Chapter 7

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I grabbed his shoulders with a worried expression, shaking him slightly, "WHAT ARE YOU FREAKING OUT ABOUT!?!?!"

He stared at me before turning to the doors with a frown-

"I may hate Black Hat, but I actually feel pretty bad!! So, here's the easiest way to put it!!" He trailed off, while I froze.

"Black Hat is so infatuated with you that he doesn't know how to feel, and could kill us all at any moment"

I blinked, staring at him with shock...

'Well... that's a lot to take in...'


"Well, if I left, wouldn't that make it worse?" I questioned, making Bill's face fall.

He opened his mouth, then shut it while arching his brow, "I have no idea"

I sighed, walking over to the doors, "Well, I've been gone for a long time, Cipher, so I'm not leaving Black Hat again"

"And I'm immortal you idiot, DID EVERYONE FORGET THAT?!?!" I yelled, while he blankly stared at me.

"Forgot" He shrugged while I rolled my eyes, removing the objects from in front of the doors with my tendrils.

"How do you forget something like that?" I giggled, pulling the handle back.

The door slowly creaked open, and Black Hat instantly tackled me to the floor.

"Are you alright? What happened? DID HE HURT YOU-"

"BLACK HAT!!! Calm down!! I'm fine, he didn't hurt me" I smiled, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

His eye went half-lidded as he stared at me, leaning into my touch as he mumbled inaudible things underneath his breath.

"How about I send Flug to go shopping with 5.0.5 in my absence, so then I can stay here with you... how does that sound?" I whispered, only gaining a small grunt from the dazed demon.

'He looks adorable!!'

I looked over to Bill with a small smile, "What can we do for you? We have weapons, traps, torture devices-"

"No, we're keeping the torture devices now that your back~" Black Hat smirked while my face went beet red.

"BLACK HAT!!!" I squeaked while Bill coughed loudly, trying to hold back his laughter.

Black Hat chuckled, teleporting the three of us back into the office. He sat down in his chair, I flopped down on the bed, and Bill was in front of the desk with his arms crossed.

I waved to Bill as he left with a small smile, "SEE YA!!!"

"BYE!! GLAD YOUR ALIVE DOLLFACE!!!" He yelled back before walking out the door and teleporting off.

'Why didn't he just teleport back whenever we were done talking?'

I just shook it off and walked down to the lab with a grin, "Hey Flug?!?!"

He peered around the corner before fully approaching me with a smile.

"Good evening, ma'am!! What can I do for you?" He came to a stop in front of while I placed my hand on my hip.

"Just because I'm Black Hat's wife, doesn't mean you need to use formalities doctor..." He shrugged, bringing his hands behind him with a smile.

"Sorry, now... didn't you need me for something?"

I blinked, then nodded with a sheepish grin, "Well, yeah... can you go to the store for me..? If its not to much trouble!!"

"Of course!! Mind if I ask why you must stay home?" He smirked, while I blankly stared at him.

"I need to help Black Hat with some work"

Flug stared at me before turning on his heel and walking into the kitchen, "Alright, I'll go ahead and get going"

"Please take 5.0.5 with you!! You know how he gets and I think it'll be better to have extra hands-er... paws? Whatever, just some extra help" I giggled while he just nodded, disappearing from my view.

'Lets see... so that just leaves-'

"Where's Flug going?" Dementia jumped in front of me, tilting her head while glancing at the kitchen.

"Store" I walked past her and into the living room, where 5.0.5 happened to be napping.

I squealed silently, walking up to his resting form, "So cute..!"

Gently, I rubbed his head, making his eyes flutter before meeting my own gaze.

"Flug's going to the store, I figured you would want to go with him" He smiled, nodding while purring slightly.

I grinned, patting his head before teleporting to Black Hat's side, "Flug and 5.0.5 are going to the store and I'm not really sure where Dementia went"

He glanced at me with a small smile, shrugging slightly as he spun around to fully face me.

"I know, I watched them leave" He chuckled, walking past me to stare out the large window.

"Hm, I forgot you installed cameras literally everywhere..." I giggled, sitting in his desk chair with a small smile.

He didn't respond, he only stared off into the distance...

"Are you alright, Black Hat? You seem... off" He blinked, then looked over his shoulder at me with a frown.

"I've just been thinking..." He mumbled, sitting on the windowsill.

A tentacle creeped over his shoulder and over to me, wrapping around my torso. I just let it lift me up and set me beside the male demon, who then picked me up and set me on his lap while stroking my hair with a sigh.

"I think we should move locations, we've had incidents already with heroes finding us while you were in your unconscious state" He grumbled, looking back out the window as I stared at him in a small daze.

"Well... wherever you go, I'm going too" He looked back to me with his eye wide, but it then went half-lidded as he smiled softly.

I returned his small, and genuine, smile, lying my head on his shoulder and he held me close.

"How did I manage to catch such a beautiful demon..?"

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