Chapter 10

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"I guess, but that's the thing... no one seems to remember the wedding... or Black Hat..." (Y/n) mumbled, interrupting my train of thought.

"Suspicious, don't you think?"

She turned, her eyes wide before closing them a smile gracing her delicate features, "Not at all!!"

"I trust Black Hat, he wouldn't do anything to hurt my feelings, and if he did its usually unintentional" She stopped, then looked down to the floor with her eyes half-lidded.

"I love him... and I trust him with my life...~"


---Your POV---

I could sense Black Hat watching us through the cameras, so I looked at the device and smiled softly. Almost immediately, he shut the camera off, allowing a frown to overtake my lips.

"What are you staring at?"

I looked at Dark, then sighed, "Nothing"


I looked back at the ground, breathing heavily as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Its none of your business-"

"Bullshit, your our friend and we can tell your hurting" Dark interrupted, standing in front of me with her arms crossed.

"You can tell us anything, (n/n)" Light stood beside her sister, smiling at me as I looked up at the two.

I was silent for a few seconds before groaning, leaning back while the two smirked in victory.

"Fine..." I mumbled, slouching forward once more with a blank face.

Then, my eyes narrowed as they held back tears, making their smirks fall to concerned frowns.

They sat beside me, rubbing my back as I sobbed.

"Its alright... tell us what's troubling you..." Light whispered as I looked up at the camera in the corner of the room.

Black Hat was indeed watching us once again, but that's all I knew.

I couldn't tell what he was feeling... but I bet he was laughing at my weakness.

The girls followed my gaze and growled, but then went wide eyed.

Instantly, it turned fully black, a strange tar dripping from it and onto the floor.

And from that tar was Black Hat.

He cleared his throat, fixing his tie before coming towards us with an unreadable expression.

I simply looked away, wiping my tears away as quickly as I could.

"May I borrow her for a second..?" He didn't her let them respond.

He quickly, yet gently, grabbed my shoulder and teleported upstairs into our room, where he then let go of me and sat at his desk.

He intertwined his hands, resting them to where his mouth was out of my view while his hat casted a shadow over his eyes.

I stared at him, my eyebrow arched.

"What are y-"

"Why were you crying, dear?" He interrupted, leaning forward slightly.

I blinked, then spun on my heel and made my way to the door. As my fingertips graced the doorknob, a loud creak echoed throughout the room.

Curiosity got the best of me and I turned, only to be met with an empty desk.

'What the-'

I felt arms wrap around my torso, making me practically jump out of my skin as Black Hat chuckled.

"Your never this jumpy~"

"Black Hat... I'm not in the mood..." I mumbled, unwrapping his arms and teleporting to the other side of the room.

I leaned against the wall, looking out the large bay window with a frown.

Black Hat sighed, then strode towards me. Just as he was at least a foot away, I teleported back in front of the doors.

"(Y/n)" Black Hat growled as I opened the doors, walking through them with a blank face.

Then, I felt something... slimy... coil around my ankle.

Before I could pull the tentacle off, another grabbed my arms, then waist and pulled me back into the bedroom with the doors slamming shut in front of me.

Black Hat's tentacles slammed me into the wall, pinning me there as I winced.

"Listen to me, (y/n)" He growled, before allowing the tentacles to drop me into his arms.

He teleported to the bed, sitting down with me in his lap.

I looked back up at Black Hat, and I couldn't help but let a few stray tears roll down my cheeks.

He stared at me blankly before smiling softly, wiping the tears away with his thumb as he held my chin.

"What's wrong..? All I want is for you to talk to me, Mi amor" He whispered, stroking my hair lovingly as I rested my head in his chest with a small smile.

"I... I don't think I need to be... upset now... just patient..." I mumbled into his chest, making him stop and look down to me with a frown.

"It was because I ignored you earlier, wasn't it?"

"Well, when you say it like that it makes me feel like a bitch" I giggled, but Black Hat didn't seem to return my amusement.

"(Y/n) I-AGH!!!" I instantly look back up at Black Hat, only to see his eye clenched and a scowl on his lips.

"Black Hat, what's wrong?!" I yelled, crawling off of him and sitting down at his side with a worried expression.

His hand clenched his chest and his breathing intensified, but then, he stopped.

Like he was frozen in place.

Then... his eyes slowly opened and he let out a breath that turned into a low chuckle.

"Black Hat..?" His head instantly snapped in my direction, only then did I notice his eye.

It was black

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