Chapter 33

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I grabbed a pen from my other pocket, then wrote down a few... little words, "I really want to help you, Eddie"

"So... if you are willing to except my help, say this" He took the paper, then looked back up at me with a fearful look.

I spun on my heel, pulling my hands behind me as I walked off the porch.

"What are you..?" He whispered, making me stop in my tracks.

I glanced over my shoulder, smirking, "Nothing much..."

"I'm just the villain, who is looking to be a hero in this story"


I sat there patiently, watching from the shadows as Eddie left his house and got on his bike.

Yeah, I have been watching him since the day we met...

But, with good intentions!!

I was curious... and wanted to meet the creature that was following us that day!! And because I couldn't just give him my phone number since BEN will find my phone...

Annnnnd, that paper was bullshit.

Staying hidden away, I followed the boy, who soon enough joined the kids from before.

"G-GUYS!!! I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!!" He yelled, jumping off his bike and approaching the others.

"W-Wh.. What is it E-Eddie" My heart ached... my face saddening as I thought about the others...

But, I swiftly shook my head, grinning as Eddie pulled out the paper I gave him.

"I-I met this... lady... yesterday..! A-And she wants to help us-"

"You sure she doesn't want to just put us in a mental hospital?" A boy with curly black hair interrupted, causing me to let out a breath.

'Wow, they really ARE like the Creepypastas...'

"What? NO!! And besides, before she left, she... told me something" He mumbled, causing them to arch their brows.

"What? What'd she say?"

"She said... 'I'm just the villain, who is looking to be a hero in this story'... and gave me this" He showed them the paper, the writing confusing them.

Actually, it was just Norwegian, so he could have just looked it up and figured it out what it meant...

"What the fuck? No, your fucking with us" The curly haired boy scoffed, causing Eddie to fume.

"NO!!! HERE!! I'll prove to you it's real!!!"

He was hesitant at first before mummering, "Jeg... t-tilkaller datteren til skogdemonen (I... c-call the daughter of the forest demon)..."

I grinned, popping my knuckles before teleporting into the nearby shaded area beside them, my (f/c) irises glowing.

"SEE!! It's bullshit-"

"Hello Eddie... you called..?~"  My dark hum made them turn, seeing my eyes they screamed, even Eddie.

But, then he realized it was me and smiled slightly, "H-Hey (Y/n)"

I giggled, walking out of the shadows, still in my villainous outfit. Giving the kids a close eyed smile, I came to Eddie's side, ruffling his hair.

"Sooooo... you needed me-"

"WHAT IN THE HOLY FUCK IS THAT THING, EDDIE!?!?!" The boy screeched, causing me to look over at him.

"Rude, but ignoring that... my name is (Y/n) Ender!!" I held out my hand to them, but they didn't bother doing anything but stare with wide eyes.

I huffed, bringing back my arm, "Tough crowd"

We were all silent, before something to the side caught my attention...

I glanced over, my eyes narrowing and a smirk coming to my lips, "Looks like your 'friend' wants a round two"

They looked over, groaning as the bully from before stared at them while passing by in his car.

We made eye contact, and my face fell...

The male was... different... off.

I stopped when I felt it, the thing was watching us again, causing me to narrow my eyes.

"Eddie... it's back... we need to get somewhere else..!" I whispered, making them all gasp.

"We c-can go t... to my house" We nodded, but right as they got on their bikes, I grabbed them with my tendrils and teleported into an alleyway, causing them to scream... but I just covered their mouths.

"Shh... just think of the place... and I can take us there... we can buy time that way... okay?" He nodded, closing his eyes as I started reading his mind...

Got it

I teleported into the boy's front yard, letting go of them and retracting my tendrils before snapping my fingers.

Wearing my human outfit, I sighed, rubbing my temples as they stared at me... terrified.

They sat down, whispering to one another as they watched me pace back and forth, "So... what is she..?"

"I dunno... probably some science experiment... part human, part octopus" I stopped, looking over at them with a chuckle.

"Dear Lucifer, you are STILL trying to figure out what I am?" They nodded.

Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers once again, appearing in my usual attire.

You know... the gifts

"Oh god, not another clown" The boy, known as 'Richie' groaned, while I froze.

"Clown..? Well, first off, I am NOT a clown!! And second... what do you mean 'another one'?"

They glanced at each other before 'Bill' sighed, it was only then that I decided to read his mind once more...

Eventually, I had read all of their minds, seeing everything... a toothy and jagged grin slowly making its way to my lips...

Sure, it was all pretty damn horrible...

But at the same time, this clown seemed... clever

Now I REALLY want to meet this sick fuck!!!

((Dear Lucifer... I apologize for this... horrible, HORRIBLE, chapter))

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