Chapter 48

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"If these kids wont kill you, I most certainly will YOU FUCKER!!!" I screamed, black tears streaming down my face.

He grinned, "Oh (Y/n), don't y'ah know? This dimension is on 'a loop!! I never killed th' boy"

"Don't try to play mind games with me" I laughed, then got into a fighting stance, "I'm much smarter than that"

We leapt towards each other, laughing.

"AND IT'S NOT LIKE IT MATTERS ANYWAY!! UNLIKE YOU, I AM IMMORTAL!!!" I kicked him off of my and across the cavern-like room, a malicious grin on my face.



I walked into the Hat Mansion, staring at the ground as I passed Black Hat.

Pennywise's and my own blood ran down my face and body, and once the male demon took notice of this, he grabbed my arm with wide eyes.

"(Y/n)..." He scanned me over with wide eyes before teleporting upstairs and into our bathroom, "What happened to you?"

He knew I could handle myself, and that I was immortal, so he was at least relived I came back here in one peace... even though he had no idea where I was and who I was fighting.

He turned to the bath tub, and turned on the water, waiting for it to get half way before stripping me bare.

"W-Well... I may or may not have gotten a call from a friend, who needed my assistance to take down a monster who looks like a clown and destroys worlds and eats children" I breathed, "Then, that clown monster, who was also my friend, KILLED the friend who called me, then threw me out of that dimension, which is weird because he doesn't have a portal gun and I can't go back to save the kids I used to know, who are also trying to save my friend that I love very much!!"

By now I was in tears, holding my head as Black Hat set me in the bath, turning off the water, "And through half of the fight, I was... useless... just floating in the air... unable to even speak"

"Sounds like a rough day..."

"Yeah, no shit" I grumbled harshly, causing him to pause.

I then sighed, smiling slightly, "Sorry... I'm just... upset"

He chuckled quietly, shaking his head, "It's alright, I can understand why you would be"

"You're too good for me, ya' know that?" I hummed, taking his hand in my own as I looked over at him.

He returned my smile, caressing my knuckle with his thumb, "Well, it's the least I could do after... what happened..."

He looked down at the tile floor, causing a frown to come to my lips.

I sat at the windowsill, awaiting for Black Hat's return from his errand, since I had nothing better to do.

'I'm surprised he still is even thinking about that...'

Then... my thoughts drifted from Black Hat, to the fight between Pennywise and I...

And what he said...

'Oh (Y/n), don't y'ah know? This dimension is on 'a loop-'

"What if... what if he was telling the truth..? What if... that dimension really IS on loop and Eddie is alive..?" I whispered, but then shook my head with a sigh.

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now