Chapter 13

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"What... what time is it..?" I whispered, sighing deeply.

Once I looked back at the two demons, my face turned crimson.

Alastor held a camera in his hand, a picture at his fingertips while Bill smirked mischievously, circling me as I plopped down on the floor with wide eyes.

"You sneeze like a kitten!! Just like Pine Tree, but when it's coming from you it's adorable!!!"



The next day wasn't very eventful.

We just all sat in random places in the living room, either reading, or making small short conversations.

I ended up on one of the couches, staring at the crackling fire in a daze.

'Why was Black Hat acting like that? Did I do something wrong-'

"No, you didn't do anything wrong (y/n), as I said before, that was just Black Hats emotions getting the better of him" Alastor looked up with his eyebrow arched, glancing at the both of us.

"Bill is a dream demon, he can read people's minds" I responded blankly, "Even if you tell him NOT TO!!"

"Hey, you can read minds too!! You and I both know we can't help it sometimes!!!" He yelled, flying in front of me.

Alastor just hummed, going back to reading his book with a small chuckle.

"So... how long do you think my father and Bendy will be able to hold off-wait..." I whispered, then covered my mouth with a shocked expression.

"What? What is it?" Bill grabbed my shoulders as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"Black Hat knows where we are..."

Alastor instantly closed his book and stood, "I'm afraid that's impossibl-"

"No... you don't understand..."

I lifted my wedding ring, then tapped it twice. A large map of the dimension was put before me, and all of our faces fell as we saw-

"Black Hat is already here..."

((I apologize for the short chapter, but I'm kind of... eh... I'd rather not talk about it...))

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