Chapter 31

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After a while of hanging out with the tallests, I figured it was time to leave.

I mean, I'M IN A CARTOON FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!! It wouldn't be long before BEN found me once more and came after my ass.

So, after waving bye to the two irkens, I opened a random portal and leapt through with the words.



I stumbled forward before regaining my balance, taking ahold of my bags with my hands and swiftly retracted my tendrils.

"Can't have people seeing me in... this..." I huffed, snapping my fingers before appearing in my human outfit.

"Now, where am I THIS time?"

((You tell me!! What dimension should you be in for the next chapter?))

---Black Hat's POV---

"WHERE IS SHE?!?!" The half-human flinched, trying to back away, but was only met with a scowling Slenderman.

"L-Look, (y/n) never said where she was going..! She didn't even tell us she WAS leaving!!" 'America' whimpered, flinching as the other ender brothers approached us, Flug at Splendorman's side.

I huffed, spinning on my heel to go 'interrogate' the final 'countryhuman'.

'Third Reich' simply stared at me, a grin on his face as I growled, "Where is my wife?"

"Oh, (Y/n)? Ah, I was not informed she had even left" He smirked, crossing his legs and arms.

"Did she say anything about where she was going?!" I yelled, narrowing my eye at him.

He simply chuckled, shaking his head with a quiet, 'No', before murmuring something quietly underneath his breath.

I payed no mind to it, till he said, "-but she did say a mouthful about you"

I perked up, arching my brow, "What did she say?" 

Looking back up at me, he hummed, 'rolling' his eyes in annoyance.

"She told me everything that had happened between you and her, and I mean EVERYTHING"

I stayed silent, processing what he had said before going back to glaring at him, "That doesn't matter!! Just tell me-"

"All she said was that she simply spun the dials on her 'portal gun' and left, she probably did the same this time as well" He interrupted, to which I responded with a quiet groan and stood.

Then, just before I walked out the door, I looked over my shoulder at the male and growled, "Oh and, stop hitting on my wife or else"

He said nothing, just smirked as I walked away.

As I got further and further, my face began to sadden, thinking back to what the male had said...

'She told me everything that had happened between you and her, and I mean EVERYTHING'

I sighed, crossing my arms as I came to a stop, my gaze glued to the ground in front of me.

"I wish you would forgive me, mi amor..."

As I slipped my wedding ring back onto my finger, I reached my other hand into my pocket... pulling out the ruby ring that I gave to the woman I love.

I stared at it before snapping my fingers, a metal chain linking around it before I put it around my neck and tucking it into my shirt.

"I will get you back... for both our love-" I trailed off, beginning to trudge forward while narrowing my eye.

"-And my own sanity"

((I apologize for the horrible, short chapter!! Also, I have a question!! Do you have TikTok? If you hate it just go ahead and start reading, but for those of you who LOVE and HAVE TikTok... if you give me your user I'll go and follow you JUST for the fun of it ^^))

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