Chapter 42

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He shrieked as I hit the ground with a soft 'oof', "AH!! SORRY!!!"

I grunted, waving him off with a chuckle, "It's fine, kid, just help me up please"

'...I just sounded like an old man...'

He nodded violently and swiftly kneeled down.

Actually, he knelt down JUST AS I WAS SITTING UP.

We butted heads, then recoiled in pain. He quickly apologized once more as we rubbed our heads.



I grumbled as Rainbow and I stood before Entity 303 and 404, "-Then Rainbow Steve pushed me out of the way, and Red Steve just disappeared"

"Weird... anyway, is that all of them?"

"Yes, and thank you both so much" I smiled softly.

The two nodded, smiling themselves, while Rainbow Steve continued to tremble behind me.

We all then looked over as Black Hat shot a wall of the mansion, opening up a blue portal. 303 frowned, looking back at me with a sigh.

"So, I guess this is goodbye?" Our eyes met once more, and my smile faltered.

But, it then turned to a grin as I closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Not goodbye, this is more of a 'see you later' situation!!" He smiled slightly as I wrapped my arms around him in a friendly hug.

I then pulled away and walked over to the portal, but before entering, I looked over my shoulder and waved, "I'll visit!!"

"I'm gonna hold you to that!!" 303 called back, and surprisingly, Rainbow Steve even giggled... ignoring his fear..?

I chuckled, then shifted my gaze to Black Hat, he hummed, "...You ready..?" 

"Ready as I'll ever be" I held my hand out to him, which he gently took, and smiled.

We looked back at the portal, watching my father and uncles finally walk through the portal behind the last of the teen CPs.

I sat in the dining room, exhaling before opening the large living room doors. Everyone turned to me with wide eyes and froze in place.

Finally, Bill was the first to speak up, "YOUR BACK!!!"

He yelled, instantly tackling me to the ground in a tight hug. Black Hat was about to interfere, but I simply smiled at him and shrugged.

I stood, pulling Bill up with me before giving him a quick hug. Everyone approached me, some giving me hugs with tears in their eyes, while others gave me grins and asked me questions about my multi-dimension adventure.

Then, recalling something, I looked over at Black Hat with a smirk.

"Black Hat, don't think I didn't notice the little chain hanging around your neck back there..~"

His cheeks turned a light green, but he quickly brushed it of and smiled softly.

I mimicked his expression, taking his hand in my own before teleporting up to his office.

He wrapped his arms around me, pecking my neck as we stared down at the city through the large window.

"I want to tell you how much I missed you... but I simply cannot put it into words..." He mumbled into my hair, closing his eye.

The room was peaceful, unlike downstairs.

I looked up at Black Hat, a frown on my lips, "...I'm sorry-"

"Nonono, don't you DARE apologize" He whispered roughly, before his voice went soft...

"It was my fault in the first place, (Y/n), and I promise... I'll work on my anger... around YOU at least" I giggled at the last bit, causing his eye to go half-lidded.

'I missed your laugh...'  He thought, clearly directing it towards me.

Turning to face him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on the tips of my toes, kissing his forehead before coming back down to my normal height.

His reaction to this? Well, first, he chuckled at the fact I had to raise myself higher in order to actually let my lips touch his face. Then, his lips met my own in a tender kiss.

I smiled slightly as we pulled away, my tendrils lifting me off the ground. We embraced each other, our foreheads connected, and our eyes closing in bliss.

"...I missed this..." He whispered, his eye half-lidded once more.

I hummed as a response, beginning to drift off slightly. He took notice to this, and took my sleepy form from mid-air.

My tendrils retreated into my back, and I looked up at Black Hat with a tired smile.

"Your exhausted" He spoke quietly, his eye going wide as he noticed the bags under my eyes.

Which was strange because I DO recall sleeping last night

"But... what about the... others..?" I whispered, slowly nodding off.

"I'll take care of it, we can celebrate your return tomorrow" My eyes drifted up to Black Hat as we-er... HE walked down the hall, me in his arms as we approached our bedroom.

"...Celebrate..? Black Hat... you don't need... to do that..."

He smiled softly, opening and closing our door behind him before walking over to the large bed.

"But I do, (Y/n), and besides... we haven't gone on a date in ages, don't you think"

"I don't think we really went on a date at all, Black Hat" I chuckled quietly, him doing the same.

"Yes, we DID just jump into things, but look at us now...~" He responded softly, his thumb stroking my cheek lovingly. As soon as he pulled the covers over my body, I felt my limbs go limp.

As quickly as I could, I grabbed Black Hat's arm before he could go, and pulled him down onto me.

I kissed his lips, then let my tendril put him back where he originally was.

He blinked, then chuckled, pecking my cheek before walking over to the bedroom door. He snapped his fingers and the lights dimmed before fully shutting off.

Opening the door, light once again poured into the room, and right before Black Hat left, he looked over towards me and whispered...

"Duerme bien, mi amor"

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