Chapter 25

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((Listen, I realize I made a few mistakes last chapter, but know that I am using Google Translate. And it is not always correct, so...))


"Sie haben meinen Sohn dazu gebracht, Sie in meine Basis zu lassen, haben meine Autorität bedroht und dann versucht, mich zu verführen (You conned my son into letting you into my base, threatened my authority, then tried to seduce me). Und meine Frage warum (And my question in why)" I stared at him in silence before breaking into a fit of laughter, my hands clutching my sides as tears brimmed the corners of my eyes.

"Okay, eins, ich habe Deutschland nicht dazu gebracht, mich in deine Basis zu lassen (Alright, one, I didn't con Germany into letting me into your base)!! Zwei, ich habe Spaß gemacht (Two, I was joking)!! Und drei, Ich wollte dich nicht verführen, so bin ich (And three? I wasn't trying to seduce you, that's just how I am)!!"

He watched as I calmed down, my back still against the door as I crossed my arms with a snicker.


"Du hast meine Frage immer noch nicht beantwortet (You still haven't answered my question)"

"Gut, ich bin hergekommen, um Sie zu bitten, dass Sie keine Männer in den eigenen Tod schicken, indem Sie nach mir kommen (Right, well, I came here to request that you don't send you men to their own death by coming after me)" He chuckled at my statement, walking in front of me with a smirk.

My face fell as his thoughts drifted to... ahem, very scandalous things as he stared down at me, his eyes going half-lidded.

"Ähm, ich denke, ich gehe besser, ich muss anderen mächtigen Ländern die Situation erklären, damit sie nicht ihre Truppen schicken, um mich zu jagen (Um, I think I better get going, I need to go explain the situation to other powerful countries so they won't send their troops to hunt me down)-"

"Ich habe einen Vorschlag (I have a proposal)" He interrupted, to which I responded with a chuckle.

"Sir, ich glaube nicht, dass Sie mir etwas anbieten können, das ich nicht habe (Sir, I don't think there is anything you can offer me that I don't have)~" I snapped my fingers, my villain outfit replacing my other attire.

I placed my mask on my face, waving to the male before teleporting back to the house.

The others jumped, except for BEN, who waved at me before continuing to play his game.

"How did it go?" The elf mumbled as I groaned.

"You don't want to know" I plopped down on the couch beside Russia, who was watching America and BEN play video games.

"Did Britain leave?" America nodded, smirking as I pulled off my mask and sat with my legs crossed.

Russia glanced at me, arching his brow as he looked over my outfit.

Before he could open his mouth to speak, BEN did, knowing I was already in thought.

"It's her 'villain outfit', she used to wear it when she would go out as the Ripper"

The three countries blinked, looking over at me, then back forward with quiet mutters.

I didn't bother listening in on the followed conversation.

Sighing, I glanced over at Russia before pulling my hood over my head.

'If I could manage with Third Reich... then I believe this should be a breeze'

I nodded to the country-human, signaling him to knock.

He did so, but instead of having the Russian male on the other side answer... he threw the door open with a scowl on his face.

But, his expression lightened when he saw Russia.

"Ох ... я не ожидал тебя, сынок (Oh... I wasn't expecting you, son)" Soviet mumbled, glancing at me, then fully turning to me with narrowed eyes.

"Кто это (Who's this)?" He questioned, while I tugged at the side of my hood in attempt to cover up my face a bit more.

Russia noticed my movement and swiftly responded, "Нам нужно поговорить с вами, наедине (We need to speak with you, in private)"

USSR stopped, looking back over at Russia with a nod. He walked back into his office, holding the door open for us...

Glancing at each other, we walked inside, the door shutting behind us as we stood in front of the desk that rested in the center of the large room.

Soviet rounded his desk, then sat in the leather chair as he let out a sigh.

"Теперь, что вам нужно (Now, what did you need)?" His hands folded in front of him, his eyebrow arching as Russia nodded to me.

I pulled down my hood, watching as the male narrowed his eyes with a scowl on his lips.

"Подожди, прежде чем что-то сказать (Wait, before you say anything)!! Я просто хотел сказать, что то, что все говорили, неправда (I just wanted to say that what everyone has been saying isn't true)!!" Russia yelled, causing his father to growl.

But... he didn't say anything...

"Меня зовут (да / нет) Эндер, дочь Слендермена ... Я пришел сюда, чтобы сказать вам, что (My name is (y/n) Ender, the daughter of Slenderman ... I came here to tell you that)-"

"Мне плевать на твою предысторию (I don't care about your backstory)!! Я хочу знать, почему ты здесь (I want to know why you are here)!!" He interrupted, causing me to sigh.

"You know what? Fuck it!! I'm out!!! Прекрасно (Fine)!! Не слушай меня (Don't listen to me)! Черт, Третий Рейх был более готов сотрудничать, чем вы, даже если он все еще был абсолютным мудаком (Goddamn, Third Reich was more cooperative then you, even if he was still an absolute asshole)!!!" I yelled, my eyes turning as I stormed out of the room.

---3rd Person POV---

Russia facepalmed, glaring at his father before running after the female...

Meanwhile, Soviet stared at his desk for a moment, recalling what the Ender had said as he let out a grumble.

"Может быть, это было не лучшее решение (Maybe that wasn't the best decision)..."

He abruptly stood, running after the two while muttering a mouthful of curses.

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