Chapter 29

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Snapping my fingers, I appeared in my 'humanish' attire, to make myself look a bit more normal.

Slowly, I began to make my way towards a female citizen, tapping their shoulder. They turned, crossing their arms with their eyebrow arched.

"Hello, um, could you please point me in the direction of the nearest bus stop?" They smiled.

"Oh, sure!! Just down the round near the skool" Then, she walked away, leaving me utterly confused.

'Um... Author... that isn't how you spell-Oh... OH!! Never mind, I get it!!!'


A grin came to my lips, I now knew EXACTLY where I was!!

Hell, Jeff and I used to watch this show all the time!!! He may act tough, but you should see him when he watched it!! He would fanboy as much as America did!!

My smile faded as I thought about Jeff and the other creepypastas...

Maybe I should go back..?

I shook my head, my eyes narrowing as I trudged forward, "No... I won't back down..."

After a little bit of walking, I finally made it to a familiar street, my smile from before reappearing as the 'skool' bell rang... children piling out with loud screams.

Then, there they were, the main characters, there in the 'flesh'.

Zim was running away from Dib, while Gaz simply made her way to their house down the street.

"This is so cool..!" I whisper yelled, before clearing my throat and shifting my face to a blank expression.

I watched as Zim and Dib were about to run past me, but I swiftly grabbed the back of Dib's shirt and Zim's pack, lifting them both up with a chuckle.

"Geez, you both are going to get someone hurt running around like that" They both squirmed in my grip, glaring at me while yelling random things.

"GET YOUR SMELLY HANDS OFF ME MEAT SACK!!!" Zim yelled, kicking his feet mid-air.

"For once, I agree with the alien!! Let go!!!" He yelled, but they both fell silent as I crouched down and set them back down to their feet with a smirk.

Clearing my throat, I 'fixed' my eyes, allowing my irises to glow (f/c) once more.

"Alright, but I mean it..! You should at least give Zim a headstart next time, Dib" I grinned, revealing my sharpened teeth as I stood.

Dib didn't seem to notice either of my returned features, but Zim did.

Spinning on my heel, I gave them a salute before shoving my hands in my pockets, walking forwards with a malicious grin.

'3... 2... 1'

"WAIT!!" I stopped, looking over my shoulder at the human with my eyebrow arched.

"How do you know our names?" He questioned confidently, looking over at Zim, who was still in shock.

I hummed, turning back to them with a smirk, "What? Did I say Dib? I don't think I did... did you hear me say that, Zim?"

Dib opened his mouth to say something with narrowed eyes, but he was interrupted by my laughter.

I arched over, holding my stomach as I laughed, "I'm joking, I'm joking!!"

Zim shook his head, growling as he watched me laugh.

After my fit of laughter, I let out a satisfied sigh, looking back up to the two with a smirk.

"You both should probably get home, who knows what will happen if Gir is left unsupervised for too long..! And the Professor will worry about you, Dib" Once again, they were shocked.

Dib stepped back as he finally saw my eyes and teeth, running off in a flash, leaving me with the small alien everyone loves.

I let out a breath of relief, holding my chest with a small smile.

"Okay, he's gone... sorry about that, just wanted to scare him off so we could talk" He watched as walked past him, towards his base.

Once I realized he wasn't following me, I looked over, "Well? Do you want to know what I am or not?"

He blinked a few times before running to my side, a scowl on his face as he stopped in front of me.

"How did you-"

"Inside, then we can talk, out here anyone could hear us" I looked around before looking back at Zim.

He turned his gaze to the ground in thought before walking up to the front door, opening it.

"Welcome home, son!" The robotic parents greeted him, causing me to silently squeal.

"This is awesome..!" I silently whispered, grinning stupidly as I entered the alien's base.

As soon as the door shut, I snapped my fingers, appearing in my villain attire once more.

"There, now we are inside, NOW TELL ME HOW YOU KNEW OF ZIIIIIIIIIIM!!!! And Gir"

"I also know you're and irken invader sent to earth by the Almighty Tallest" His jaw dropped to the floor, his arms dropping to his sides.

But, he quickly recomposed himself and pointed a random device gun-thing at my face, but I wasn't fazed.

"Tell me!!" He yelled, causing me to chuckle.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you" Slowly, he lowered the... thing, and glared at me.

"My name is (Y/n) Ender and I am from another dimension..!" I did little jazz hands, giggling with a close eyed smile.

"..." He stayed silent, staring at me with his eyes wide...

"That... that is an extremely stupid excu-"

I took out my portal gun, shooting the wall without a care in the world, smirking as he went wide eyed.

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