Chapter 12

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"SHUT UP!!" I yelled, making them look over at me.

I sighed, dragging my hand through my hair as tears began to form in the corner of my eyes.

"I'll find somewhere else-"

"No... I apologize dear..." Alastor whispered, lifting my chin, then froze as my uncles growled.

"Right, ANYWAY!! Let us be off!!!"


"WOW!! THIS PLACE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!" I yelled, spinning around with a dopey grin on my face.

Alastor chuckled, sitting down in a chair by the lit fireplace as Bill watched me from the doorway.

"You really like stuff like this?" He questioned, then chuckled as I loopily walked around, dizzy.

"Y-Yep... the room is spinning...~~~" I giggled, shaking my head before sitting down on the ground with a small smile on my face.

"Thank you, Alastor, and Bill"

"For what?" Alastor tilted his head while I teleported beside Bill and grabbed his arm, teleporting us both beside the deer demon.

I pulled Alastor into a tight embrace, while Bill hugged me from behind, "For helping me"

They both rested their heads on my shoulders, wrapping their arms around me with small smirks.

"Its nothing...~" Bill whispered, while Alastor nodded in agreement.

We stood there for a few seconds, then I got an EVIL idea.

Before Bill could read my mind, I teleported into Alastor's spot, causing the both of them to crash into each other in an embrace.

They both stood there shocked as I started dying of laughter. Once they collected themselves, they pushed each other away with scowls, then turned to me.

"(Y/n)" Bill growled, making me freeze.

"Aw shit..." I mumbled, jumping up.

"DONT KILL MEEEEE!!!" I screamed, running away as they chased me.

I crossed my arms with a red face as the two cuddled me.

"You both are assholes" I grumbled, then smiled slightly as Alastor gasped dramatically, getting up in my face.

"How could you say that?! After everything we did for you!!" I giggled, rolling my eyes.

"Well, at one point, you tried to make me go to dinner with you, and Bill has kidnapped me before soooo..." Alastor stared at me with a blank face.

"What did he do after he kidnapped you?" My face turned bright red, while Bill smirked

"Oh, you should have seen it!! A helpless (y/n) is truly a magical sight~" Alastor mumbled something under his breath before responding.

---3rd Person POV---

"That isn't very gentlemanly, you idiot, you have to at least-"

"Blah blah blah, you talk too m-where's (y/n)?"

The Radio Demon looked back to the empty space where she once was, then smirked, "She ran off while you were rambling~"

"Doubtful, she probably ran off because of your annoying voice"

"You are testing my patience, but I suppose I'll just have to forget about killing you because you aren't worth my time"

"That didn't even make any SENSE!!!"

"Of course it does, your just too idiotic to understand"

"Well, at least I have a life~"

"I'm dead, I already lived my life and started a second one, and aren't you a demon too?"

"DREAM demon-"

"Oh, I understand now... you suddenly appeared in some horny teenager's dream and became real, wow!! What a strange world we live in!!~"

"I smell sarcasm and a whole lot of BULLSHIT!!!"

"WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP AND MAKE OUT ALREADY?!?!" (Y/n) yelled from down the hall, making both of the males turn.

"Make out? Why would we do that? You know the only demon I have the hots for is you, (y/n)~" Bill chuckled, while Alastor rolled his eyes, throwing Bill into the wall.

"Learn to be more dapper"

"You sound like an old man"

"But I don't look like one, now do I?~"

"Basically, just stop grinning and puff out your cheeks more"

---Your POV---

I walked around the mansion, looking for some way to entertain myself.

Then, I saw something move in the corner of my vision, making me turn abruptly.


I shrugged it off, and continued to go forward, "Why did I come here? Why couldn't I have stayed somewhere else like the mindscape, or at the casino-"




I looked over my shoulder, my eyebrow arched.

"What the-"

I screamed as I dark figure jumped out at me, throwing me to the ground.

My body, I couldn't move it..!

Noticing something on the wall, I looked over, then squeaked.

A large.... shadow, was there, on top of mine to me exact.

"Al... astor..! Bill..!" I whisper yelled, clenching my eyes shut.

Not even a second later, the two appeared after hearing my scream from earlier.

Bill looked at me with his eyebrow arched while Alastor just smirked, snickering as he bit his lower lip.

The shadow turned, glaring at Bill's triangle shadow, but grinned at Alastor as he approached me.

"I apologize, dear" He grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest, stroking my hair as I still stood there... shocked.

"What the fuck?" I questioned, pulling away and staring at the shadow that now just turned into... Alastor's shadow...

I then felt drowsy, rubbing my eyes and sneezing lightly because of the light coat of dust on the ground.

"What... what time is it..?" I whispered, sighing deeply.

Once I looked back at the two demons, my face turned crimson.

Alastor held a camera in his hand, a picture at his fingertips while Bill smirked mischievously, circling me as I plopped down on the floor with wide eyes.

"You sneeze like a kitten!! Just like Pine Tree, but when it's coming from you it's adorable!!!"


((Does anyone else say that? Burn? As in 'Burn in hell' or 'Die in a fire'? Because I do all the time))

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