Chapter 6

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"So, how have you been?"

'Good, other then their constant fighting' He mentally answered, making me smile softly.

"Its relatable, I only woke up maybe... a few hours ago? And my father and Black Hat are probably fighting right now-"

I stopped as my ring began to glow brightly, and once I tapped it...

Flug's hologram was there with a worried, and terrified expression.


After Flug's explanation, I bid my goodbyes to the toons and instantly teleported into the mansion with a frown.

"Black Hat?" I called, but instead of seeing the male demon, I saw Flug and 5.0.5 peer their heads around a flipped table.

"What happened? Where's Black Hat?" I questioned, only to gain a low growl.

Flug and 5.0.5 shrunk down as I turned, wide eyed.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!?!"  Black Hat yelled, his demonic form towering over my own.

I blinked before nervously laughing, "I'm just gonna... go clean up..."

---Black Hat's POV---

I quickly teleported back to my office with a grumble, pacing back and forth.

'Should I apologize for acting like that? No, that'll be my last result, I act like that all the time anyway... maybe I should take her out somewhere saying I forgive her for leaving?'

"How gentlemanly~" I froze, then spun around to gold, grinning, demon.

"What are you doing here?!" I growled, making him burst into a fit of laughter.

"Calm down, Top Hat!!"

"Black Hat, and only Black Hat you dorito" He just gave me a deadpan expression before his smile returned.

"Well, I came here on business, I'm kind of... maybe... yeah, I'm having trouble with the pines..." He sighed, bashing his head against the wall with a scowl.

He then abruptly turned with a grin, "BUT!! I couldn't help but noticed you seemed to be in a crisis yourself!! You said you were going to take HER out!! You catch another one of those gals like (y/n)? Its a shame to see something as beautiful as her to go to waste-"

"BLACK HAAAATTTTT!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" Suddenly, the doors were thrown open, revealing a very... VERY angry (y/n).


She sped over to me and took me by the tie, bringing me down to her level.

"Where did you put it-"

"Its in my desk, I didn't want Dementia to destroy it... could you... go downstairs? I'm dealing with... someone" She turned, her face falling as Bill stood there, shocked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I got it" She nervously laughed, turning back to me.

I quickly reached into my desk and pulled out the box, handing it to her with a frown, "Your going out again?"

"Shopping" She mumbled, taking the box and teleporting away.

I flicked my wrist, and the doors shut once more. Leaving me with the surprised dream demon...

A grin slowly creeped onto his face and he immediately flew into the air, "Well, well, wellwellwellwellWELL!!!" 

He teleported in front of me, pointing his cane towards the doors.

"Last time I checked, you told EVERYONE that the little ender was dead!! Does Slender know?~" I nodded.

"Yes, she is very much alive and has been the entire time, and the brothers DO know... sort of..." I grumbled, standing with a frown.

"Back to business-"

"Ah Ah Ah!! Business can wait, tell me what happened before I go into your mind and seek it out!!" He smirked as my face fell, but then I grinned.

"I think we both know that you cant do that, and if you dare to threaten me again in my own household-"

"Fine then, I'll just ask Slenderman~" My hand instantly gripped his arm, making him chuckle as he looked over at me.

"He wont tell you anything" I growled, looking over.

The voices from before snickered, whispering things such as 'idiot' and 'weakling' towards the blonde.

He stared at me, his eyes wide before he shook off my grip and backed away, "Black Hat..."

"Black Hat, you need to listen to me-"

"I don't need to do aNyThInG, you fool" I growled, my hand gripping the edge of the desk as I arched forward in pain.

Thoughts swirled through my mind, the voices getting more and more aggressive.

"Black Hat, this is serious, you've been brought onto an extremely dangerous game... you need to get away from (y/n)-"

"WHAT?!?! No I wIlL nOt!! ShE iS-"  I yelled out agony, bashing my fist against the desk.

Then, the pain rapidly increased, my vision beginning to blur as a figure appeared in front of me.

---Your POV---

After teleporting into the office to inform Black Hat about Dementia being missing, I noticed he was yelling in... pain?

"Bill, what happened?" I questioned, rubbing Black Hat's back as he arched over.

Cipher instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the office, slamming the door behind us. He snapped his fingers and a few couches were suddenly propped up, making me raise an eyebrow as he frantically ran around.

"This is bad, this is bad, THIS IS BAD!!!" He yelled, tugging at his hair.

I grabbed his shoulders with a worried expression, shaking him slightly, "WHAT ARE YOU FREAKING OUT ABOUT!?!?!"

He stared at me before turning to the doors with a frown-

"I may hate Black Hat, but I actually feel pretty bad!! So, here's the easiest way to put it!!" He trailed off, while I froze.

"Black Hat is so infatuated with you that he doesn't know how to feel, and could kill us all at any moment"

I blinked, staring at him with shock...

'Well... that's a lot to take in...'

((Sorry its horrible, I'm just not in a very good mood today...))

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