Chapter 27

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"У меня есть более пятидесяти существ, ищущих меня, одно из них уже здесь, способное выдать мое местоположение (I have over fifty creatures looking for me, one already here with the ability to give away my location)!! Так что мне с этим достаточно иметь дело (So I have enough to deal with)!! Позже у меня будет встреча с вами обоими, поэтому, пожалуйста, позвольте мне разобраться в этой ситуации, если вы все не хотите, чтобы я покинул это чертово измерение (I'll have a meeting with both of you later, so please, let me figure out this situation unless you all want me to leave this damn dimension)!!" I yelled before spinning on my heel and powerwalking up the stairs and into my bedroom.

---3rd Person POV---

They all watched as the female slammed the door, flinching at the sound.

America walked out of his room, glancing upstairs before looking back at the others.

"Well... she seems pissed"


---BEN's POV---

As soon as (y/n) fell asleep, I snuck out of the room and looked over the railing, watching as Third Rape and Soviet left and the country... people... went towards their rooms.

I flew into the powercable, sneaking past Germany and Russia as they went into their rooms.

America had already disappeared into his colorful chamber, heh, so I flew downstairs and turned on the TV... gliding my finger across the screen to dial a certain pair of dimension numbers and location.

I continued staring the TV with a deadpan expression.

'Is she alright? What's going on?'  Slender questioned, growling as I rolled my eyes.

"No she's not 'alright'!! She practically soaked her pillows in tears before falling asleep!! She also has two more goddamn 'guys' after her, and I don't think they are very... how should I put this? Hm, up to date? Yeah, that's about right!! She told them what happened with Black Hat and how you kicked her out of the mansion-"

"Stop right there, what do you mean 'kicked her out of the mansion', Slender?"  Tender growled, Black Hat nodding with his eye narrowed.


"Slender kicked her out of the mansion because he was tired of her being around" I interrupted, watching as Slender jerked his head towards the screen.

'I DID NOT!!! I simply thought she needed to be an adult and-'

"SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!" Black Hat yelled, stomping forward.


"I was TRYING to protect her!!!"



"Ben? What are you dddoooo... ... " America trailed off, watching as I turned towards him slowly.

"I'm just gonna... yeah..." Swiftly, before he could run back off to his room, I leapt in front of him with a grin.

"Nono, it's fine... you like creepypasta... rrrriiiggghhhhtttt?~~" I smirked, watching as the country's face brightened.

"Yes, I love creepypasta!!" I draped one of my arms over his shoulders, which was actually nice since he's basically just as short as I am, and pulled him towards the living room once more.

"Hey!! Shut up and listen, these are the main inhabitants in this dimension-"

Slender, the other creepypastas, and Black Hat looked over with confusion as America gleamed... 'fanboying' while slowly turning more and more pale.

"Q-Quick question... does LJ actually live in the creepypasta mansion..!!" I blinked, then shook my head with a snicker.

Jeff shrugged, walking forward, "Nope, the monocrome clown lives in his monocrome carnival, he's in the kitchen if you want us to call him in here so he can answer you himself"


America fell to the ground, causing my arm to drop back to my side.

Looking down at him, I chuckled, "Fans"

Then, whenever I looked back up at the screen, I was met with a glaring Slender.





'What kind of dimension has people with country heads?!'

I rolled my eyes, shrugging nonechantedly, "I dunno, this one? but there isn't just countries!! You know how I said earlier about some guys hitting on (y/n)?"

Black Hat nodded, murmering to himself silently with a glare.

"Well, they're names? Third Reich and Soviet Union" Both Black Hat and Slender's 'faces' fell,  some of the others in the background choked.

Then, Black Hat swiftly shook his head, "You need to figure out what dimension you are in, now, Flug has already finished building a new portal gun"

Slender regained his posture and nodded, looking over at Black Hat with a 'scowl'.

Before they started arguing again, I shut off the TV and let out a breath... when I suddenly remembered...

Looking down at the unconsious country, I groaned, "Great..! Just goddamn peachy..."

---3rd Person POV---

As BEN lifted America off of the ground, a door slowly creaked shut... (y/n)s door...

She stood there, a scowl on her lips as she hastily lied back in bed.

Soon enough, BEN walked back into the room, and instantly collapsed on the second bed.




(Y/n) silently sat up, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder as she snuck out of the room and teleported downstairs.

"Your lucky you are like a brother to me BEN... otherwise I would abandon you here in this dimension in an instant..." She whispered, snapping her fingers and appearing in her villainous attire. Then... she teleported off...

((I'm not going to say anything other then requests for a new book are open))

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