Chapter 38

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((Sorry if the entity (not saying who) is OOC))


"Good luck with that, oh and, next time? Don't build in my territory" He growled before teleporting elsewhere.

I wasted no time to grab a sword and food, soon running out of the mansion with a large grin on my face.

"Okay, (y/n), two choices for now!! Choice one, go to the far east and meet Rainbow Steve!! OR!! Choice Two, go find Entity 303 in the west and try to talk to him..."


I held my chin in thought, then smirked, "303 sounds like a 'fun' guy... so let's go with him!!"

As soon as I had made it to the west side of the world, my mouth went agape.

He had made a huge ass wall, made of bedrock, and on the other side was a gigantic castle.

"Oh, this is going to be interesting..." I hummed, chuckling as my tendrils lifted me up on top of the wall.

I stared at the castle in awe, IT WAS HUGE!!!

"The whole thing is amazing, but how am I supposed to find 303 now-" I stopped, then looked over to my right.

"Well, that was easier then I thought"


---Entity 303's POV---

I stared at the unconscious female, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"I saw what you did, so you're clearly not an ordinary player" I mumbled, teleporting into my base that she thought was 'amazing'.

'She could just be like us, but I've never seen or heard of a girl with tendrils and the power of teleporta...tion...'

It then clicked, and a grin came to my lips, "Ah, I see now, that must be why you wanted to see and Enderman so badly"

Humming, I changed my route to the dungeon, to a spare room... slowly opening the door and walking over to the black canopy bed.

What? Do you really think we'd stick to your normal crap? 

I lied the female down, then was about to leave, till I heard something... strange...

"I'm sorry..." I spun around.

She was having a nightmare, tears streaming down her face as she trembled.

"I just w...anted to k-keep you safe..." I sat down on the edge of the bed, arching my brow as I pulled my hood down.

"What the hell..?" Me, being the curious entity I am, stayed still... listening closely.

She continued to mumble out her story, while I was now sitting right beside her.

I felt my hands move on their own and reach over to her, gently lifting a stray strand of her hair and moving it behind her ear.

Instantly, I recoiled, staring at my hands with confusion and embarrassment.

"Why the fuck did I do that?!" I whisper yelled, then jolted back as the girl shot up.

"BLACK HAT!!" She shrieked, before looking around with wide eyes, still panting slightly from the nightmare.

Then, our eyes locked, and her breath hitched.

"How... where am I?" She mumbled, glancing at the bed, then back at me.

I stared at her, then shook my head with narrowed eyes.

'What's wrong with me?'

"Well, for starters, you destroy player's worlds and corrupt their servers" She answered, causing me to chuckle.

"So, I was correct" She arched her brow, "You really are a descendant of the Slenderman"

"How do YOU know who Slender-"

"People add on the Slenderman mods to the game, then make some video explaining what it is... I'm just the only one who bothers to listen"

She went silent, crossing her legs while resting her elbows on her knees, her hands intertwining in front of her mouth. I simply kept quiet, awaiting her response with a blank expression.

"What makes you think the Slenderman has children?" She finally asked, causing me to perk up slightly.

"Just a hunch, babe, that's all"

I expected her make an attempt to slap me, or at least just growl, but no.

She just sat there...

"Take a picture, It'll last longer" She spoke roughly, side-glancing at me with a small smile.

"But there are no cameras in-"

"That's the point" I went still, letting out a breath as she teleported to the other side of the bed and stretched.

Squeaking quietly, she leaned forward, arching her back as I spun around... facing the wall while holding my nose as it spewed blood.

Slowly, I looked over, seeing her STILL stretching.

'She's doing this on purpose!!'

She didn't respond.

So, I simply stared at the wall once more, wiping the crimson liquid from my nose

'It's like the goddamn anime that 404 is sooo fucking fond of!!'

---Your POV---

After screwing with 303 for a bit, we both left the room.

"This place is HUGE!!!" I squealed, causing the male to scoff.

"Thanks to 404, he couldn't stop himself, he STILL can't stop himself!! He's probably adding more to this place right now, damnit-"

"How can you do that?" I interrupted, crossing my arms with a pout, "Every time I f#cking curse the game bleeps it and it's starting to annoy me"

He chuckled, shaking his head, but never seemed to answer.

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