Chapter 34

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Eventually, I had read all of their minds, seeing everything... a toothy and jagged grin slowly making its way to my lips...

Sure, it was all pretty damn horrible...

But at the same time, this clown seemed... clever

Now I REALLY want to meet this sick fuck!!!


Swiftly, I fixed my posture and my expression saddened as I looked at the children.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that... especially you... Bill" He looked up at me, then at the floor... meanwhile, 'Richie' decided to speak up with a snarky tone.

"I thought you said you didn't know about the clown?"

I looked over at him, rolling my eyes, "First, I never said that exactly, I asked what you meant!! And second, I DIDN'T, but after reading your minds? WOW!! This fucker is more BATTY then Laughing Jack!!!"

They stared at me as I bent backwards, my head practically an inch away from the garage floor.

"And LJ is one coo coo monochrome clown that nobody want to fuck with" I mumbled, my tendrils holding me up as I went limp.

We all sat there, watching as Bill put the slide into the projector.

Quietly, he aligned it with the map pinned to the wall, "Look.."

"That's where Georgie disappeared..." He kept pointing at different areas of the map, while I temporarily zoned out.

'I wonder what this clown is like... is he like LJ? No... that isn't really his style...'

I continued to ponder, so deep in thought I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings.


"(Y/N)!!!" Eddie screamed, making me snap out of my daze.

Looking up, I arched my brow, "The fuck..?"

The projector went faster, the slides going so swift the photos looked like a movie.

Then, my eyes widened and the corner of my mouth twitched upwards.

'There you are'

The hair blew out of the 'female's' face, which was then revealed to be... 'it'.

"What the fuck-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?"

We all jumped up and stepped back, the children screaming, while I paused... staring at the screen.

'I have to wait...'

"Shut it off!!" Beverly yelled, making me turn abruptly.

"N-NO!! DONT-"

Mike kicked the projector over, but that didn't stop it...

It slowed down... the frames showing the clown with a dopey expression, as if Mike kicking the projector over made him faceplant into the screen.

This... made me giggle quietly... but I silenced as the slide changed...

It was gone

'Where did he go..?'

Then... my question was answered

He just suddenly appeared, larger then he was in the children's memories, a grin on his crimson lips.

"(Y/N)!! COME ON!!!" Eddie yelled, causing the clown's head to snap in our direction.

I blinked, then grabbed the kids with my tendrils and ran as fast as I could to the garage door and threw it open, swiftly... yet gently... tossing them onto the concrete.

I closed the door once more, leaving the clown and I in the garage as Eddie screamed for me.

Spinning on my heel, I was face to face with the demon, his head cocked to the side as his jaw unhinged and opened widely.

"No point, I'm immortal... and an adult... who is billions of years old..." He stopped, snapping back before staring me straight in the eyes.

"Demon" He grumbled, fixing his posture and going back to normal size, bringing a smile to my face.

I held out my hand, my irises shifting to (f/c) once more and my teeth sharpening.

"(Y/n) Ender, new to Derry and liking it already!!" He arched his brow, a grin coming to his lips as he shook my hand.


"Nice to meet you!! I gotta say, you are definitely different from other demons I've met!! In a good way th-"

"(Y/N)!!" The kids yelled from the other side of the door, causing 'Pennywise' to growl, while I simply smiled.

"Guess they're worried... that's adorable!! I'M FINE!! JUST BUSY AT THE MOMENT!!!!" I yelled back, looking out the window with Pennywise at my side.

They screamed as he peered out the other window, pointing at him as if they were warning me.

But I just giggled, sitting back down in the chair I was in before.

"Wow, are they always like this?" I chuckled, watching as he turned.

"Mostly, it's insulting if ya think bout it"

I laughed, shaking my head, "Tell me about it"

He grinned, sitting in front of me, crossing one leg over the other with a shrug.

"It is worth though in the end" I finished, looking down at the ground with a sigh.

"Anywho!! I was just curious, what's going on around this place? I just arrived in this dimension like a week or something ago and it seems pretty boring... other then all of the missing children and you" He tilted his head curiously, frowning.

"Dimension, eh? Where?"

"Creepypasta, my father is the Slenderman and my family is made up of a large amount of serial killers, and my husband is a evil overlord who sells products to get rid of heroes... yeah... it sounds really weird when I say it out loud, doesn't it?"

"Yes, yes is does" He responded with a snicker, while I huffed.

"Well, it isn't my fault..."

"Mhm, sure it isn't, your the one who married the man"

"Whatever!! What I was trying to get to was that, after my marriage, my spouse and my father got into a huge fight... and I went into a coma... everyone thought I was dead" I trailed off letting out a breath, "When I awoke, my spouse... changed... he was obsessive... I tried to help him, but I only made it worse..! Eventually, he turned back to normal, and we got into a fight!! He told me to leave and never come back, so I did!! I left, taking a portal gun with me... and I've been hopping from dimension to dimension to escape them"

"Them? You mean your pops?"

"Nah, not just him... ALL of them... every single demon and friend I ever knew, all from different dimensions... even HE'S looking for me, trying to apologize... and whenever I arrived in this dimension, I felt guilty for not trying to talk to him... so... I'm going to wait till he finds me and see what happens"

"Well, that sounds stupid" I glared at the clown, who simply giggled as a response.

"I mean, really, if he caused you pain... don'cha think he should suffer? For yelling at you, scaring you, all those things were his fault ya' know!! And karma ain't to kind to folks like that"

I chuckled, smirking, "Oh please... you and I both know..."

"Karma don't do shit to things like us"

((Oh dear Lucifer, Pennywise acts so OOC in this :'( ))

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