Chapter 22

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((Important A/N!! My other book had just ended and requests for a new book are now open!! Feel free to ask for anything!!))


"Hey, um, sorry about... earlier" I gave him a close eyed smile, nodding.

"Apology accep-"

"No, that earlier was really uncalled for, SO!! I'll make it up to you!!!" He grinned, then yelped as Russia grabbed him by the shoulder with a deadpan expression.


"You can stay at our place!!"



I sat on the baby blue couch, watching as the three countries bickered.

"This isn't a good idea!! What if-"

"HEY!! We were the ones who chased after her!! It's not her fault she felt threatened!!" America yelled back, earning a growl from Russia.

"Russia's right, you don't know what she even is..." Germany trailed off, the three turning to me afterward.

"Or... why she's here in the first place..." Russia finished, glaring at me... but his face fell as my heels turned a light blue... my head lowering.

"That... is a very valid point... but please... just listen to me for a second and... I'll tell you the entire story" I whispered, the three glanced at each other before slowly sitting on the other furniture around me.

Sighing, I slid my hands through my hair, leaning back as I stared up at the ceiling, "Where do you want me to start..?"

"Knowing why you're here would be great" Russia growled, while I simply nodded.

"I got into a fight with my spouse, and he told me to leave and never come near him again... then... I went to my father's home, but he kicked me out of there as well... so I decided to leave that dimension entirely, to protect my lover and friends"

They were silent as I looked around the room, humming slightly as a small smile made it's way to my lips... my eyes beginning to water.

Then, snapping back into reality, I quickly wiping my tears before clearing my throat.

Standing, I shuffled, stuttering quietly, "S-Sorry... maybe I should go, I don't wish to be a burden-"

"No" America grabbed my wrist, pulling me back down onto the couch with a look of sympathy.

"Your staying" Russia and Germany were silent, and simply nodded.

I looked down at the floor, nodding, bringing a soft smile to America's lips.

America showed me to my room, and helped me get situated, telling me where I can and can't go around the house.

I nodded to him, "Alright, so... I have a question"

"Shoot" He grinned, tilting his head as I stood.

"What is this... place? Not the house, but-"

"AMERICA!! GET DOWN HERE QUICKLY!!!!" We both turned as Russia yelled, our brows arching.

We both walked out of my room, looking over the staircase, America's face instantly falling.

"Ah... fuck" He whispered, biting his lip as Britain stood by the door with a scowl.

"The... UK?" I whispered, America groaned quietly, nodding with a frown.

"Yep... my dad..." I giggled, thinking back to my history lessons as we walked downstairs.

As soon as the country caught sight of me, his eyes narrowed, "So the rumors ARE true"

I tilted my head, crossing my arms with a chuckle, "Rumors?"

He scoffed, 'rolling' his eyes while America sat down on the couch beside Russia.

'Russame... it shall sail'

"Yes, rumors!! You brought this... THING, into your home?! ARE YOU MAD?!?!" He yelled, mostly to America, but it still hurt none the less.

"Thing? Excuse me, sir, but I am not a THING I am a ENDER... I'll have you know that my father is-"

"I didn't ask" He interrupted, my blood beginning to boil.

"AND I-you know what, it's not worth, this dimension is filled with more bullshit then the creepypasta mansion..."

America's eyes instantly lit up, and he was at my side so quickly I thought he fucking teleported.

"Did you say Creepypasta?" Britain groaned, facepalming while I stepped to the side.

"...yes" I mumbled, causing America to... squeal..?

"Those are just stories!! How many times do I have to-"

"No they're not, if you let me finish earlier, I would have told you that my father is Slenderman..."


They all slowly turning to me, watching as I stuck my hand out to Britain with a small smile.

"So, lets restart, hello... my name is (Y/n) and I am an Ender..." Surprisingly, he slowly shook my hand... causing the other's jaws to drop.

"Britain..." He mumbled, while I gleamed.

"Its nice to meet you, now, I don't mean to be rude but... what rumors? I am genially curious..." His face seemed to brighten slightly, and as a response, he nodded.

"Yes, well, lets walk and talk... it is more officiant that way"

Holding up my hand, I snapped my fingers, appearing in better attire.

I wore a white blouse and black leggings, my hands resting behind me as I looked over the other countries.

"Do you wish to walk with us?" They looked at each other and grinned, shaking their heads.

America mouthed a 'thank you', to which I responded with...

'Your welcome'

"They said I attacked them?" I questioned, walking alongside Britain as he nodded.

"Yes, and once they mentioned my..." He trailed off, eyeing something to his left...

I looked over, waving my hand in front of him, which he grabbed and pulled down... still staring off to the side.

Walking ahead, I turned to him with my hands on my hip, looking over to the side with my eyes slowly widening.

"So... um, what's going on right now exactly..?" I whispered, approached the sea of corpses.

"It is... hard to explain... but you should get back before-"

Stopping him midsentence, I held up my hand and snapped my eyes shut...




I turned abruptly, snatching the bullet as it cut through the air, a smirk on my lips.

((I apologize for the horrible chapter, but I have had a shitty day so..))

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