Chapter 23

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((Long, strange, chapter))


Walking ahead, I turned to him with my hands on my hip, looking over to the side with my eyes slowly widening.

"So... um, what's going on right now exactly..?" I whispered, approached the sea of corpses.

"It is... hard to explain... but you should get back before-"

Stopping him midsentence, I held up my hand and snapped my eyes shut...




I turned abruptly, snatching the bullet as it cut through the air, a smirk on my lips.


Britain instantly went wide eyed, staring at me as I examined the bullet with a dark hum.

"Sie werden sich noch mehr anstrengen müssen (Your going to have to try harder than that)" The soldier's face fell, swiftly turning on his heel to run, but I teleported behind him and grabbed his shoulder with a scowl.

He screamed as my tendrils grabbed each other his limbs, slowly pulling him apart.

Dropping the four chunks of flesh, I sighed, looking over at the pale country.

Teleporting to his side, I kept my eyes forward, my hands grabbing his shoulders as other soldiers jumped out of the grass.

Once again, I teleported away, back to the house to be exact before going back to the Russian soldiers.

They all lifted their gun, pointing them at me with shaky hands.

"Ich gebe dir eine Chance, deine Waffen fallen zu lassen (I'll give you one chance to drop your weapons)..." I yelled, my eyes turning as my tendrils flailed around me as a warning...

Slowly, each of them began to lower their weapons, backing away with fearful expressions.

Sighing, I crossed my arms, tsking with a frown.




I opened one of my eyes, my eyebrow arching as they continued to stare at me.

"Worauf warten Sie noch (Well, what're you waiting for)? GEHEN (GO)!!" They yelped and ran off, my gaze following them till they disappeared from my view.

"Pussies..." I smirked before teleporting back to the house, plopping down on the couch with a sigh.

"What happened?!" Britain yelled, a smirk still on my lips as I let out a chuckle.

"Calm down... I just scared them off, no harm done... except that one, but eh? He had it coming~" I placed my hands behind my head, crossing my legs as I closed my eyes.

"Who were they?" Germany questioned, causing my smirk to turn into a toothy grin.

"Well... they were Nazi soldiers, so I'm assuming it's-"

"My father must have heard the rumors as well..." My eyes snapped open, a laugh escaping my lips as I sat up.

"Your joking? Who's your father?!" They stared at me, glancing at each other as I gleamed.

"Um... Third Reich..?"

I fell over the couch from laughing so hard, my hands clenching my chest. They just arched their brows, as if this were something new.

But then again, it probably is.

If I were in their place, I would have been confused as well...

But I'm not!!

Finally catching my breath, I wiped a tear from my eye and stood, still quietly chuckling as I looked up at Russia.

"And let me guess, your father is USSR?" He nodded, causing me to snicker.

"Alright, since YOUR dad seems interested, take me to him... let me introduce myself~ " Germany blinked, then rubbed his arm as he cleared his throat.


"Dude, you might as well, he'll eventually find out she's here anyway" America mumbled, making the others groan.

"You... have a point... alright, lets go" I giggled at his annoyance, teleporting beside him and nudging his shoulder.

"Just think of the place, and I'll take you there~"  He slowly nodded, and once he mentally said the location, I grabbed his shoulder and teleported off.

"Soooo... anything you need to tell me before we head inside?" I questioned as we walked down the corridor.

"Hm, well, don't cuss... and just act... nice..?" I chuckled as we stopped in front of a steel door.

"Sorry, but I don't act nice~"

"Then just... try not to insult him?" I nodded, watching as the male knocked on the door.

"Vater (Father)? Da ich bin (It's me)" I instantly heard a thud and a large amount of shuffling.

Snapping my fingers, a cloak draped over my shoulders, my fingers gripping the hood as I pulled it over my head.

"Eingeben (Enter)" Germany let out a breath before gripping the handle of the door, and pushing it open.

"Come in when I tell you..." He whispered, to which I responded with a nod as he shut the door.

Their voices were muffled through the thick steel door, but eventually I heard a quiet 'You can some in now'...

I instantly teleported beside Germany, my (f/c) irises glowing as a toothy grin stretched on my lips.

"Vater, das ist (j / n) Ender (Father... this is (Y/n) Ender)..." I pulled down my hood, facing the Nazi with a smirk as his face fell.

"Warum hast du das Ding hierher gebracht (Why have you brought this thing here)?!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the desk as he stood.

Germany instantly began to freak out, trying to make sure I stayed calm, even though I wasn't even aggravated.

"Dieses Ding hat einen Namen, Sir, und es ist (j / n) ... verwenden Sie es also, anstatt zu versuchen, alle hoch und mächtig zu handeln (This thing has a name, sir, and it is (y/n)... so use it instead of trying to act all high and mighty)" Germany's jaw instantly dropped as Third Reich tilted his head with a smirk.

'Sie hat definitiv einen Mund (She definitely has a mouth)...'

I chuckled, shaking my head, "Großbritannien dachte dasselbe (Britain thought the same thing)"

Germany just watch in amazement as I stuck out my hand to the male, giving him a close eyed smile.

"Lass uns neu starten (Lets restart)!! Ich bin (J / N), Tochter des Slenderman (I am (Y/n), daughter of the Slenderman)!! Es ist mir eine Freude, Sie kennenzulernen, Sir (It's a pleasure to meet you sir)" He stared at me for a second before slowly shaking my hand.

"Slenderman?" Germany let out a groan, shaking his head as I gleamed.

Nodding, I dropped my hand to my side, snapping my fingers.

My old phone dropped into my hand, a smirk playing on my lips as I translated my father's story in German.

Germany had left already after he realized that Third Reich wouldn't try anything against a powerful demon.

Leaving me to mindlessly chat with the male, but we both turned as my phone began to glitch.

'No... FUCK!!'

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