Chapter 46

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'Looks like Black Hat's done with his little meeting-'

I yelped as I was roughly pinned to the wall, lips smashing onto my own in a rough kiss.

I wrapped my arms around Black Hat's shoulders, moaning quietly as he picked my up by my thighs and teleported upstairs into our bedroom.

Lets just say...

He wasn't lying when he said he destroys 'heroes'


I stood, er... my TENDRILS stood, still lifting me in the air as I loomed over Flug's shoulder

Not literally

I'm just standing behind him, watching him work on the portal guns.

Our plan was to give a portal gun to my friends in the other dimensions, instead of having to go get them on our own.

"Alright, I think that's the last one!! How does it look?"

"They all look the same, Flug" I giggled, causing his 'cheeks' to turn pink.

"R-Right... anyway!! You ready to go?" I hummed as a response, beginning to set the weapons in a bag.

He joined me, then grabbed his own poral gun and shot the wall.

"I have this one set to the dimensions you've already been too... Black Hat's orders..."

"Understandable" Slinging the bag over my shoulder, I took my portal gun out of Flug's held out hands and teleported forwards into the portal.

"Lets see, who do we have first?"

Huffing, I shot the wall with my portal gun, "That's the older ones, now it's time for-"

I stopped, my phone vibrating in my pocket.

Pulling it out, I looked at the caller ID.

"Unknown, eh?" I was hesitant, but then answered and put the phone on speaker.

"Is this (Y/n)?!" I blinked, tilting my head.

"Yes... who is this-"

"I-It's Eddie!! From Derry?! I-I know we haven't spoken in a long time, but I need your help..!" I immediately turned off speaker and put the phone to my ear.

"Eddie, in my dimension, that was only, like, a few days ago" He went silent before he mumbled.

"Well it was years for me..."

"I can tell, you don't sound like a squeaky balloon anymore" I joked, but he went silent once more.

Then... he quietly said, "Please... don't mention balloons"

I then understood, and a toothy grin instantly came to my face, "Let me guess, Penny's back? Go figure, I knew he was still alive... that bastard"


"Pennywise? The dancing clown-"

"Y-Yeah, I knew who you were talking about!! But why did you... call him that?"

"We're sorta friends, that's why I disappeared into the sewer all those years ago in the first place, we were just... talking, like normal demons"


"Huh? NO!! I said SORTA friends!! Hell, we're more frenemies then anything" 

He went silent once more, causing me to groan, "We're enemies because I wanted to protect you"




"So will you help us get rid of him..?"

'...I'll just watch...'


Then, I hung up the phone with a sigh, "Eddie... don't get yourself killed"

Hopping through another portal, I appeared in the Countryhumans dimension, bringing a smile to my face.

I teleported in front of the house I stayed in before, and gave the door are rhythmic knock.

Very faintly, I heard a muffled 'Hang on, I'll go answer the door'

It was America.

I giggled and pulled myself above the doorframe, my legs (that are beginning to actually work) holding me up.

The door opened, and America peered his head out.

Swiftly, I gripped the frame with my hands and hung upside down in front of him, my face shifting as I screeched, "SuRpRiSe!!!"

He screamed and fell back, scooting away and I leapt down from above the door and turned back to normal.

Laughing, I held my stomach, "W-WOW!! I-I wasn't e-expecting that to w-work so wel-HAHA!!"

He then grinned, ignoring what had just happened, "(Y/n)?!"

"And don't wear it out" I winked before helping him off the floor.

"(Y/n)?" I saw Germany and Russia sitting in the living room, now having large grins on their faces.

"Hey guys!! I have a present for you three!!!" I sat down on the couch and opened up the bag, then set the portal gun on the table.

"This is a portal designed for you guys, and it  goes to all of the dimensions that I have gone to" Russia picked it up, and examined it before looking up at me, "We tend to have a large amount of get togethers with all of my friends, and if you ever  made friends with one of them... well, their dimension is on there"

They blinked, turning to me, "Why are you giving us this?"

"Because you are my friends, and the fourth to ask that today... anyway... OH!! And my dimension has my name written on the dial"

"Alright, it was nice seeing you four, but I gotta bounce!! Come visit me anytime, and bring your dads!!!" I grabbed the bag then opened another portal, jumping through it after waving.

"Alright... now, time for Eddie..."

((Short chapter today everyone, but hey, we're getting closer to the end!! 4 more chapters and both of the Black Hat books will officially make an 100 part story))

((And she'll finally be able to start my fanfiction))

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