Chapter 3

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She then appeared in her bartender-like outfit, making me clench the bedsheets slightly with a perverted expression.

'Easy, Black Hat... calm down'

One of her tendrils came out of her back and high-fived her as she jumped up in joy.

She then turned to me with a grin before tackling me to the bed in a passionate kiss. I was shocked then kissed her back as Flug hurried the others out of the room and exited with a small smirk.

We pulled away, panting slightly with grins.

"I missed you so much..." She hiccupped, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.

I gently kissed her tears away with a soft smile, "I missed you too..."


---Your POV---

After Black Hat and I's cuddle time, we both went out of the room and into the lab where the others awaited us.

For some odd reason, Dementia was being just... an ass!! I don't understand WHAT the fuck I did, but she seems to hate my guts!!

So, I walked up to her and tried to talk with her...

"Hey, Dementia!! Been awhile..?" It sounded more like a question than anything.

She gave me a weird look before commenting, "How do you know my name?!"

My face fell, and I nervously laughed while taking her hands in my own.

"W-What do you mean..? I-Its me, (y/n)? W-We were friends before i went into a... coma..." I mumbled, but she just took her hands away from my own with a scowl.

Before Dementia could make a snarky comment I walked over to Black Hat with a confused look.

"Black Hat" He turned with a grin, but it faltered as he noticed my expression.

"Black Hat? Where's my father? And why does Dementia suddenly hate me?" I questioned, my tendrils bringing me up to his eyelevel.

"Well..." He trailed on, now getting the attention of the others.

"Well?" I rose a brow, crossing my arms as I crossed my legs mid-air.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang making both of us turn abruptly.

"WELL I THINK I SHOULD ANSWER THE DOOR!!" He nervously shouted, instantly teleporting.

I blinked before running out of the lab and into the living room, hiding around the corner.

"-Look, I know your having a hard time with (y/n)'s death... but-" I quickly teleported beside Black Hat, meeting the Brother's gaze.

I squealed before tackling them to the ground.

"I know we really never got to know each other but it's still nice to see you!!!!" I breathed.

They both blinked before yelling, "YOUR ALIVE!?!"

We all sat up, me with a happy expression, Thiesis with a confused look, and Destrick with a perverted grin that instantly made me stand up.

My tendrils took their hands and pulled them up and into the house, leaving Black Hat at the door still comprehending what had just happened.

I pushed both of the brothers onto the couch, then sat across from them with a large grin.

"What...just happened..?" Thiesis questioned, blinking with a shocked expression.

Destrick shrugged before turning to me with a smirk, "When did you, well, 'wake' up?"

"Just thirty minutes ago" I shrugged as Black Hat sat beside me.

"Does anyone else know?" I shook my head with a smile.

"No, the both of you are the first to find out, sadly" Black Hat grumbled, pulling me onto his lap.

Both of the brothers looked at each other, then back at us with deadpan expressions.

"Have you told the Ender Brothers?" They both said in sync.

I stared at them with wide eyes, then looked back at Black Hat you had a nervous expression, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

"I... I have business to attend to!! I'll be back in a b-bit..." Black Hat stumbled, setting me on the couch before teleporting away.

"What was all of that about?" I questioned, earning a shrug from the other demons.

I turned back to the brothers with a soft expression before responding, "No, we haven't told them yet, I was about to when Black Hat went to answer the door... thus, leading to this"

"Hm, strange, anyway!! How've you been? Does anything hurt?" Thiesis breathed, shaking my shoulders with wide eyes.

I giggled, shaking my head, "No, nothing hurts except the fact that Dementia hates me"

"Yeah, we noticed" We all looked over, seeing a angry, yet curious, Dementia hiding around the corner.

Thiesis teleported back to his seat with a sigh, bring his gaze back to me.

"Do you know why? Last time I checked, you two were pretty close..." Destrick grumbled, looking over at his brother, who nodded in agreement.

"I'm not sure, I tried talking to her, but she just growled like an angry Pomeranian" I grumbled, crossing my leg over the other professionally.

"Well, at least you haven't changed" Thiesis chuckled, making me smile slightly.

"Yeah... you haven't, but what about Black Hat" Destrick mumbled, making me turn with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean?"

They both sighed, Thiesis stared right at me while Destrick leaned back on the couch, propping his legs up on the coffee table.

"Black Hat and Slenderman fought and you fainted-"

"Wait,wait,wait,wait,WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled, standing up abruptly.

They both stared at me with confusion as I ranted on about my father and Black Hat, and they slowly began stand and back up towards the front door.

As soon as I caught them leaving I sighed, "Please... tell me what happened before i fucking squeeze it out of you"

My tendrils flailed around in the air, making them both freeze on the spot.

"Look, your going to have to speak with Black Hat..." Thiesis sighed, making me frown.

"Alright, sorry, bye guys... it was nice seeing you both again!!" I gave them a close eyed smile, and Destrick quickly took the chance and teleported in front of me.

He dipped me and smashed his lips on my own before standing back up and running out the door, laughing.

I blinked before growling. Thiesis chuckled nervously and stopped in the doorway, "I'll deal with him, sorry"

I smiled slightly, and nodded, "Yes... please kick his perverted ass for me"

We both laughed and he quickly waved goodbye and shut the door behind him as he walked out.

That's when I heard Destrick yell out, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!?!"


"DONT REMIND ME!!!!" Destrick yelled back, making me break into a fit of laughter, but I froze as I heard Dementia laugh.


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