Chapter 50

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"I was born with them... it's kind of something you have when your father is the Slenderman " I dragged the word, hoping the cheery demon would take the hint, but nope!!

"Slenderman, aye? Never heard of him!!" I facepalmed, dragging my hand down my face with a growl.

Black Hat looked over at me, then mumbled, "Can I-"

"Yes, dear Lucifer, yes..!" I whisper yelled, gently tugging my limb away from White Hat.

"WELP!! I'M TIRED!!! IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU WHITE HAT BUT I GOTTA BOUNCE!! BYE!!!!" I breathed, then swiftly teleported upstairs and into the bedroom with a sigh.

"What a day..."


I squealed, staring in the mirror in front of me with a grin, "FINALLY!!!"

I heard Black Hat shoot up in the bed, clearly confused, and giggled.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you..." I walked out of the bathroom, teleporting at the edge of the bed with a small smile.

He blinked, then looked over at me in confusion and annoyance.

But it was understandable, since I would do the same thing to him if he woke me up at six in the morning.

He scanned me over once more, before finally noticing the difference in my features.

"Did you... grow taller..?" I gleamed, nodding rapidly.

"Yeah!! Father told me that every ender gets their final growth spirt when they've been alive for long enough!!! And now, I don't have to lift myself up to kiss you" He smiled slightly, amusing by my excitement over growing a few inches taller.

Well, a few inches is an understatement.

"Anyway, I'm going to call my father and tell him... you go ahead and go back to sleep"

"No, it's fine, I needed to wake up around this time anyway-"

"Sleep" I interrupted, narrowing my eyes, "I'll do your work if it means that you'll be able to actually get a decent rest"

He blinked, scanning my face before shaking his head, "No-"

"Black Hat, dear"

"Yes, mi amor?"

"Sleep, please..?" I whispered, reaching over and cupping his face with my palms.

He was silent, then huffed, "Fine... just don't do that okay? I can't say no to those eyes of yours-"

"I know~" I interrupted with a giggle, pecking his forehead before coming back to my feet.

I walked over to the door, smiling slightly as I flicked the light switch up.

"Sleep well..."

Humming, I dusted the shelves, glancing over at the paperwork being held by my tendrils.

"Alright... father should be here any minute no-"

I yelped as the front door was thrown open, then growled shortly after, "Guys..! Black Hat is sleeping!!! Be quiet!!"

They ignored my statement and shut the door, Splendor swiftly speaking up before the others could.

"Look at you!!" He teleported in front of me, cupping my cheeks with a squeal.

"Splendor, let us at least SEE her~" Offender grinned, crossing his arms as he came to Splendor's side.

"Oh, I can't help it!! She's all grown up, finally leaving the baby state!!!"

He's Not the Same (Black Hat x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now