Chapter 32

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FOR THE IDEA!!! I am VERY grateful!! And to the others who suggested, thank you as well for participating instead of just allowing the book to end!! And just so you know... you are aloud to post how triggered you are in the comments because this chapter... oh dear))


I sighed, crossing my arms as I came to a stop, my gaze glued to the ground in front of me.

"I wish you would forgive me, mi amor..."

As I slipped my wedding ring back onto my finger, I reached my other hand into my pocket... pulling out the ruby ring that I gave to the woman I love.

I stared at it before snapping my fingers, a metal chain linking around it before I put it around my neck and tucking it into my shirt.

"I will get you back... for both our love-" I trailed off, beginning to trudge forward while narrowing my eye.

"-And my own sanity"


---Your POV---

I threw my bags into the air, allowing them to disappear into the mindscape.

What? Did you really think I would carry that stuff? No!! That shit's heavy as hell!!!

I chuckled, shaking my head before beginning to walk down the deserted road.

"Hm... nothing peculiar from what I can tell..." Humming, I held my hands behind my back professionally.

Where WAS everyone-

I Paused

Stopping in place as I heard sobs... and laughter..? And that usually would be a normal thing in the CP dimension, since anyone who entered the woods had a death wish... but now that I am in an entirely different place..?

It made me uncomfortable

I followed the noises, soon realizing that the sounds were coming from a group of children... or teens... with being as old as I am you kinda can't tell anymore!!!

Anyway, three 'teens' were there at a water bank, beating the hell out of... a kid...

I was about to step in, until a rock nailed the 'leader' of the 'group' in the head, causing him to fall over.

The kid instantly took the chance to run, and as my eyes followed him, I noticed something in the corner of my vision.

Six more humans came, roughly the same age as the kid.

"You losers are trying too hard" The 'leader' brought me out of my thoughts, "She'll do you... you just gotta ask nicely..! Like I did~"

I gagged at his actions, but then, I smiled slightly as one of the others yelled... chucking a rock at the 'leader'.

Soon enough, a fight broke out, all of-


I watched as the leader's henchfucks ran off, leaving the male on the ground, alone.

The children, on the other hand, helped the 'homeschool' kid away... disappearing from my view.

Then, as soon as they left, I ran through the woods and over to the teen who slowly began to get up.

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