Chapter 21

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I sighed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms in annoyance, "Look, I really don't have time for this... I-"


I jumped back as America quickly pulled off my cloak, smirking in victory before his face fell.

Before they could say anything, I grabbed my cloak from the country and spun on my heel, instantly breaking into a sprint.

"H-HEY!!" They began to chase after me, and soon enough, they were right on my tail...


I zig-zagged, trying to throw them off, but they continued after me with scowls, yet I could see a glint of curiosity in their eyes.

Then, we passed more of the country-like people, their gaze instantly turning to us as we ran past.

But... of course, me being me, I tripped as rolled across the ground, my claws digging into the dirt to keep me from sliding into a wall.

Swiftly, I stood and snapped my fingers once more, my 'outfit' replacing my original attire, my mask hidden away in another one of my cloak pockets.

The two came to an abrupt stop, Russia getting into a fighting stance... while America bent over, panting.

"Jeez..! Your fast..!" He wheezed, making the corner of my mouth twitch.

"Was ist los (What's going on)?" Germany..? Questioned, making America glance over at me with a shrug.

"Dunno, found this girl and chased after her" He grumbled, then chuckled as I rubbed my temples in annoyance.

"Ich bin genauso verwirrt wie du (I'm just as confused as you)!! Why the hell are you chasing me, saying I'm weird? Your humanized countries damnit!!" They looked at each other, then back at me.

"Ich verstehe nicht, was ist so komisch an ihr (I don't understand, what's so weird about her)?" Germany murmured, sighing as America gestured to me... entirely.

"What ISN'T weird about her?!" He yelled, while I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

"Gee thanks..."

"No problem, anyway, seriously?! WHO WEARS CLOAKS ANYMORE?!?! AND POLKA DOTTED RAINBOW-"

"Okay, first of all, ME  I wear cloaks, SECOND!!! Don't you DARE  bring my dress into thins, my UNCLE gave this to me!! HELL, EVERYTHING WAS GIVEN TO ME BY MY GODDAMN  FAMILY!!! SO YOU BETTER SHUT THE HELL UP  UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR HEAD BASHED OPEN!!!"  Static filled the air, my eyes turning.

Everyone around covered their 'ears', doubling over in pain as my tendrils flailed around me as a warning.

"OKAY OKAY!!!" I stopped, puffing out my cheeks and crossing my arms with narrowed eyes.

They all let out a breath of relief before turning to me, eyeing the tendrils that gently flew around me.

Eventually, more countries approached, questioning the other three of what was going on.

As they were doing so, I sat down on the ground, fiddling with my little shadows that danced across my fingertips.

'So cute'

I smiled slightly, then frowned, "I'm not from here, if you haven't already noticed"

They all silenced, turning to me as I folded my hands in front of my mouth, my elbows resting on my knees.

"My name is (y/n), and not only am I not from this place, I'm not exactly from this... well, universe... basically to keep it short for ya, I'm from another dimension"

They all blinked before breaking into laughter, holding each other for support as I stood.

I took out my portal gun, then shot the wall, a blue, well, PORTAL opening up beside me.

"Now, is me staying here going to be a problem, or not!!" I yelled, then chuckled as most of them shook their heads.

"Okay, that's all I needed to know" Closing the portal, I sat back down on the ground, going back to fiddling with my shadows with a quiet giggle.

Childish, remember?

They all simply stared at me, before someone actually decided to speak up.

"Alors ... tu vas juste t'asseoir là (So... are you just going to sit there)?" France, I'm assuming.

"Yep, at least until I find a potential home and stay there till my friends end up finding me, therefore, then I'll leave and never return" I hummed, looking back up at the countries.

"What? Do you just speak ALL languages?" America questioned, then choked slightly as I nodded.

"Yes, basically, I have been studying languages over the decades"

"Decades?" Russia grumbled, crossing his arms with his eyebrow arched.

I hummed, looking back down at my shadows with a small smile, "I'm immortal"

"Wao! ! Hontōni? ! (Wow!! Really?!)" Japan yelled, stepping forward.

"Hai, soreha saikōde wa arimasenga (Yes, though it isn't the greatest)..." She tilted her head, her white cat ears perking up.

After a bit of silence, America shifted, stepping forward while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Hey, um, sorry about... earlier" I gave him a close eyed smile, nodding.

"Apology accep-"

"No, that earlier was really uncalled for, SO!! I'll make it up to you!!!" He grinned, then yelped as Russia grabbed him by the shoulder with a deadpan expression.


"You can stay at our place!!"


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