Chapter 5

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"YOUR SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME, FATHER!! BUT ALL YOU WANTED TO DO BEFORE WAS TAKE ME AWAY FROM BLACK HAT AND FIGHT!!! Did you know, that at one point you both actually fought..? Yeah, that scared the shit out of me and afterwards I apparently went into a COMA!!!" I was in tears by now, and i could tell by my father and uncle's shocked expressions that they were reading my mind, watching the memories go by.

"I need some air, I'll be back later, Black Hat... sorry to be a burden" And with that...

I teleported into a different dimension, to try and talk with someone...


---Black Hat's POV---

"FUCK!!! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING YOU WHITE DAMNED TWIG!!!!"  I yelled, teleporting outside of the mansion with an angered expression.

'I just got her back, and I'm not losing her again!! Even if I have to trap her in the mansion, she will not leave me again!! I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN-'

I then froze, my eye wide, "No... stop thinking like that, Black Hat... she just needs some air and you WILL patiently wait for her to return..."

Teleporting back to our room, I sat at the window with a frown. My finger began to tap against my crossed leg, my patience wearing thin as a small voice began to fill the silence.

"ShE iSn'T cOmInG bAcK"

My head instantly turned, looking around for the voice's source.

It sounded almost like static, and was pitched differently with each syllable it whispered.

"Yes she will, I-"

"YoU dOn'T kNoW tHaT"

"ShE cOuLd Be wItH tHaT dReAm DeMoN fOr AlL wE kNoW"

"ArEn'T yOu MaD?"

"WhAt AbOuT tHaT rEd DeMoN fRoM tHaT hOtEl?"

"DoN't YoU lOvE hEr?"

"KiLl ThEm"

"ThEy ArE tRyInG tO tAkE hEr AwAy-"

"SHUT UP!!!" I yelled, my fist hitting the wall in anger.

They didn't stop, they only got louder. All i did was ignore them, and acted as if nothing was wrong...

Till there was a knock on my office door, making me turn with a scowl. Dementia peered her head into the room, and seductively smirked.

"She's gone Black Hat-"

"You think I haven't noticed you bitch, get out" I growled, but she only walked in and shut the door behind her.

"ShE wAnTs To TaKe ThE rOsE aWay!!"

"KiLl HeR!!!"

---3rd Person POV---

Only then did Dementia notice Black Hat's strange expression.

A pained, and angered toothy scowl on his lips, his hat casted a shadow over his eye and monocle... making them barely visible.

Dementia simply shook her head, her grin returning.

"You know, I don't even know why you love that freaky skank, she probably is just trying to bring attention to herself"

Wrong words.

Black Hat instantly snapped his head in her direction and sped over to her. Dementia's squeal was then cut short by a gasp escaping her lips as she was risen into the air.

His gloved hands wrapped around her throat, his tentacles doing the same, and he squeezed. She clawed at his arms, her legs swinging back and forth as she tried to inhale. He smirked, enjoying the feeling of her fear radiating off of her, it only made him tighten his grip on her.


"KiLl HeR"

Just as her attempts to hit him got weaker, he dropped her, a scowl returning to his lips.

Dementia sharply inhaled the air, her body trembling as she looked up at Black Hat with a terrified expression.

"The only 'freaky skank' here is you, and if you ever talk like that about my rose I will take you to the basement and torture you painfully, and slowly, until your death!! Then I'll hang your corpse on the wall as a warning for those who defy me" He bent down to her level, a smirk creeping onto his face.

"And that's a pRoMiSe~"

---Your POV---

My head lied in Alice's lap, her gloved hand stroking my hair as I finally stopped ranting.

"That must've been awful!! You poor dear..." Alice whispered, I only nodded, sitting up as Boris rubbed circles on my back comfortingly.

"What a bunch of assholes" Bendy growled, but snickered as Boris grunted at him, annoyed.

I sighed, rubbing my temples from the aching headache.

Your probably wondering why I'm sitting with BATIM characters...

Well, when that whole dimension thing went down. Black Hat and I teleported to an unknown city, and while we were searching for the main characters of this story line, we found Joey Drew Studios!! And I think you can guess what happened from there.

Bendy then took my hand, examining the wedding ring with a small smile.

"But that fella you got really seems to care for ya', doll" He stated, making Boris nod and Alice growl.

"Don't ruin it you filth" She growled, and they both instantly got in each other's faces while Boris and I sat down and watched.

"She's a demon too!!"

"Well she isn't a inky BEAST!! And deserves better than a low life like you!!"

"Whatever you say, no-wings"


"SHUT THE HELL UP AND KISS ALREADY!!!" Henry yelled from down the hall, making both of the toons turn in anger.

"HHHEEEEENNNNNRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!"  Bendy yelled, instantly turning into his large form and running after the other male.

"HEY!! HE IS MINE YOU SCUM!!!" Alice yelled, running after them.

Boris and I stared in that direction then looked at each other with a shrug.

"So, how have you been?"

'Good, other then their constant fighting'  He mentally answered, making me smile softly.

"Its relatable, I only woke up maybe... a few hours ago? And my father and Black Hat are probably fighting right now-"

I stopped as my ring began to glow brightly, and once I tapped it...

Flug's hologram was there with a worried, and terrified expression.

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now