Chapter 26

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Russia facepalmed, glaring at his father before running after the female...

Meanwhile, Soviet stared at his desk for a moment, recalling what the Ender had said as he let out a grumble.

"Может быть, это было не лучшее решение (Maybe that wasn't the best decision)..."

He abruptly stood, running after the two while muttering a mouthful of curses.


---Your POV---

I paced back and forth in my room, BEN watching me with a smirk.

He stood, stretching as he walked over to my phone, "Welp, guess you screwed up... lets head home before things get to hectic!!"

I snapped my fingers, appearing in my 'normal human-ish' outfit from earlier before answering the elf.

"No... I haven't screwed up quite yet... I doubt USSR will send his troops after me when Third Reich is-"

"So we're not going home" BEN groaned, faceplanting into the bed as I nodded.

I continued to ponder, my mind wondering... before a yell from downstairs brought me out of my daze.

BEN perked up, glancing at me, "Do they need both of us... or... only you?"

"I think they only need me"

"Okay, bye" He mumbled, once again faceplanting into the covers.

I shook my head, chuckling as I teleported downstairs.

But, I stopped, my face falling as Germany grabbed my arm, "Um, please explain to me what the hell is going on..!"

I swiftly shook off his hand, ignoring his statement as we glanced around the corner... Russia and USSR yelling at one another.

'Did he follow us? And if he did, why?!'

"Russia!! What's going on?" I walked around the corner, both of them looking over at me.

Before he could respond, Soviet stepped forward making me cross my arms with a scowl.

"Почему ты последовал за нами (Why did you follow us)?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes.

He rolled his eyes, his arms mimicking my own, "Слушай, я пришел сюда, чтобы извиниться (Listen, I came here to apologize)! Я считаю, что раньше действовал глупо, и (I believe I acted foolish earlier, and)-"


We all looked over, our eyes widening as Germany yelled, "WAS MACHST DU HIER (WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE)?!?!"

Walking into the living room, all of our faces fell as we came face to face with a smirking Nazi.

I looked over at Soviet, watching as his face twisted into anger, Third Reich doing the same as I let out a loud groan.

"Can we just... not do this today?" America walked out of his room, looking at everyone before backing away, slamming his door shut with a 'nope'.

"Also, was machst du hier (So, what ARE you doing here)..?" Third Reich grinned, his eyes half-lidded as he stepped forward.

"Ich bitte einfach um ein ... Treffen ... mit dir (I'm just asking for a ... meeting ... with you)~"

Almost instantly, my bedroom door was thrown open, BEN flew down the stairs and came to my side with a whistle in his mouth.

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