Chapter 15

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"W-Wait, but I was... I was just with Bill and Alastor, and you were still that other you..." She mumbled, then giggled as I tilted my head slightly.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know in the morning, for now?" I kissed her once more, and this time she kissed back. She tasted sweet, like a rich chocolate honestly.

And I couldn't get enough of it~

But, for the sake of the plan... I pulled away and hugged her close. I couldn't blow my cover...



---Your POV---

I smiled, singing a small tune underneath my breath as I swept the kitchen.

"...I can smell your fear, the only reason that I'm here... is to wreak havoc-"

"Hey (Y/n)"

"LUCIFER ON A CRACKER!!!" I screeched, jumping up before turning to Flug with wide eyes.

I giggled, shyly waving to him with red tinted cheeks, "Heeeeyyyyy Flug... pretend that never happened..."

"That what ever happened?" He playfully 'smirked', making me grin.

"Since when were you so talkative?" He shrugged and walked over to the fridge, pulling out random things that I didn't really pay attention to.

Continuing to sweep, I hummed lightly, "Hey Flug?"


"What happened after Bill took me wo Alastor's place?" I questioned, stopping in place as his shoulders jolted up.

"O-Oh... um, Black Hat went t-to go and get you, the different Black Hat, and we followed h-him and then... well, knocked him out... accidentally doing the same to you..." He mumbled, taking a sip from a random mug in his hand.

"We think when we sent him into a state of unconsciousness, h-his original self was able to resurface..." I turned, staring at him as he froze.

'No... no... no... clear your mind Flug... or Black Hat will-'

"Black Hat will what, Flug?" I pushed, interrupting his thoughts.

Then... his mind went blank...

He stared at me for a few seconds before collapsing, his eyes/goggles drained...

"F-Flug?!" I yelled, kneeling down beside him with wide eyes, my hands instantly going to his wrist.




There was no pulse

---'Black Hat's' POV---

I stared at the monitor with a scowl, then smirked, licking my lips.

"One down, two to go... then it'll just be the two of us~" Chuckling, I touched the screen, carresing the picture.

'She's so beautiful... so interesting... so... MiNe~'

'She's not yours!!'

I growled, rolling my eye before teleporting over to my desk, "Of course she is, I've claimed her in multiple different ways~"

"And besides, it doesn't matter~ Even if she tried to escape, I would find her, and it's not like you can do anything about it~" I chuckled, leaning back in the large chair.

'Why you-'

"BLACK HAT!!!" I jolted up, watching as (y/n) threw the doors open with a scowl on her lips.

"Even though that isn't really what I should call you" She growled, teleporting on top of the desk in front of me in a crouching position.


'Shut up'

"No, dont shut up!! Give me back the man I love, or else!!"  She yelled, grabbing me by the collar of my suit.

I chuckled, instantly grabbing her waist and pulling her onto my lap.

"What could a little thing like you... do to me?~ And it wouldn't matter anyway because if you hurt me, you hurt the original Black Hat"

But, my face fell as she growled, slapping my hands off of her and teleporting on the other side of the desk.

"First of all!! Don't touch me!! Second, are you serious?!" She laughed, but this wasn't her regular happy laugh... no.

Her laugh was sinister, unforgiving and cruel... evil~

She then stopped, her head tilted downward with her hair covering her face... creepily.

"But... you are right... if I hurt you, I will hurt the one I love... but you forgot one thing~"

She looked up, her eyes black... dripping a tar-like substance...

"He's immortal and can heal"

'This is... this is going to hurt...'

She instantly lunged forward with a hiss, but I swiftly teleported beside the doors with a frown, rolling my eye.

She growled, teleporting in front of me and instantly pinning me to the wall with her tendrils.

Grinning, she rose into the air..

"Nighty NIGHT!!" She yelled, her fist rising then...


---Your POV---

Once the male demon went unconscious, I instantly let him fall to the floor with wincing...

Actually, I yelled out in pain, "OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!"

I gently bit my fist, holding back groan of pain.

'Why is his head so haaaard?!?!'

I then sighed, repeatedly shaking my hand as I stared at the limp Black Hat.

"At least it knocked him out..." Mumbling, my tendrils lifted him up and... held him in the air.

What was I going to do if the wrong Black Hat is still there? 

What will I say to the original Black Hat about Flug..?

Questions... so many questions...

Grumbling, I teleporting into the lab and over to the secret room where Black Hat kept me when I went into a coma.

I summoned the keypad and typed in the passcode, the large door forming and opening.

As soon as I turned to the room, my jaw dropped, "FATHER?!?!"

He instantly perked up, his head turning to me, '(Y/n)?'

"(Y/N)?! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO-" Before Splendy could finish, my tendrils brought Black Hat's limp form into the room, making everyone cock their heads to the side.

But, I simply responded with a short-

"I'll tell you later"

((Sorry I hadn't updated in so long... I had writer's block for the first time in my entire Wattpad life))

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