Chapter 37

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I teleported into the chest room upstairs, then screamed, jumping back as a figure leapt towards me.

We both tumbled across the floor and into the hallway, the figure soon pinning me down.

"WHAT IN THE HOLY F#CKING H#LL ARE YOU DOING IN MY GODD#AMN HOUSE?!?!" I shrieked, bleeps filling the air as I continued.

"GET THE H#LL OFF OF ME BEFORE I F#CKING CRIMATE YOU, YOU MOTHERF#CKING DIPSH#T!!!!" My tendrils flew from my back and around the 'person's' throat, taking them off of me and holding them in the air.

Once I was actually able to register what was going on, my eyes landed on the thing that entered my home...

And I was... shocked...


Swiftly, I let the male down, taking a step back with wide eyes.

"You're... real?" I mumbled, staring at the male who gripped his throat with a scowl on his face.

"And YOU'RE too OP to be a player" His white eyes shone as they narrowed at me, a huff escaping his lips.

"Wow, your just going to ignore the fact that I have tendrils? Which are not included in ANY other player's skin!! Not to mention the fact that they actually move" I ranted, rolling my eyes as I rested my hand on his shoulder, teleporting downstairs and into the living room.

Plopping down on the 'couch', I let out a breath, "So, why're you here anyway?"

He stayed silent, sitting in the seat across from me with a confused expression.

He opened his mouth to speak, then shut it




"What? Cat got your tongue? I am giving you five seconds to answer me before I throw you out..!" He snapped out of his daze and turned his gaze back to my own, his face scrunching up.

"I came to investigate, you witch" He growled, "Wouldn't you want to find out why a random mansion appeared out of NO WHERE on the entity server?!"

I blinked, my brow arching in confusion, "Entity server?"

"What? You REALLY think we WANT to constantly have you players bugging us? What are you, a moron?-"

"You know, you should REALLY watch your mouth around me" I growled, my eyes flickering before I recomposed myself.

Herobrine simply shrugged, "How about, hm, let me think about it... no"

"You are MUCH sassier then people make you out to be" I fired back, crossing my legs with a chuckle.

Then, my face went blank once more, "So are basically every entity in Minecraft on this small... small.. world?"

He nodded, "Yes, but we are spread apart... my other selves, such as Netherbrine and Enderbrine, are in their designated areas in both worlds. Then, the steves are in the Far... FAR east, also spread apart since they don't tend to... get along-"

After, maybe an hour or two, Herobrine had finally finished explaining the entities and their areas and places in the world... allowing me to finally say...

"I want to meet them"

His eyes widened, but then went back to normal as he leaned back against the couch.

"Good luck with that, oh and, next time? Don't build in my territory" He growled before teleporting elsewhere.

I wasted no time to grab a sword and food, soon running out of the mansion with a large grin on my face.

"Okay, (y/n), two choices for now!! Choice one, go to the far east and meet Rainbow Steve!! OR!! Choice Two, go find Entity 303 in the west and try to talk to him..."


((I apologize for the chapter being short... again... I've just been extremely busy lately and haven't had much time to update!!!!!! Please, forgive me Q^Q))

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