Chapter 47

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((Warning, if you haven't seen IT Chapter 2, this WILL contain spoilers))

((And to tell you the truth, I'm just going off the clips I've seen for the movie... because I still haven't seen it yet))


They blinked, turning to me, "Why are you giving us this?"

"Because you are my friends, and the fourth to ask that today... anyway... OH!! And my dimension has my name written on the dial"

"Alright, it was nice seeing you four, but I gotta bounce!! Come visit me anytime, and bring your dads!!!" I grabbed the bag then opened another portal, jumping through it after waving.

"Alright... now, time for Eddie..."


Pennywise's... arm..? I have no clue, but anyway.

It coiled around Mike, the sharp blade at the end about to pierce his neck as Pennywise giggled.

The large clown opened it's mouth, his jaw opening widely... but before he could even nip at the adult male, a rock was thrown at his head, causing him to jerk back and turn.

I followed his gaze to Richie, and instantly tried to teleport beside him.

Keyword... tried.

I was stuck in the air... unable to move.

That's right, I was like the other kids who remained limp in the air...

But, for a different reason.

Pennywise had done this, not only because he didn't want me to get in the way, but he didn't want me to get included... hurt even.

Which I was thankful for, but this fight was going to end in his demise, and I knew it.

"HEY FUCKFACE!!" Richie yelled, "YOUR A SLOPPY BITCH!!!"

Pennywise dropped Mike, and gave Richie a menacing glare.

"YEAH, THATS RIGHT!!! LETS DANCE!!!" He yelled once more, about to throw another rock, "YIPPY KI YAY MOTHER FU-"

His body froze, the rock dropping from his hand as his eyes rolled back.

I wanted to scream, and leap into action!! But I couldn't move!!!

'Richie!! You may have been an asshole some times, but you were still my second favorite!!'

Richie began to float into the air, his eyes still facing Pennywise's rows of teeth and the deadlights that bored into his very soul.

I then noticed Eddie out of the corner of my eye, Beverly handing him a spear of sorts.

He hid, mumbling something under his breath as he closed his eyes...

Then, he threw it, and it hit Pennywise directly in the deadlight, making him instantly turn from Richie and cough.

My feelings were crossed, on one end I wanted to cheer for Eddie, but at the same time, I wanted to ask Pennywise if he was okay...

'Why did this have to happen?'

"Holy shit!!" Eddie yelled as Pennywise began to shrink slightly.

He slid down to Richie, sitting over him with a grin, "Hey, Richie, listen!! I think I got him man!!"

I then saw Pennywise get back up, and began o mentally scream at the boy.


But, by the time he actually heard me, it was too late.

Pennywise stabbed Eddie through the chest, instantly making him freeze.

"Richie..." Eddie mumbled shakily, then looked up at my body that rested in the air, "...(Y/n)..?"

Pennywise lifted him into the air, laughing, "UUUH OOOH!!!"

He then threw him off to the side and into one of the side caves.

I felt my hand curl into a fist, my blood beginning to bubble as my body dropped from the air. The clown took notice of this, and actually mumbled.

"Uh oh"

I landed on the ground in a crouching position, a crater forming around me as I stared at the ground.

I giggled... then chuckled... then broke into a fit of psychotic laughter, standing up to my feet as I threw my head back.

My eyes held a look of pure insanity and bottled up anger as I glared at Pennywise.

"I TOLD YOU TO LET HIM LIVE" I yelled, beginning to walk forwards.

My body grew in length, my arms coming down to my knees, and my hands turning to sharp claws.

"AND WHAT DID YOU DO?!" My voice grew more disoriented, deeper, and sputtered as black goop oozed down my mouth. 

"YOU KILLED HIM!!!"  I shrieked, then roared as my body shifted into the black skeleton-like figure, my hair turning stringy and going down to my hips as my eyes turned pitch black.

I turned to the other adults, and grinned toothily, "Go HeLp EdDiE"

They didn't waste any time, and ran to where Pennywise had thrown him.

Meanwhile, I jerked my head in the clown's direction, my neck cracking while doing so.

"If these kids wont kill you, I most certainly will YOU FUCKER!!!"  I screamed, black tears streaming down my face.

He grinned, "Oh (Y/n), don't y'ah know? This dimension is on 'a loop!! I never killed th' boy"

"Don't try to play mind games with me" I laughed, then got into a fighting stance, "I'm much smarter than that"

We leapt towards each other, laughing.

"AND IT'S NOT LIKE IT MATTERS ANYWAY!! UNLIKE YOU, I AM IMMORTAL!!!"  I kicked him off of my and across the cavern-like room, a malicious grin on my face.


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