Chapter 14

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Alastor instantly closed his book and stood, "I'm afraid that's impossibl-"

"No... you don't understand..."

I lifted my wedding ring, then tapped it twice. A large map of the dimension was put before me, and all of our faces fell as we saw-

"Black Hat is already here..."


As if on cue a dark chuckle echoed around the hallways around the mansion, giving the once thought beautiful place a even more eerie vibe.

We all looked around, the two males instantly getting into a protective stance.

"Mi amor, ¿REALMENTE pensaste que podrías esconderte de MÍ? ~ Tsk, eso es lindo ~" 'Black Hat' appeared in front of us, his shadow hollowing into a sly grin as he caught sight of me behind the two confused demons.

"What did he say?" Bill whispered, glancing at me with his brow arched.

I glared at him, signaling that it wasn't the best time for jokes.

'Black Hat' shook his head, rubbing his temples, "Its Spanish you fool"

"Oh, well, I don't speak Spanish" Bill shrugged, his overly cocky attitude beginning to piss me off.

Alastor quickly got the message that I was clearly irritated and hit Bill in the stomach with his mic, sending the demon to the floor with a low giggle.

"Why you little-" Bill lunged at the scarlet demon, sending them both barreling to the ground.

I stared at them, them turned abruptly to the grinning 'Black Hat', who was only inches away from me.

Yelping, I made an attempt to jump back, but his gloved hands gripped my waist tightly, making me wince.

"O-ow... Black Hat stop... that hurts..." His claws slowly dug through my waist, allowing a liquid to slide through the cuts.

"You shouldn't have left"

I tightly gripped his arms, tears beginning to form in my eyes as I stared up at him.

He flinched, his body freezing in place as I cried, "Please... don't be like Z... Zalgo..."

I saw a swift memory flash through his eyes, and he instantly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest as my knees buckled.

"I am not like that filth"

He then gently took ahold of my chin, making me look up at his dark eye... and sinister, evil, grin.

"I'm much worse~"

Then, darkness...

I sat alone in my mind in utter shock, darkness surrounding me as I came to a conclusion with tears in my eyes...

"Black Hat isn't coming back..."

---Black Hat's POV---

I watched as the two other demons finally stopped fighting and looked over at me with their eyes wide.

"How did he-"

"You both are irresponsible dimwits, and without this little trinket, your helpless~" I cooed, waving the portal gun in the air, before crushing it in my hand.

"HA!! Now how will you escape?!" I arched my brow, grinning at the blonde idiot's stupidity, while the red one just sighed... holding the bridge of his nose.

"I just leave the same way I got here, I teleport~" And with that... I teleported back to the Hat Mansion with the small ender in my arms.

I walked down the hall and into the lab, passing the other sealed rooms with a grin, "Look who I have~"

"(Y/N)!!" Splendorman yelled, making the other brothers go to the bars of their cells with dark growls.

'Leave my daughter alone you-'

"Oh calm down you twat, I have different plans for her" I grumbled, clearing my mind so they, well, couldn't read it.

That was the only problem with Flug's newest invention... he couldn't weaken all of their powers, just their strength and teleportation, but of course they couldn't use their tendrils.

Due to the shot that Flug gave them as they were unconscious.

"FLUG!! Where the hell are you?!" I yelled, watching as he ran around the corner in a sweat.

"Y-Yes, mister Black Hat sir!!" He stuttered, then stared down at the female in my arms.

"Take her upstairs and in our room, make sure you lock the doors and inject the-"

"YES SIR!!" He yelled before I could finish, grabbing the ender and the shot, swiftly beginning to run out of the lab.

"What your doing isn't fair to the doll!!" I turned to the ink demon as he banged his fist on the wall, the other toons glaring at me.

"She loved you!! And what do you do?! You hunt her down like an animal!!" 'Alice' yells, standing up and stomping over to the bars.

I teleported in front of their cell, towering over them with just my shadow.

"And I love her, but what she did was a mistake, she should not have ran off" I growled, spinning on my heel with a smirk, "Besides~"

I powerwalked over to the lab doors, looking over my shoulder at the creatures as I opened them with the flick of my wrist, "She'll get her punishment~"

"KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!!!" Slenderman's lower face area ripped into a mouth as he threw his fist at the bars repeatedly, but then, he only lowered to the ground shaking his head.

'You'll regret this' Trendorman growled, but sighed as Sexual Offenderman shook his head.

"(Y/n) will never forgive you for this" He mumbled, his fedora tipped slightly as he leaned against the wall.

I chuckled, walking through the large doors and slamming them shut behind me.

Then, a scowl overtook my lips as I leaned against the wall, rubbing my temples.

"Geez, they're annoying"

I then grinned, shaking my head before teleporting upstairs.

Sitting at the edge of the bed beside (n/n)'s limp form, I moved a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, then caressed her cheek.

I crawled beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist and gently bringing her to my chest.

"Don't worry, my little dove... they're not in our way now..." I lifted her chin slightly and brought my lips onto hers, smiling as her eyelids twitched.

Swiftly, I turned my eye back to normal, so that she wouldn't know it was still... well, me..? Its hard to explain.

I pulled away with a smirk as her eyes finally opened, then widened at the sight of me before her.

"B-Black Hat..?"

"Shh... calm down... I'm here..." I whispered as tears streamed down her face, a smile... a bright smile... on her lips.

"W-Wait, but I was... I was just with Bill and Alastor, and you were still that other you..." She mumbled, then giggled as I tilted my head slightly.

"I'll tell you everything you need to know in the morning, for now?" I kissed her once more, and this time she kissed back. She tasted sweet, like a rich chocolate honestly.

And I couldn't get enough of it~

But, for the sake of the plan... I pulled away and hugged her close. I couldn't blow my cover...


((I gave you all a longer chapter today, and I hoped you enjoyed... well, you probably didn't enjoy what just happened but... I'll just stop typing now...))

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