Chapter 49

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"At first, I didn't mind, but when I saw you get shot at..." He trailed off, making a soft smile come to my lips.

"Awww..." I cooed, giggling as he smiled bashfully, looking away with a chuckle.

We then locked eyes once more, gently connecting our foreheads with small smiles on our lips.

His eyes then widened, and he swiftly pulled away, looking towards the window in our room with his eye narrowed.

"What is it?" I mumbled, gripping his arm with a curious expression.

"Hm... probably nothing..."


---3rd Person POV---

"Sir!! They almost saw us!!! You cant just take over the controls whenever!!!" Slug yelled towards the male in a white top hat.

But he was to busy staring at the screen.

"He has a girlfriend?" White Hat mumbled curiously, grinning at his brother's soft smile, "Awwww!!"

"WHY ARE YOU HAPPY?!" Slug, once again, yelled, while White Hat continued to gleam.

"I kinda want to meet her!! She seems nice" The paper-bag covered male facepalmed, then paused...

"Hm... what exactly IS her relationship with Black Hat..?" He hummed, going back to the drone's controls.

He zoomed in on the two as White Hat spoke up, "Maybe she's his girlfriend? Oh!! I wonder how long they've been-"

"Sir... I think they're much closer then that..." Slug mumbled, narrowing his eyes at their intertwined fingers.

White Hat turned towards the screen, his face falling as he saw the black wedding rings on their fingers.

"-together..." He finished, before his gaze darkened.

"I'm going out" He growled, causing Slug to arch his brow.

"Why?" He questioned curiously, weirded out by the sudden mood change.

White Hat didn't answer, and instead snapped his fingers, teleporting away.

---Your POV---

"We should probably get to bed, because I know for a fact that you are one hell of a grouch when you haven't had enough sleep"

He rolled his eyes, the corner of his lips tugging upwards, "I'm a grouch 24/7, and I like it, besides... I still have some work I need to do"

"Alright, don't stay up too-"

I was then interrupted by a loud ring, causing Black Hat and I to walk over to the window and look outside.

"Whoever is at that goddamn door had a death wish" He growled, before looking forwards with a blank expression.

'What is he-'

He then thrusted his hand forwards, turning it into a claw as it caught something mid-air.

Ignoring the glass shattering, he pulled the thing inside, growling.

"A drone?" I mumbled, watching as he tore it apart.

Flicking his wrist, the glass was fixed and he was gone. I simply assumed he went downstairs to see who the hell was at the door.

I teleported below as well, watching as Flug opened the door with a drowsy expression.

I didn't even get the chance to see who was at the door before Flug slammed it shut once more.

He spun on his heel, then froze as he saw Black Hat staring at him with a scowl, "Who was that?"

Flug gulped, about to answer, till the doorbell rang again.

I arched my brow, but then stepped forwards, "Here, I'll answer it"

Black Hat opened his mouth to object, but it was too late.

I opened the door after swiftly snapping my fingers, changing my outfit to my maid... bartender... thing...

My body went rigid as I was face to face with... Black Hat... but... different..?

Black Hat growled behind me, reaching over to slam the door shut, but the male grabbed it and pushed himself inside.

I was still in shock.

"Why are you here-"

"YOU GOT MARRIED AND NEVER TOLD ME?!?!" The other male screeched, tackling Black Hat in a tight embrace.

'Either this guy is extremely stupid, or has one hell of a pair'


"YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST INVITED ME TO THE WEDDING!!!!" The bright doppelganger shot up, puffing out his cheeks as he crossed his arms.

Finally, I snapped out of my daze, and threw my hands up in the air with a blank expression, causing the two to look towards me.

"Nope, it's too late outside, I do not have the energy to do this-"

"She has a sense of humor too!!" I huffed at his interruption, spinning on my heel to walk up the stairs... because it surprisingly uses less energy then teleporting.

But, before I could even take a single step, the pale male was in my face once more.

He took my hand in his own and shook it, grinning, "I'm White Hat, Black Hat's brother to be exact!!"

My eyes shot wide once more, "Black Hat's... brother..?"

'So... another demon?'

I looked over at Black Hat, who was glaring daggers at 'White Hat' as he began to ramble.

"Wow!! He sure does know how to pick 'em!! You are quite a sight, ya' know? Man, if I had known YOU were out there, I might've stolen ya from my brother!!" By now, Black Hat was bubbling with rage, and I was... uncomfortable...

'He may be charming... but... damn, he is WAY to fucking perky for my tastes'

I was about ready to throw down with this fucker, but Black Hat beat me to it.

He tackled him to the ground, yelling, "Quit flirting with my wife, White!!"

"AWW!!! You're giving me nicknames?!"

"Oh, I can think of a few nicknames for you!!"

"OH!! I'll call you BH, or... um... Blacky!!"

'Those aren't even clever...'

I swiftly grabbed the two with my tendrils, separating them before Black Hat could tear White Hat to shreds.

"Alright, break it up" I groaned, setting them down away from each other.

I then jumped as I felt something grabbing my tendril, and looked over at White Hat with narrowed eyes.

"Hm... interesting!! Did you install some sort of-"

"I was born with them... it's kind of something you have when your father is the Slenderman " I dragged the word, hoping the cheery demon would take the hint, but nope!!

"Slenderman, aye? Never heard of him!!" I facepalmed, dragging my hand down my face with a growl.

Black Hat looked over at me, then mumbled, "Can I-"

"Yes, dear Lucifer, yes..!" I whisper yelled, gently tugging my limb away from White Hat.

"WELP!! I'M TIRED!!! IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU WHITE HAT BUT I GOTTA BOUNCE!! BYE!!!!" I breathed, then swiftly teleported upstairs and into the bedroom with a sigh.

"What a day..."

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