.:200 Followers Special:.

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((Still has nothing to do with the story))


"Fuck you..." He grumbled, making the girl smirk.

"You've already done that"

He looked at her, and for a split second, his eyes flashed black.

She saw it and knew exactly what it meant, so she decided to tease him even more.

"Welp, it has been a long day... night!!" She instantly turned her back to him, a large smile on her lips as she closed her eyes.

But she then froze as a tentacle slowly coiled up her leg, a deep chuckle from behind her making her shudder.

"Nice try, but you aren't getting away with teasing me like that~"


---Your POV---

I bit my lip lightly, but continued to stare at the wall.

'Come one (Y/n)... don't give in!!'

I shuddered as Black Hat's lips kissed the back of my neck, the tentacle on my leg beginning to tug at my short-shorts.

"You can pretend, mi amor, I know you're awake~" He whispered before grabbing my shoulder and pushing me onto my back.

My eyes widened, then went half-lidded as he crawled on top of me, "Hm, what ever will I do?" I faked, smirking as I draped my arms over his shoulders.

He chuckled, shaking his head before looking up at me.

His eye was pitch black, the white pupils barely visible.

"You really shouldn't tease me, (Y/n)" He growled, a grin on his face, but it fell as I giggled.

"But why? Your so easy to tease, and its cute when you blush" Just as I thought, his cheeks turned a bright green, like a leprechaun threw glitter at his face. 

I chuckled at the thought.

That tiny thing would be dead in two seconds flat.

"What's so funny?" He smiled, while I continued to giggle.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of how fucking adorable your blush is"

"I'm sorry, but the only thing cute here is your laugh" His eye turned back to normal, going  half-lidded as he spoke.

"Dear Lucifer, we're so cheesy" I laughed, sitting up as he leaned back.

He chuckled, shrugging, "It can't be helped"

"Yeah, but your horny side isn't having it, is it?" I continued to read his mind, blushing as his other side screeched at him for 'losing the chance to fuck me into the mattress'.

"No... no its not..." He groaned, sitting back against the headboard of the bed.

I giggled, teleporting on top of his lap and straddling him, instantly making his eye widen.

The other side of him went silent, as if the both of them had their full attention of me now.

And I kind of liked it.

My hands ran up his arms and over his shoulders, gripping them so I could pull myself closer to him. I dug my face into his neck, humming...

"You know Black Hat...~" I whispered seductively, listening to his other half as it whispered 'yes' repeatedly.

His hands rested on my hips then slid down to my thighs, pulling them up to his hips.

"It's late... and we don't want you to be grouchy tomorrow because you didn't get enough sleep" I pulled away, laughing as Black Hat and his lustful side both screeched-


He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now