Chapter 39

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After screwing with 303 for a bit, we both left the room.

"This place is HUGE!!!" I squealed, causing the male to scoff.

"Thanks to 404, he couldn't stop himself, he STILL can't stop himself!! He's probably adding more to this place right now, damnit-"

"How can you do that?" I interrupted, crossing my arms with a pout, "Every time I f#cking curse the game bleeps it and it's starting to annoy me"

He chuckled, shaking his head, but never seemed to answer.


Once 303 finished the tour-er... more like, we both decided to stop because this place was practically endless... we both sat down in one of the living rooms... chatting away.

"-You know, you never told me your name" 303 smirked, but then rolled his eyes with a snicker as I gave him THAT expression...

You know... the one where someone says something stupidly and it's like they just fell for your trap? Yeah... lenny faces are the best...

"You never asked" I responded slyly, grinning stupidly.

"You're such a moron" He facepalmed, causing me to chuckle lightly.

"Yeah, I know, but ignoring that... my name is (Y/n)"

"Entity 303" We both reached over and shook hands, snickering quietly.

Pulling away, we plopped down on the couch, continuing our previous conversation without a care... then...

"303?! WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!?!" We both looked over, Entity 404 standing there with wide eyes.

"Calm down, this is (Y/n), she's from outside the game" I waved, my hands turning into claws and my teeth going jagged as I grinned.

404 huffed, snapping his fingers...


"Wait... what?" I silently screeched as I stood in front of father's mansion.

Then, I locked eyes... with Toby... who sat in the window.

Our eyes widened, and while he instantly jumped back, I spun on my heel and bolted.

Not even a second later, I heard someone throw the door open... and I couldn't help but look back...

"SHE'S RIGHT THERE!!!" Toby yelled, the others running out of the mansion and looking around.

Once they saw me, they immediately began running in my direction.

I looked forward once more, only to almost crash into a chest...

A suit... and red tie...


I swiftly teleported past him, pushing myself to run faster as I reached into my trenchcoat pocket and pulled out the portal gun.

"(Y/N)!!! PLEASE!!!!" I stopped abruptly, looking over my shoulder with wide eyes as Black Hat ran after me.

I fully turned, the portal gun dropping from my hand...

"Black Ha-AH!!" I screamed as a portal opened up beside me, a black hand instantly gripping my shoulder and pulling me inside...

I instantly pushed the figure away from me as the portal closed, on the brink of tears.

"Wha..." I looked at 303 with confusion, but then looked over to the beaten 404 on the floor.

"Sorry about 404, he-"

He stopped upon seeing my shocked expression, arching his brow as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"B-B... Black Hat..."

---Black Hat's POV---

I fell to my knees, staring at the spot where she once was...

"It's hopeless... she really doesn't want to come back..." Splendorman whispered, turning away as Trendorman tried to comfort him.

"No" I growled, shaking off my sorrow and replacing it with anger, "She stopped when I called her, but someone grabbed her... so this isn't just her anymore"

"And she dropped the portal gun... maybe... the dials are still fixed on the dimension she's in?" Flug mumbled, finally catching up to the rest of us.

I perked up, grinning as I snatched the portal gun from his hands and shot a tree.

The others looked inside, then groaned.

"BEN?! HOW IS IT THAT YOU CAN TRACK HER PHONE, BUT CAN'T SENSE IT WHEN SHE'S IN A VIDEO GAME?!?!" Jeffrey yelled, smacking the elf in the back of the head.


'Shut up, let's go'  Slenderman growled, nodding towards the portal.

The brothers and the Creepypastas walked through the blue portal after me, instantly appearing inside of a large mansion.

'She's still in this dimension, her aura strongest in the west'

---Your POV---

I froze... 303, and the now conscious Entity 404, doing the same.

"Is that-"

"Father" I whispered, "My father, uncles, and Black Hat are heading this way"

"But there are more then those few"

"The Creepypastas, they're branching out!! They'll be killed!!!" I yelled, taking 303 by the front of his hoodie.

His expression went serious and he quickly grabbed my shoulders.

"I'll go north towards Null and Lick"

"And I'll head to the other worlds, so that they don't get slaughtered by the other brines"

"Thank you.. both of you... but anyway, I'll get to my father and husband, then go to the east with the Steves"

We all nodded, then ran out of the castle, going in separate directions with blank expressions.

"I'm coming, Black Hat"

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now