Chapter 36

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((The video above is just for your enjoyment, it has nothing to do with the chapter))


Yeah, I know I said I would stay in that dimension... but hey?

Things won't get interesting till they're older!!

And... there are billions of different dimensions out there, there was a very low chance that Black Hat would just stumble upon this one.

So... I decided to go to a dimension BEN could access...

A game...

Entirely made...

Of cubes


Rolling across the ground, I laughed, giggling as I stared up at the sky.

I looked at me hands...

They were normal?

I expected them to at least be a little 'blocky'

But no, they were perfectly normal!! As was the rest of my body...

Maybe it's different on the other side of the screen...

Getting up to my feet, I shoved my portal gun into my secret inside coat pocket then slipped my mask over my face.

"I wonder if I'm on a random world or if I'm on someone's server..." I hummed, then shrugged.

I began walking in a random direction, mostly trying to get out of the open and to a forest of sorts.

"Why couldn't the game just spawn me in a d#mn dark oak-" I slapped my hand over my mouth after hearing the beep.

"What the f#ck" It did it again!

Letting out a groan, I leaned back, "Great... fan-f#cking-tastic"

I groaned again, shaking my head, "Stupid game"

Continuing to trudge forward, I let my eyes turn to the sky.

"I wonder if BEN has realized I'm here yet... probably not, seeing as of the fact that he isn't ignoring the f#ck out of me right now"

The sun slowly began to reach the horizon, and perfect timing too!!

I let out a breath, humming, "It's not my best work... but it'll do..."

Actually, to others, my 'house' looked like a fucking rich bitch's mansion... plus three.

Yeah, it was huge.




Teleportation, and tendrils, come in handy when it comes to Minecraft building!! And practically anything else!!!

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

Strutting into my house, I shut the door behind me, and stretched.

"Uggggh... either, go to sleep and mine in the morning... OR... be an absolute moron and go mine now..." I trailed off, then glanced back at the door with a smirk.

"Welp... that was lame" I mumbled, trudging back to my house with half a stack of iron and two stacks of coal in my inventory.

"And, there were no mobs to be seen!! Which is strange, especially since it was-wait... is this world on peaceful?!"

I pulled up the settings, glancing through them with a quiet hum, "No... it's on normal..."

Shaking my head, I opened, then closed the door behind me with a slam.

"Then, where were the mobs? Did they some how... I dunno... 'sense my presence' or something and run away?" I chuckled, jokingly...

Not realizing that my words caught the attention of a certain... no, not a, but a large NUMBER of 'creatures'...

"I mean, at least one enderman or somethin would have been nice... hey, if you think about it, we're kinda related!!" I laughed, setting the iron and coal in the furnace.

Teleporting upstairs, I went into my bedroom, "Ah yes, sleep"

Walking over to my bed, I flopped down, giggling childishly.

"I must find an enderman, and convers with it in a way... THAT IS MY QUEST!!!!" I yelled, teleporting up into the air and flopping down on my bed once more with another childish laugh.

Then, letting out a deep sigh, I dug my face into the comfortable, white, sheets of the Minecraft bed.

"Holy crap, this thing is comfortable..." I yawned, then shot up as a thud came from downstairs.

"What the f#ck was that..?" I ignored my bleeped curse and silently teleported onto the ceiling downstairs, looking around for the strange noise.

'Could it be a mob? No... I placed torches everywhere... so it has to be something else... players maybe? Nah, I don't think so..'

My patience ran low, and I quickly hopped down from the ceiling and got into a fighting stance...

Just as I did so, another thud echoed throughout the house, but this time... from upstairs?

I teleported into the chest room upstairs, then screamed, jumping back as a figure leapt towards me.

We both tumbled across the floor and into the hallway, the figure soon pinning me down.

"WHAT IN THE HOLY F#CKING H#LL ARE YOU DOING IN MY GODD#AMN HOUSE?!?!" I shrieked, bleeps filling the air as I continued.

"GET THE H#LL OFF OF ME BEFORE I F#CKING CRIMATE YOU, YOU MOTHERF#CKING DIPSH#T!!!!" My tendrils flew from my back and around the 'person's' throat, taking them off of me and holding them in the air.

Once I was actually able to register what was going on, my eyes landed on the thing that entered my home...

And I was... shocked...

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