Chapter 24

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"Slenderman?" Germany let out a groan, shaking his head as I gleamed.

Nodding, I dropped my hand to my side, snapping my fingers.

My old phone dropped into my hand, a smirk playing on my lips as I translated my father's story in German.

Germany had left already after he realized that Third Reich wouldn't try anything against a powerful demon.

Leaving me to mindlessly chat with the male, but we both turned as my phone began to glitch.

'No... FUCK!!'


BEN instantly appeared on my screen, jumping out with a scowl on his lips.

Third Reich instantly stood, rounding the desk and coming to my side with a low growl.

"Du hast mir nicht gesagt, dass du andere mitbringst (You didn't tell me you were bringing others)" I bit my lips, looking over at him with a nervous expressions.

"Ich bin gleich zurück (I'll be back in a moment)..." I growled, grabbing my phone then BEN's shoulder before teleporting beside America, Germany, and Russia's house.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!" I yelled, making BEN roll his eyes while placing his hands on his hips.

"What am I doing here?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! Everyone has been looking for you!!!" He yelled back, causing me to scoff.

"Why would they be looking for me?! I left only a day ago!!!"


I went silent, tilting my head as I looked up at the sky.

'Maybe time here works differently...'

Turning back to BEN, I crossed my arms, "Okay? What's your point? I told you that I was leaving"

His anger turned to sadness, his eyes drifting off to the side, "Well yeah but..."

"Slender changed his mind and went to tell you that he was too harsh... but he couldn't find you... we all went to the Hat Mansion to ask Black Hat where you were... but he said he didn't know either..." He sniffled, looking back at me as crimson tears rolled down his cheeks.

"We were in the middle of a search when I felt your phone power on, and I swiftly told the others before going through..."

I looked down at my phone before pointing it towards BEN, a frown on my lips.

"Go back"

His face fell before his eyes narrowed, "WHAT?! NO!!"

"Benjamin!! Go back to your dimension!!" I yelled, looking over as the door opened.

America looked out, and instantly caught sight of BEN.

"Is that..?"

"NO!! I AM NOT GOING BACK, DAMNIT!!! SO YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME UNTIL YOU LEAVE THIS HELLHOLE!!!" He yelled back, flying up into the air as my tendrils flailed around me.

The other countries watched as BEN and I yelled back an forth, curious of the other figure.

Eventually, BEN won the argument, and decided to stay with me till I went back to our dimension...

Which mean, he's stuck with me for a while...

After explaining everything to the countries, they told me they would watch him as I went back to Third Reich.

"Please... PLEASE don't do ANYTHING..! This is a-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever... go back to your meeting thing" BEN grumbled, looking over at America as he fanboyed.

"Holy shit, holy shit, THE Ben Drowned is here..! This is the best day of my fucking life!!" America squealed, making BEN smirk.

"And BEN DROWNED..! Was wondering if you wanted to play some video games to pass time?" The country nodded, grabbing the creepypasta's hand before dragging him into the living room.

Swiftly, I teleported back in front of the door, knocking on it with a sigh.

"Eingeben (Enter)" I teleported inside, looking around at the 'empty' room.

Only then did I see the soldiers in the corners.

Then... I heard a gun click...

" Sir, Sie erkennen, dass ich unsterblich bin, oder?(Sir, you realize that I'm immortal, right)?" Third Reich only huffed, circling me with his hands behind his back.

"Niemand ist unsterblich (No one is immortal)" Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms with a smirk.

"Dann irren Sie sich leider, Sir (Well, then you're sadly mistaken sir)" He came to a stop in front of me, his lips forming a crooked grin.

I only mimicked his expression, my eyes narrowing as I arched my brow.

"Warum bist du wirklich hier (Why are you REALLY here)?~" He hummed lowly, tilting his head.

"Was meinst du (What do you mean)?" He waved off the guards, each staring at me in fear as I watched them leave.

I let out a dark purr, causing them to yelp and run out of the room as quickly as they could.

Chuckling, I looked back over at Third Reich, only to have him slam me into the door. I grunted, looking up at him as he growled.

"Sie haben meinen Sohn dazu gebracht, Sie in meine Basis zu lassen, haben meine Autorität bedroht und dann versucht, mich zu verführen (You conned my son into letting you into my base, threatened my authority, then tried to seduce me). Und meine Frage warum (And my question in why)" I stared at him in silence before breaking into a fit of laughter, my hands clutching my sides as tears brimmed the corners of my eyes.

"Okay, eins, ich habe Deutschland nicht dazu gebracht, mich in deine Basis zu lassen (Alright, one, I didn't con Germany into letting me into your base)!! Zwei, ich habe Spaß gemacht (Two, I was joking)!! Und drei, Ich wollte dich nicht verführen, so bin ich (And three? I wasn't trying to seduce you, that's just how I am)!!"

He watched as I calmed down, my back still against the door as I crossed my arms with a snicker.

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