Chapter 35

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"Nah, not just him... ALL of them... every single demon and friend I ever knew, all from different dimensions... even HE'S looking for me, trying to apologize... and whenever I arrived in this dimension, I felt guilty for not trying to talk to him... so... I'm going to wait till he finds me and see what happens"

"Well, that sounds stupid" I glared at the clown, who simply giggled as a response.

"I mean, really, if he caused you pain... don'cha think he should suffer? For yelling at you, scaring you, all those things were his fault ya' know!! And karma ain't to kind to folks like that"

I chuckled, smirking, "Oh please... you and I both know..."

"Karma don't do shit to things like us"


I poked at the floating kids, my tendrils keeping a tight hold on the toy structure.

"Holy shit, Pen!! How do you do this?!?" I looked down at him with a grin, to which he responded with a chuckle.

Then, we both went silent as yelling echoed throughout the sewers, it was the kids.

"You're about to find out" Pennywise growled, his eyes going from blue to yellow as he spun on his heel to make his way down one of the tunnels.

"Hey, wait a second" I teleported behind him, tapping his back.

He looked over his shoulder, arching his brow before fully turning.

I smiled, "At least spare Eddie, scare him all you want, but just let him live... please?"

He looked down in thought for a second, then looked back up at me with a grin, nodding.

But... my smile faultered as his thoughts said otherwise, matter of fact, he was going to kill the boy... not only for his revenge but just to spite me.

So, just as he turned around, my static filled the air, making him spin again with wide eyes.

My sockets turned, and my grin stretched, black goop dripping from my chin and tendrils.

"I sAiD pLeAsE"

My voice was a glitchy and thick whisper, like I was drowning and was screaming for help.

Then, just to add a little pizazz!

I summoned the souls of my kills, all of them groaning a moaning for help behind me.


'HeLp Us'

'She's insane!!'

'Run while you still can-'

I silenced them, all of their spirits were then absorbed my tendrils, their faces flashing in my eyes as I stared the clown down.




"Is that all?" He broke the silence, watching as I groaned.

"Come one!! Please!!! I need my ship to saaaaaiiiiiilllllllllll" He rolled his eyes, but snickered none the less at my childish words.

"And who do you ship?" He questioned, making me perk up with a large grin.

"Eddie and Richie of course!!"

By now, I was entirely back to normal, and even if he didn't act like it

Pennywise the Dancing Clown!!

Was indeed, very, afraid of the female before him.

I hummed, swinging my leg back and forth as I watched Pennywise 'fall' down the well.

Once they were about to turn towards me, I went limp, pretending to be unconscious.

"IT'S (Y/N)!! SHE'S OKAY!!!" Eddie yelled, running over to me as Richie clearly mumbled sarcastically.


'Jealous much?'

I felt Eddie grab my arm and shake me, to which I brilliantly responded with.

"Fuck off Jeff, let me sleep damnit..!" I slurred, then smirked as I heard them bust out laughing.

Silently, I opened one of my eyes and stuck my tongue out, "Hey"

Eddie jumped, then grinned as I sat up, "Thank god your alive"

"Of course I'm alive!! I'm immortal, as in... can't die?" They all blinked and simply... said...


As they all began to make their way out of the sewer drains, I walked over to the well with a smirk.

"You may be a good actor, but you didn't fool me... see you in a few years bud"

I waved to the kids before snapping my fingers, appearing in my villainous outfit.

"Bye guys!! Call me if you ever need me!!!" I yelled, opening a portal and jumping through.

Yeah, I know I said I would stay in that dimension... but hey?

Things won't get interesting till they're older!!

And... there are billions of different dimensions out there, there was a very low chance that Black Hat would just stumble upon this one.

So... I decided to go to a dimension BEN could access...

A game...

Entirely made...

Of cubes

((I apologize for the short chapter and hope you will forgive me, but I felt like that was a good place to end it and stopped writing!!))

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