Chapter 16

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I summoned the keypad and typed in the passcode, the large door forming and opening.

As soon as I turned to the room, my jaw dropped, "FATHER?!?!"

He instantly perked up, his head turning to me, '(Y/n)?'

"(Y/N)?! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO-" Before Splendy could finish, my tendrils brought Black Hat's limp form into the room, making everyone cock their heads to the side.

But, I simply responded with a short-

"I'll tell you later"


We all sat in the living room in silence, waiting for the huge reveal.

Would Black Hat turn back to normal?

By now, Bill and Alastor came back with Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel and some instantly began placing bets.

"I think he'll still be his lustful side!! And go absolutely nuts when he finds us all in here!!" Bill laughed, floating on his back and Angel chuckled.

"I second that!!"

"No, I think he'll be normal again" A voice bellowed, along with the sound of a door opening and closing.

"Glad you two could make it back, I'm surprised you even came" I mumbled, but loud enough for the brothers to hear.

"Thiesis made me" Destrick sighed dramatically, then yelped as a long staff/cane smacked him in the back of the head.

"Shut up" Thiesis growled, then grinned as he teleported beside my father and began to simply chat with him.

Destrick on the other hand, started talking with Bill and Angel Dust.

As everyone was mingling with one another, I went into the kitchen, staring at Flug's limp form with a sigh.

"Hey, Thiesis?! Can you come here for a second?!?!" I yelled, only receiving a small 'sure'.

He teleported beside me, and instantly followed my gaze to the corpse.

"Just give me thirty minutes" He chuckled, snapping his fingers.

Thiesis, and Flug's dead body, disappeared within seconds, making me smile slightly.

You probably wondering, "What the fuck? What happened? Why aren't you upset about Flug's death?!?!"

Well, because I know he can be resurrected!! Yes... I just sent Thiesis to bring Flug back from the dead.

Mumbling random little things underneath my breath, I walked over to the taller cabinets, my tendril taking out a cup and setting it beside the sink.

I walked back into the living room, small glass of water in hand as I took my spot on the couch beside Boris, who glanced at me with a small smile.

Smiling back slightly, I began to 'speak' with him, wishing to have a conversation with one of the most reasonable 'person' in the room.

'So... what happened back at the hotel when Bill, Alastor, and I left?'

'Not much, other then that fella taking us here and lockin' us in that lab of his'

'I'm sorry..'

'Eh, its alright, wasn't your fault'


"(YYYYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH BLACK HAT?!?!?!?!?!" I heard a... familiar... voice yell, making me groan inwardly.

"Right, I forgot of Dementia's existence..." I grumbled, making Bendy snicker silently beside Boris.

'She used to be so nice...'

The lizard girl jumped onto the armrest beside me, a scowl on her lips as she grabbed the collar of my trench coat.

"You better tell me where he is or-"


Dementia turned, instantly shrinking down as Splendor stood there with a menacing grin.

"I think we would all prefer if you would get your filthy hands off of her" He growled as Dementia looked around.

Everyone was glaring AT HER.

"Why should I polka-dots?~ What'cha gonna do about it?!" She laughed, oblivious to all of the glares.

I could tell Splendor was about to snap, so I quickly spun around and kicked her in the chest. She flew back, instantly slamming against the wall with a loud yelp.

"Dementia, look around" I  yelled, standing up on the arm of the couch as I gestured to all the demons, murderers, ext.

She looked around at the group, her eyes narrowing by the second, "So what? They're just a bunch of-"


I winced, making an 'ouch' face as Alastor slapped her, making her head jolt to the left.

"Shut up you wrench" He growled before spinning on his heel and approaching me with his usual sinister grin.

He held out his hand, which I smiled and took as a friendly gesture, hopping down from the couch.

"I apologize, darling, for that performance..." He grumbled quietly, but I simply smiled.

"Its fine Al" He grinned, nodding before walking off to... talk? I'm not really sure...

"What a bitch..." Bendy whispered, only to be smacked in the back of the head by Boris.

"Yeah, yeah... profanity... I got it"  He grumbled, rubbing the back of his head as he rolled his toon eyes.

I giggled, quietly, but it was a giggle none the less.

"So... what're you going to do if he isn't the Black Hat you's were lookin for, toots?" Bendy questioned, making my gaze turn to the floor.

"I'm honestly not sure..."

Alice placed her hand on my shoulder, smiling, "I'm sure it'll all work out in the end... cheer up..! Your smile tends to brighten the mood..."

I sighed, side glancing at her with a half smile, "Thanks Alice"

She gleamed, nodding, "No problem (n/n)"

My eyes drifted back to floor as I began to question Black Hat and I's relationship... my smile soon fading to a frown.

'What if... what if it was that Black Hat all along..?'

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now