Chapter 43

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As quickly as I could, I grabbed Black Hat's arm before he could go, and pulled him down onto me.

I kissed his lips, then let my tendril put him back where he originally was.

He blinked, then chuckled, pecking my cheek before walking over to the bedroom door. He snapped his fingers and the lights dimmed before fully shutting off.

Opening the door, light once again poured into the room, and right before Black Hat left, he looked over towards me and whispered...

"Duerme bien, mi amor"


My eyelids twitched before fluttering open, a yawn escaping my lips.

I made an attempt to sit up, but something kept me from even moving an inch.

Giggling quietly, I turned in Black Hat's arms, looking over his face as he slept.




"If you keep staring at me, you're going to end up burning holes into my head, mi amor" My face turned bright red at his statement, and it didn't help that at this point, his eye was open and half-lidded, and he had a smirk on his lips.

'Holy shit... I forgot how sexy his smirk was...'

My face cooled, and I smiled slightly, "It's not my fault your almost irresistible"

"Almost, eh?~" He arched his brow, his mint-colored teeth beginning to show through his smirk.

"Yes... I can barely hold myself back...~" I flirted back as he sat up and crawled on top of me.

"Really? Well, now you know how I feel~" He responded slyly, digging his face into the crook of my neck before beginning to nip at the skin.

"It's torture~~"  

I examined myself in the mirror, checking to see if I had put enough foundation over the marks that Black Hat had left.

One of the many cons of having sex before going out to dinner...

In public

I fixed the straps of my black, above-knee length dress, then teleported downstairs.

Seeing Black Hat had just finished lecturing Dementia, I smirked.

Silently, I crept towards him from behind, and just as I was about to jump at him in a hug, he spun around, grabbed me, and dipped me mid-air.

With a smirk, he looked down at me, "Your going to have to try harder then that, but good try, darling"

I blushed, puffing out my cheeks childishly, "Fuck you"

"Twice and in one day?~ You must have REALLY missed me to be THIS thirsty~~"

"BLACK HAT!!!" I screeched, my face beet red, while he simply let out a loud, obnoxious, laugh.

Black Hat and I sat at the dinner table, just mindlessly talking with one another.

"-took us around a week or two to move everything" Black Hat hummed, taking a bite out of his steak.

"Wow, in the CountryHumans dimension, it only felt like a couple of days..." He looked up at me, chuckling after swallowing the bloody meat.

"Yes, well, time is... strange..." I nodded in agreement, stabbing my salad with my fork before lifting it to my mouth.

"You know, there's a city nearby the island, and a villain that resided there contacted me once I had gotten downstairs earlier this morning" I paused, just about to put the bit of salad in my mouth.

My hand lowered, setting the fork back on my plate with a look of curiosity, "Really? Who was it?"


I chuckled, shaking my head, " Makes sense"

"How so?" He questioned, folding his hands in front of him with a smirk.

"She's a pathetic weakling, an oblivious piece of scum that can't even get a good hit on a hero"

Black Hat laughed at my statement, throwing his head back before looking at me once more. He took my hands in his own, smirking as my cheeks grew a light scarlett hue.

"I am so glad I met you~" He mumbled, bringing my knuckles up to his lips before pecking them with a chuckle.

"And I am so lucky to have you" I whispered, tilting my head with a small, soft, smile.

He mimicked my expression, intertwining our fingers with a satisfied sigh.

The two of us strolled through the park in silence.

But it wasn't an awkward  silence.

The quiet was calming, peaceful, and just nice in general.

I then looked over as Black Hat's gloved hand brushed against my own, smiling slightly. Taking his hand in my own, I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I felt his gaze land on me, and noticed his green grin from the corner of my eye as we continued to walk.

The Hat Mansion was just in the distance, and just as I was about to speak up, Black Hat stopped walking. I caught myself quickly, looking back at the male as he stared at me.

"Black Hat-"

"Shh... before we go inside, I want to do something..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist and shoulder.

I quickly caught on, and giggled, shaking my head as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"What if someone sees us?" I whispered, to which he responded with a shrug.

"I doubt anyone would be out at midnight, mi amor, and even if they DO see us... let them... let them know that we are together..." A soft melody played through the air quietly, and I swiftly took action as Black Hat began to move his legs.

I followed his lead, resting my head on his shoulder as we waltzed under the dim moon's rays.

It felt like a fairytale

"I love you, Black Hat" I whispered, leaning back so he could actually hear me.

He smiled softly, our dancing ceasing so he could wrap his arms around me tightly.

"I love you too, (Y/n)"

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now