Chapter 8

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A tentacle creeped over his shoulder and over to me, wrapping around my torso. I just let it lift me up and set me beside the male demon, who then picked me up and set me on his lap while stroking my hair with a sigh.

"I think we should move locations, we've had incidents already with heroes finding us while you were in your unconscious state" He grumbled, looking back out the window as I stared at him in a small daze.

"Well... wherever you go, I'm going too" He looked back to me with his eye wide, but it then went half-lidded as he smiled softly.

I returned his small, and genuine, smile, lying my head on his shoulder and he held me close.

"How did I manage to catch such a beautiful demon..?"


After Black Hat and I's cuddle time, I went downstairs to help Flug unbag the groceries while 5.0.5 went off to do his daily chores.

As I set the eggs in the fridge, Flug's voice suddenly interrupted the silence.

"Hey, (y/n)?" I hummed as a response, not turning to face the male.

"Have you noticed anything... strange... about lord Black Hat?" He whispered, making me snap my head in his direction with my eyes wide.

"First off, why are you whispering, and second, what kind of question is that?!" I whisper yelled, but Flug just stared at me with a deadpan expression as he nodded to the camera in the corner of the room.

I side glanced at it, then looked back to Flug with a sigh, "Alright, alright... what is it?"

"Can we talk somewhere where there isn't any cameras?" I nodded, putting the rest of the food away before placing my hand on his shoulder.

As soon as the camera turned off, I teleported into the forest and let go of his shoulder.

"Bill said something was wrong with Black Hat too, but I normally don't listen to perverted dream demons so... enlighten me... what do YOU think is wrong with Black Hat?" He stared at me before arching his brow.

"So your saying you've met MORE dream demons who happened to be perverts?" He questioned, making my face go beat red.

"Maybe... anyway, continue!!" I squeaked, making him chuckle.

"Alright, so, about Black Hat... haven't you noticed he's a bit more, how should I put this... obsessive?" He cleared his throat while I sat on the ground with a sigh.

"No, why would he need to be 'obsessive'? I mean, we ARE married, and I'm sure you and I both know that I would NEVER cheat, especially on Black Hat" Flug rubbed his temples, shaking his head with a low growl.

"No, you don't understand... (y/n), Black Hat-"

"Hello, doctor" 

Flug looked over his shoulder then squeaked as Black Hat towered over him.

"Well... well... well... what are the two of you doing here at this time of day?"  The male demon grumbled lowly while I looked up at the sky. Only to realize that it was probably nine in the afternoon and the sun was just barely over the hilltops.


"I-I was just a-asking (y/n) for a-advice, lord B-Black Hat s-s-sir..!" Flug stuttered, cowering before my growling husband.

I blinked, then smirked, "He wanted advice for a girl~"

Flug's face turned bright red while Black Hat broke into a fit of laughter, draping one of his arms around my shoulders for support.

"Y-You?! And a-" He couldn't even finish his sentence, for I had elbowed him in the stomach.

He arched forward, cursing as I smiled at Flug, "I'm sure I can hook you up with someone~"

I winked at Flug then bent down to Black Hat's level with a frown.

"Don't make fun of Flug's love life or I'll make you sleep on the couch" He shook his head, knitting his brows.

"You cant-"

"Oh, but I can~" I smirked, tipping his hat to the side slightly as I pecked his lips.

I quickly stood, grabbing Flug's shoulder in the process. Before Black Hat could respond, I teleported both Flug and I to the hat mansion.

As soon as we got there, I teleported upstairs into the main bedroom, also known as Black Hat and I's room/office.

After doing my nightly routine I walked back into the room, only to bump into someone's chest.

I looked up at Black Hat with a small smile, which he slightly returned as and leaned my head against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, chuckling.

"You seem tense~" He smirked, sitting on the edge of the bed with me in his lap.

I only hummed, fiddling with his tie while he stroked my hair lovingly.

"What were you and that idiot REALLY talking about?" I stopped, then looked up at him with a frown.

"What do you-"

"Don't play dumb with me, darling, its obvious you weren't giving the doctor advice about a woman" He interrupted, making me tilt my head with a smirk.

"Was it really that obvious?" I pouted, making his scowl lift slightly.


"But whhhhyyyyyyyyy... how else am I supposed to act-don't answer that" I giggled, but froze and he smirked.

"Hm, try being seductive!! I haven't seen you be lewd since-"

"YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!" I yelled while grabbing a pillow from off to the side and shoving my face in it.

He laughed, falling on his back with me lying on his chest.

Giggling, I pecked his lips before sitting beside him. He turned to me, propping himself up with his elbow as his other hand played with my hair.

Before long, my eyelids began to feel heavy. Black Hat seemed to notice and sat up, gently picking me up with him.

"Noooo..." I groaned, making Black Hat chuckle.

"Your still as childish as you used to be~" He smirked, while I glared at him... tiredly.

"Shut up" I giggled, crawling out of his arms and to my pillow.

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