Chapter 9

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Giggling, I pecked his lips before sitting beside him. He turned to me, propping himself up with his elbow as his other hand played with my hair.

Before long, my eyelids began to feel heavy. Black Hat seemed to notice and sat up, gently picking me up with him.

"Noooo..." I groaned, making Black Hat chuckle.

"Your still as childish as you used to be~" He smirked, while I glared at him... tiredly.

"Shut up" I giggled, crawling out of his arms and to my pillow.



I sat up abruptly, looking around the room with wide eyes.

"Uh... what was that..?"

"What was what?" Black Hat grumbled, rubbing his eyes.


"That..." I sighed, climbing out of the bed as Black Hat sat up.

"If its a hero, I swear to Lucifer I'll-"

"I'LL kill it... YOU need to sleep" I interrupted with a small smile, "And I wont take 'no', for an answer~"

I sat beside him and pecked his lips, making him smirk, "Alright"

"YAY!!" I squealed, hopping off the bed.

I cleared my throat while fixing my mask with a grin, "I missed this thing"

Without any second thought, I walked out the door with my tendrils flailing around me.


"(YYYY/NNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!" I yelped as I was tackled to the ground by two black and white flashes, who I ended up throwing into the gate.

Only then did I realize that the two 'figures' were Dark and Light.

They groaned, sitting up with pained expressions.

"I think we deserved that" Light mumbled while Dark growled.

"NO!! We were JUST trying to save her-"

"Save me? Why do I need to be saved?" I took the LED mask off of my face and teleported in front of the two with a frown.

"Dont tell me my father sent you" I growled, clenching my fists.

They sat up and stared at me with deadpan expressions, "No, your father did not send us, we went to the mansion and overheard them griefing about you being unreachable-"

"But I wasn't unreachable!! I CHOSE to be here!!!" I yelled, causing them to flinch as they stood.

"WELL, WE DIDN'T KNOW THAT!!!" Dark yelled back, stomping her foot angrily.

I sighed, holding the brigde of my nose before chuckling.

"You realize I'm married, guys... pretty sure you were-"

"YOUR MARRIED?!?!" They squealed, while I tilted my head with my eyes narrowed.

"Yeeeeessssss... you were there for my wedding..." They stared at me, then looked at each other with their eyes half-lidded.

"She's gone crazier since the last time we've seen her"


"NO!! I AM NOT-I am crazy, but not THAT crazy!! I have the pictures to prove it!!" I yelled, grabbing their hands and teleporting inside the living room with a scowl.

"BLACK HAT!!! WHERE ARE OUR WEDDING PICTURES?!?!" I yelled up the staircase, but got nothing as a response.

Groaning, I turned to the sisters, "Stay here and please dont do anything stupid"

I quickly teleported upstairs and into the office, looking directly at the male demon who continued to sign papers and not even taking a glance at me.

Sighing, I came to his side and rested my hand on his shoulder, "It wasn't a hero-"

"I know, it were those girls that threatened to torcure me if I broke your heart" He interupted, making me frown, "And the photos are in a box inside the basement"

"Why are they there?" I questioned, poking his cheek.

"I put them there when you went unconscious and please stop, I have work to do" He grumbled, tilting his head out of my reach.

I stared at him for a few seconds before silently walking out the door, shutting it behind me.

My hand glided from the doorknob to my side as I turned, slowly making my way to the old door that led to the floor below.

---Black Hat's POV---

As soon as she left, I let out a heavy breath, setting my pen down on the paperwork I had almost finished.

Slouching over, I held my head in my hands, closing my eyes and my breathing got deeper.

'I'm sorry dear...'

"Why did you do that?!"

"She probably hates you"

"You don't deserve her"

"Your fine, Black Hat, don't let them get to you..!" I grunted, taking my hands away from my face.

I leaned back in my large chair, my finger tapping the arm rest with a violent pace.

'She's not upset with me...'

I stared at the spot where she was at with a frown, my tapping coming to an abrupt stop.

'She probably isn't upset with me...'




I quickly stood and sped over to the door, but as soon and my fingers reached for the doorknob... I heard a different voice.

Side glancing at the cameras, I noticed those girls from before sitting beside (y/n), staring at the framed photos in awe.


"Yeah, too bad we cant remember it..."

Right, I forgot I erased the memories of the ones (y/n) holds dear-NO!! I did it to protect her and I's relationship!! 

"I guess, but that's the thing... no one seems to remember the wedding... or Black Hat..." (Y/n) mumbled, interrupting my train of thought.

"Suspicious, don't you think?"

She turned, her eyes wide before closing them a smile gracing her delicate features, "Not at all!!"

"I trust Black Hat, he wouldn't do anything to hurt my feelings, and if he did its usually unintentional" She stopped, then looked down to the floor with her eyes half-lidded.

"I love him... and I trust him with my life...~"

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now