Chapter 4

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We both laughed and he quickly waved goodbye and shut the door behind him as he walked out.

That's when I heard Destrick yell out, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!?!"


"DONT REMIND ME!!!!" Destrick yelled back, making me break into a fit of laughter, but I froze as I heard Dementia laugh.



I turned to face Dementia, but she was already gone, screaming for my lover.

'She's going to lie to Black Hat and say I'm cheating on him!!'

As soon as I teleported into Black Hat and I's room/office, I was met with a ranting Dementia.

"-AND SHE'S MARRIED!!!" She finished, only then realizing my presence.

She stuck her tongue out at me as Black Hat stood with a deadpan expression.

"HAH!!! YOUR BUSTED!!!!" She yelled, doing a little happy dance as Black Hat walked in front of me with a smirk.

"How were the brothers?" I smiled at his expression, but yelped as Dementia smacked the back of my head, sending me right into Black Hat.

I was surprised for a few seconds before actually kissing him, and he quickly kissed back with just as much passion.

"Wh-WHY ARE YOU KISSING HER?!?!" Clearly, Black Hat was already fed up with the female experiment's attitude and pulled away with a forced smile, his eye twitching slightly.

He chuckled lowly, setting me on his desk with a soft smile that was only directed towards me.

"I'll be back in a second" And with that, he spun around and dragged Dementia out of the room and into the hall, shutting the door behind him.

It was silent for a few seconds before I heard Dementia scream, "SHE'S YOUR WHAT?!?!?!"

"MY WIFE YOU DAMN MORON!!!" Black Hat yelled back, and soon enough, he entered back into the room, rubbing his temples in annoyance.

He looked up at me, and his gaze softened, "Sorry about that, love... I know you only just woke back up from-"

He froze, staring at me as a tear rolled down my cheek, "I... I don't understand..."

He instantly ran to my side, lifting me off the desk and setting me on the cushion beside the windowsill. Sitting beside me, his thumb caressed my cheek, wiping the tear away.

"What ever do you mean?" He questioned, staring at me as I looked out the window.

Only then did I catch a glimpse of a few white, tall figures...

My father and uncles?

The four of them looked around before meeting my gaze, and they all seemed shocked as they noticed Black Hat there beside me.

"Black Hat..." He hummed as a response, twirling a lock of my hair in between his gloved fingers, seemingly in a small daze.

"What did you do..?" He instantly looked up, then followed my gaze.

'Shit'  He mentally cursed, making me look over at him with fear.

"What do you mean 'shit'?!? Black Hat, what did you do?!?!" He stood, grabbing my wrist and teleporting downstairs.

"FLUG!!!" He yelled, and to our surprise, he didn't answer.

We both ran to the lab, only to see the three housemates tied up. The lights flickered and almost right as they turned back on, my father, uncles and some of the CPs appeared with scowls.

"GIVE US OUR NIECE BACK, NOW!!!" Splendor yelled, his fists clenched.

"BLACK HAT WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHILE I WAS IN A MOTHERFUCKING COMA?!?!" He didn't answer, only glared at my father with pure hatred... and to be honest...

It was kind of unnerving.

When Black Hat didn't answer, Flug did instead and instantly got EVERYONES attention.


My face fell, and I blinked, staring at the floor in utter confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait... so you mean, you WEREN'T kidnapped?" Jeff questioned, making Black Hat shoot him a glare.

"NO!!" Black Hat raised his hand in front of him, showing off the black ring to the group, "We're together"

I looked at him, then mimicked his action.

I swear, it was so silent you could hear a pen drop.

Then, there was a thud, making me look over.

Father was on the ground, my uncles fanning him as his mouth ripped open, mumbling things underneath his breath as he curled up in a ball.

Then, Jane squealed while dancing around with a shocked EJ.

"My daughter... is... engaged-"

"Married, actually" Black Hat added with a sly grin, making my face turn bright red.

"WHAT?!?!"  The four yelled, teleporting in front of us either happy expressions, or very...


VERY angry ones.

"Why was i not informed of this-"

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!" I yelled, making everyone go silent as I scoffed, pushing past them.

"WOW!! I, heh, I had been in a coma for who knows how long, and wake up to my family having their memory erased, ALL of my friends thinking I was FUCKING DEAD, and TURNS OUT!! I almost died because of BOTH OF YOU!!!" I pointed at Black Hat and father accusingly, making their shoulders drop.

"YOUR SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME, FATHER!! BUT ALL YOU WANTED TO DO BEFORE WAS TAKE ME AWAY FROM BLACK HAT AND FIGHT!!! Did you know, that at one point you both actually fought..? Yeah, that scared the shit out of me and afterwards I apparently went into a COMA!!!" I was in tears by now, and i could tell by my father and uncle's shocked expressions that they were reading my mind, watching the memories go by.

"I need some air, I'll be back later, Black Hat... sorry to be a burden" And with that...

I teleported into a different dimension, to try and talk with someone...

((I think you guys are either going to really like, or absolutely hate the person she's going to go talk too...

Or should I say angel? ))

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