Chapter 40

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His expression went serious and he quickly grabbed my shoulders.

"I'll go north towards Null and Lick"

"And I'll head to the other worlds, so that they don't get slaughtered by the other brines"

"Thank you.. both of you... but anyway, I'll get to my father and husband, then go to the east with the Steves"

We all nodded, then ran out of the castle, going in separate directions with blank expressions.

"I'm coming, Black Hat"


---Black Hat's POV---

I continued to follow (Y/n)'s aura, my thoughts running wild.

'What if she's hurt? What if she doesn't want to come back?! No, she stopped when I called for her, so she MUST want to come back!! Or it was all a trap and she just wanted to get rid of the portal gun... no she's not like that-'

"Jesus fucking Christ, Black Hat" I looked back at Offenderman with an arched brow, "Calm the fuck down, you're giving me a headache"

"Then quit reading my mind" I growled back, looking back forward with a scowl.

'You know damn well that we cannot help it'  Slenderman fired, his tendrils beginning to flick in different directions like an angry cat's tail.

"Guys, let's just focus on getting (Y/n) back, we don't want another fight to break out between you two and make the poor girl hate you both even more" We all immediately stopped and looked back at Splendorman with shocked expressions.




"Don't look at me like that, you know I'm right"

After he finished, we began walking once more... only to stop in place as we looked forward.

She stood there... just a few yards away, in a black blouse and jeans, her hair falling in front of her as she lowered her head.

I was the first to get over the shock, and I instantly ran towards her.

Lifting her head, she let tears stream down her cheeks as she took a few steps forwards. Her slow steps then turned to a swift pace... which soon broke into a sprint.

We got closer... and closer... then stopped as we are merely inches apart. My eye looking over her face, scanning her exquisite features to make sure I wasn't just seeing things...  

I reached up, then wrapped my arms around her waist and tightly embraced her, a shaky breath escaping my throat as I let a few stray tears of my own slide down my face.

"I... I missed you... so... so much..." I whispered, soon breaking into a sob as I held her tightly, "I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... please come back, I... I can't live without you..."

Shakily, I pulled away, my gloved hands reaching up to her cheeks to lift her face.

She was crying.

But a small smile made it's way onto her lips as her eyes met my own...

"...I missed you too..." She quietly murmured, sniffling slightly as she copied my movement.

I leaned into her soft touch, my eye going half lidded.

Her thumb wiped my tears away, "...I'm sorry..."

I kept repeating those words, my eye shutting tightly as I let out the tears once more...

But then... I froze, my eye flying open as green spread across my cheeks.

She kissed the tears, wrapping her arms around my neck as she embraced me like I did her.

"It's okay... Black Hat..." My cheeks cooled, and my face softened... a small smile coming to my lips as I dug my face into her shoulder...

She then abruptly pulled away, our eyes locking once more as her arms loosely draped over my shoulders.

"W-What..? What is it..?" I mumbled, franticly trying to figure out what I had done wrong at the few moments I had been with her.

My anxiety was then replaced with shock as she grabbed my tie, like she used to, and slammed her lips onto my own.

I heard Slenderman's struggle to keep himself calm, and smirked.

Swiftly, I wrapped my arms under her lower back and under her thigh, dipping her as I deepened the kiss.

Her eyes widened, then fluttered shut as she wrapped her arms around my neck, a blush creeping onto her face.

Once we pulled away and fixed out posture, we smiled at one another with lovesick expressions...

"I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"Did they just forget we were here or..?" We looked over as Offenderman spoke.

Me, with a deadpan expression, (Y/n)... well, she looked over with mixed emotions.

I walked over to them, while she teleported in front of the five.

---Your POV---

I opened my mouth to speak, but father rested his hand on my mouth with a sigh...

'Before you speak... I just want to say something...'

My eyes drifted from father to the ground, then back at him as I nodded.

'That day... I made a very poor decision, and instead of being there for you... I casted you away, and (Y/n)... as soon as I could no longer feel your presence I panicked... then I realized I had made the wrong choice'  I felt tears build up in my eyes once more, guilt washing over me like a tsunami wave.

He clearly felt my saddened aura, and instantly crouched down to my level and brought me into a tight embrace.

'I was blinded by my anger, and paid the consequences... now I only ask you this...'  He pulled away, gripping my shoulders as his 'expression' saddened. 

'Can you forgive me..?'

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