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Splendor paced back and forth, biting his finger with a nervous expression. 'Dementia' and I watched him with frowns, glancing at everyone else from time to time.

"As far as I know, I wasn't gone that long... why is everyone so worked up?" I whispered, not meaning to catch the lizard girl's attention.

She turned to me with a soft gaze, then looked at everyone else once more.

"A lot of these 'people' really love you and Black Hat, er-you OR Black Hat, but anyway, they really care about you guys and were determined to get you back!! But, we don't know if those brothers are gonna be able to bring Black Hat back yet" She shrugged while I stared at the ground in thought.

'It still doesn't make any sense...'

The door was suddenly thrown open, revealing a panting Black Hat. The brothers walked past him and sat on the couch beside... a dollish girl?

Black Hat franticly looked around before his gaze met mine. He froze in place before running at me, making me stand to my feet.

He brought me into a tight embrace, shuddering, his shoulders dropped.

"Thank lucifer your safe..." He whispered, holding my chin with a smile.

My cheeks turned bright red as he dipped me, smashing his lips onto mine.

The doll-like girl and Dementia 'awed' while everyone either smirked, or growled.

Then, the door was thrown open once again, making Black Hat and I break apart and stare.

Father stomped through, his tendrils flailing around him while Black Hat groaned.

"I JUST FUCKING GOT BACK!!!" He yelled, making me smile softly.

"Black Hat..." He turned to me, no expression present on his face once so ever.

"I may not remember much, but I do know that... I really do love you... and I wont let my father take me again..." His gaze softened, his hand gently holding my chin as he smiled.

"I love you too... and I know he wont take you again... because I'm going to kick his ass"

I broke into a laugh, but yelped as a tendril wrapped around my torso. Black Hat instantly jumped into action and grabbed my arm and pulled me behind him.

He ran at father, going into a more demonic form as he lunged forward. Father turned into his demon form and ran forward at Black Hat.

Just as their claws touched, everything disintegrated into white.

I yelped, looking around me, a lump in my throat.

'Where am I..?'

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now