Chapter 28

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(Y/n) silently sat up, grabbing her bag and throwing it over her shoulder as she snuck out of the room and teleported downstairs.

"Your lucky you are like a brother to me BEN... otherwise I would abandon you here in this dimension in an instant..." She whispered, snapping her fingers and appearing in her villainous attire. Then... she teleported off...


---Your POV---

"Ты уверен (Are you sure)? Я не хочу быть грубым (I do not want to be rude)..." I mumbled, smiling slightly as USSR waved me off with a shrug.

"Все хорошо, я искренне рад, что вы пришли сюда вместо (All is well, I am sincerely glad that you came here instead)-"

"Пфф, я бы никогда не спросил Третьего Рейха, могу ли я остаться с ним (Pff, I would never ask Third Reich if I could stay with him)" I interrupted with a snicker, rolling my eyes at the thought.

Soviet chuckled, watching as I plopped down in the chair in front of his desk with a sigh.

Dragging my fingers through my hair, I looked at the floor, "Это не будет долго ... как только Бен узнает, что это за измерение, он скажет моему отцу, и мне придется уйти (It won't be long now ... as soon as Ben finds out what dimension this is, he will tell my father and I will have to leave)"

His face saddened as let out a shaky breath, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"Почему это должно было случиться (Why did this have to happen)..?"

I didn't look up as I heard shuffling, boots clicking as they touched the floor.

Soviet stopped in front of me, crouching, coming to eyelevel with me... a small smile on his lips.

He cleared his throat... let out a breath, then...

"I... it is okay..." He mumbled, swiftly pulling me out of the chair and wrapping his arms  around me tightly.

I froze, my eyes glossy, then... I dug my face into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around him as well.

"благодарю вас (Thank you)..." I whispered, snickering as he stuttered.

"а-в любое время (A-Anytime)!!"


I yawned, sitting up with a quiet hum.

Looking around, I sighed, shaking my head...

'Any day now... Black Hat will arrive and I'll have to go somewhere else...'


I jumped up, running out of the room I was staying in while snapping my fingers, 'changing' into my villainous attire.

Once I found the cause of the explosion, I was horrified and saddened.

'So much for a few days...'

Father instantly snapped his head in my direction, his ripped mouth causing me to flinch and take a single step back.

"(Y/n)..." Black Hat looked over as well, his eye widening slightly as Soviet came to my side with a scowl.

I glared at BEN as he flew beside my father, my uncles appearing as well with sad expressions.

Leaning over, I quietly whispered, "Я вернусь через несколько недель ... пока, советский (I'll be back in a few weeks ... goodbye, Soviet)"

He nodded, then growled as Black Hat spoke up... even though he couldn't understand him.

"(Y/n), please come back home..! I-"

"No, I am not going back home... with either of you" I interrupted, causing father to narrow his 'eyes' and scowl.

"(Y/n), I am your father-"

"Oh, go ahead, pull that card!! I don't give a flying FUCK what you have to say!! You both said you wanted me to leave, so I did!!!" I screamed, tears blurring my vision before rolling down my cheeks.

"Please, (y/n)... I love you... and I only wished to keep you safe..." Now, Soviet understood THAT.

He looked over at me, then back at Black Hat with a scowl, "(Y/n), иди сейчас ((Y/n), go NOW)!"

All of their 'eyes' widened as Soviet and I ran back into the base, sliding into his office and quietly shutting the door.

"Спешите и будьте в безопасности (Hurry and be safe)! Я расскажу всем, что случилось (I will tell everyone what happened)!!" He wrapped his arms around me, then pulled away as I took out my portal gun and spun the dials.

"Been there... no... this one!!" I shot the wall, smiling and waving to Soviet before snapping my fingers, my bags appearing. Swiftly, I grabbed them with my tendrils and leapt through the portal, rolling across the ground as it shut behind me.




"...Where am I now..?" I whispered, pulling myself up from the ground.

My bags disappeared off into my invisible space above as my tendrils retreated into my back once more...

Pulling my hood over my head, I began to walk around... trying to figure out where the hell I am.

It appeared to be a normal town, normal houses and people...

Snapping my fingers, I appeared in my 'humanish' attire, to make myself look a bit more normal.

Slowly, I began to make my way towards a female citizen, tapping their shoulder. They turned, crossing their arms with their eyebrow arched.

"Hello, um, could you please point me in the direction of the nearest bus stop?" They smiled.

"Oh, sure!! Just down the round near the skool" Then, she walked away, leaving me utterly confused.

'Um... Author... that isn't how you spell-Oh... OH!! Never mind, I get it!!!'

((T_T Well... there goes the fourth wall... ANYWHO!!! I am sure someone out there who reads this will figure out what I meant!!))

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