"I asked while heading to the fridge and drink a bottle of water.

"To a date"He answered and that's make me choked.

"Why?"He asked.

"Ah...The..wa-water isn't taste good"I completely lied.Men your asking me a date,do you expect me to not surprised.

"Your really wierd"He said as he approach me and snatch the bottle on my hand and drink it.

Why I'm not surprised?Is it because we already kiss and it is normal that he will dink my drink?

"Are you staring at me?"He asked snapping my non sense thoughts.

"Of co-"I was cut off.

"Don't answer it.I know you do and I'm not surprised since all people just stare at my handsome face."He said and I feel the wind become stronger,and can someone hold me now?I almost melted on his words.

"Your really arrogant."I said as I smirk and looked away.

"But you still like me."He suddenly said and my eyes go to him.

"What are you talking about?"I asked and added a smirk.Act normal,girl.Don't show her that you really tingle.

"Don't deny it."He said while getting close to me.

His every step walking me towards is heavier
His smirk make my knees get weaker and send shivers down on my spine.

I take flinch until my back lean against the wall but he's still approaching me.Now,he is on my front and our body is so close.He leaned his face closer so I close my eyes.

"*smirk"Let's go."He said and I don't why I'm so disappointed.

Is it because he didn't kiss me?


"What flavor?"He asked while his chin is on his palm.

Damn! he's so hot!

"Ah...I'll go with strawberry."I'm really attracted to this man!

"One strawberry and one chocolate."He still order his favorite,chocolate.

While waiting to our order,I'm playing War of Legends.I wonder why Mr.Delight is not active this time.Supposed to be he is planning some battle with me or making me pissed,but it's not.

"Here."He said and put the straw on it.

He's so kind.

Before he gave it to me,he drink my strawberry shake first.

"I just checked it maybe there's a poison on it."He said and send me a sweet smile.

He's really making me aghhhh! CRAZY IN LOVE with him.

"Let's go."He said then we started to walk then he suddenly stop and kneeled.I look down and I saw him fixing my shoe laces.

Mah heart!

He stand up and continue walking but I'm still in the shocked mode.

My mind is still flying somewhere that I can even focus on my way so that's why stumbled on the stair.

He hold my arms tightly so I can't lost my balance.

"You're really clumsy."He said and he run his hands on my hand then hold it tightly.

I look at our hands and I feel my cheeks getting hot.

Jungkook making me feel a lot of emotions everyday.

"We are here."He said bringing me to reality.I look at where we are, it's a place where people playing billiard.


Jungkook is playing billiard of his own,then I found that he is good at that sport,and that makes me think is he still a human because he can do anything,he can sing,he can dance and he can even make a girl to fall in love with him in just 24 hours.

My butt hurts sitting him and just watching him playing.

"Can you teach me how to play that?"I asked and he made his double toughts then nodded.

"Try it."He said and gave me the pole.I hit the white ball but no ball hit it.I keep on trying it but I can't shoot a ball.

"Let me teach you."He said as he go to my back and I just found myself between his two arm.

I look at my side where his face is, then he look at me too.He stare at each other and I realize how I our faces close to each other that can make our lips met each other in just one wrong move.

Our heart beat is beating so fast.He looked at my lips and he suddenly bit his lower lip that send a shiver down to my spine.

"Sir your time is ended."The staff said and I quickly take a flinch.

Everything is getting awkward.



~cute savage~

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